Archive: 11 posts
Good afternoon fellow sack people. I'm new to LBP Central, but have been looking to share feedback for quite some time. I'd love some feedback or comments on my new (and very first) published level. I'm willing to give feedback to the first 10 people. After that I'll give feedback as I'm able of course! ![]() http://lbp.me/v/gtj168 http://lbp.me/v/gtj168 | 2012-11-29 23:46:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ok, as promised I played your level and here are several things to say about it. The very beginning of your level need a camera shot to show clearly where the jump button is hidden so players wont have to go searching for it. There's a button that gave unlimited 500 point per use. That does'nt seem very rewarding when it's infinite. The area where the floor is slippery and the ceiling is on fire was almost impossible to get across. I'd suggest increasing the height a bit. Unfortunately there's way too many things that I can go on about that needs work on. I'm sorry if I sound abrasive but the best thing I would recommend would be to play a lot of levels and use that for inspiration to create your next level. Still, I commend you for trying. Good luck on your future endeavors | 2012-11-30 03:33:00 Author: tripple_sss ![]() Posts: 250 |
popped into the queue | 2012-11-30 04:53:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Hey man I appreciate it. I will definitely play more levels. I know a few of the obstacles are rather difficult. I didn't know that button continued to give out 500 points I meant to attach a counter to limit it to only once when the pad dissipated, and don't worry I didn't find you overly abrasive ![]() | 2012-11-30 05:04:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hi ![]() This is really no offence, just a honest review. I have to agree with Triple. Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the level. I played it with a friend an we weren't able to master the passage, Triple described above. For my taste, the level is a lttle bit to dark. We haven't seen anything. Nevertheless there are some nice ideas and I bet your next level is a little masterpiece ![]() Keep on creating! ![]() Your F4F: I don't want to force you to play one of my levels, but if you want and have some time, I would apreciate it, if you try out this one: http://https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=73463-2012-The-Mayan-Prophecy (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=73463-2012-The-Mayan-Prophecy) | 2012-12-01 16:38:00 Author: avundcv ![]() Posts: 2526 |
Hi ![]() This is really no offence, just a honest review. I have to agree with Triple. Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the level. I played it with a friend an we weren't able to master the passage, Triple described above. For my taste, the level is a lttle bit to dark. We haven't seen anything. Nevertheless there are some nice ideas and I bet your next level is a little masterpiece ![]() Keep on creating! ![]() Your F4F: I don't want to force you to play one of my levels, but if you want and have some time, I would apreciate it, if you try out this one: http://https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=73463-2012-The-Mayan-Prophecy (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=73463-2012-The-Mayan-Prophecy) Thanks avundcv! Wow, I never knew that **** obstacle would end up being soo tough. The idea is your running on glass. So stop running 3/4 the way down the hall. Jump and slow your sack person down. He'll get a slight burn and be boosted up to the glass behind him. Then you just jump up to the right. Either way, I'm realizing now, the obstacle needs to either be tweaked or gotten rid of. I've queued up your level and will be playing it as soon as my girlfriend gets finished with Merry Christmas Platform. Thanks again for the review! | 2012-12-01 18:47:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ok, just played the level. My feedback: Difficulty: - I think I died more then 200 times, it should be less if you ask me ![]() - It was way to dark at the grapple part, also I had no clue what the light did (the green and the red one), after a while I noticed that it moved a block up and down which I could grapple too, but I couldn't see! Make it less dark or use a camera to show me. - then there was a block of ice where I had to jump to, but I had so much speed I couldn't slow down to avoid the fire on my left, after I while I made it, but it was frustrating, I think you should fix it by removing the block of fire above me, so I can jump to slow down. - then there was this part where I had to swing to the other side and had to jump from a block that was going up to a block that went moving down, that part I died so many times I got your 'how about a little help message', but I had no clue what this message did, I still died a lot after that and finally I made it (without this so-called help), so give me help or make it easier (I suggest the latter) Looks: - I think the level looked a little boring, of course it is your first level, it had only a few blocks glued together, your level is a quest in a mine after all, add some carts and rails and some tunnels with elevators and whatnot, and it is way more interesting looking, of course it is your first level, but focus on those things next ![]() - Use lights in your level, nothing wrong with a dark level, but light up places of interest makes your level less frustrating and more beautiful Overall: Ok first try, but add more detail and make it less frustrating, what I did with my first level, is playing through all the tutorials first, this not only helps you creating, but gives you ideas to, because your level was more of bunch of traps glued together, if you want variety in your level you should play those tutorials, it can give you great ideas for a level, good luck! ![]() Ok, here's my level, after you played it, review it in-game, or post it in the thread: Level: http://lbp.me/v/yq70hj Thread: Sack Raider: The Gauntlets of Power (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=75961-Sack-Raider-The-Gauntlets-of-Power-(1-player)) | 2012-12-01 19:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yes, I agree that it is a little too dark, but I also think you don't need more light, but more clever lighting points. The very first section is the example I will use. you swing along in the dark with fire below you. Then you doe, as the grab points on the roof run out. and you cant really see that, nor can you really see the safe landing zone, where you are supposed to land. A few subtle shafts of light to highlight these areas will really help out ![]() | 2012-12-02 01:12:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Yes I agree that the level is a little difficult, and I have written a how to above for getting past the ice/fire obstacle. The idea behind the level being so dark down there is that you've reached the bottom of the mine and its time to start going back up through the layers. I know I didn't fully achieve this effect and it could probably be tweaked a little bit. As for the assistance message. Once your sack person dies from the electricity pad to the right of the "ledge" it activates a checkpoint above that, so you don't have to pass by the first two swinging things. I appreciate your criticism, and yes the level does look a little boring. Your level has been queued up | 2012-12-02 18:09:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Just qd it will edit this post later ![]() https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=76272-Aztec-Jungle-Gold-Hunters ![]() | 2012-12-08 15:44:00 Author: Tanuki75 ![]() Posts: 172 |
You have the right idea with this level, it has the basics to make a good platformer. My suggestions to you, your level presentation needs work. Visually it wasn't appealing, this is understandable since its your first published level. Use more ambient lighting and sound effects, parts of the level were entirely too dark. It was unclear what to do, and became frustrating due to difficulty. Balance your difficulty, and make sure that players have at least a general idea of what they should be doing. Use game cameras, use lighting to show direction, play platformers to get an idea of how they should be designed. Also, use the grid when creating. Good luck with your creating. | 2012-12-15 22:53:00 Author: Bluephantom575 ![]() Posts: 142 |
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