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Functional Fire Engine

Archive: 4 posts

Hi guys you may have already seen my 1 layer vehicles thread, this is sort of a mini showcase to my new vehicle.

Fire engine

I based it on a British style fire engine and tweaked parts to suit my liking.I also followed the advice to use the slice and dice tool to add more detail, I think it may have worked for this type of vehicle. It has Headlights, Hazard lights, 3 seats and of coarse the siren. I also made this Fire engine considerably fast. Its mainly in a prototype stage, because a plan for it to move my automatic vehicles out the way when the siren is engaged. I will also improve the stickers in future.

So what do you think?

Ahhhhh............ my Fire helmet now has purpose
2012-12-01 12:39:00

Posts: 175

looks pretty sweet! Nice work.2012-12-03 04:44:00

Posts: 8424

Good job I like it. My only complaint is a Ladder. You should put one on top cause it looks kinda bare up there.

If you need any help making a ladder I'm free. We can make it operational and everything.
2012-12-03 14:53:00

Posts: 108

Good job I like it. My only complaint is a Ladder. You should put one on top cause it looks kinda bare up there.

If you need any help making a ladder I'm free. We can make it operational and everything.

Nice idea my only problem is that im not sure we can make a ladder with 1 layer (since i don't have access to the sticker panel either). Although i was thinking of putting a ladder on a separate model. Still i suppose i could, since when i checked back to the image i worked with i noticed there was a ladder on top (smacks head). Thanks for advice.

2012-12-03 20:56:00

Posts: 175

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