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LBP Fonts

Archive: 5 posts

Hey, I am in need of a font. I have tried making one before several times and everything is going wrong. I have come here to ask the kind folk of LBPC to either please make me a Font (Credit will be given) or give me tips! I beg of the community to help, so please if you have the time for a fellow sack mate. Thanks and Goodbye

2012-12-02 00:47:00

Posts: 167

Mr_Fusion has a level called Community Font Kit

36 fonts availabe. It does sometimes take a bit to load.
2012-12-02 00:58:00

Posts: 3458

I myself like this one from LBP1
2012-12-02 03:06:00

Posts: 408

I myself like this one from LBP1

Make sure when you get a copy of the objects to save a new copy of them and delete the prize bubble version. Otherwise they are uneditable. Or something. Did they ever fix this?

Also, I highly recommend Mr Fusion's level as well, although the fonts are gigantic. To use them have a font building level and load the font up in there. Build your word(s) and save them then use them in your actual level. Those tips should save you a lot of frustration.
2012-12-02 04:33:00

Posts: 1239

Thanks guys 2012-12-02 11:34:00

Posts: 167

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