Introducing The Ghost Creators - Sono
Archive: 12 posts
http://i3.lbp.me/img/ft/e73639cd51cf22f0133e6761b2d33b68169dfb79.jpg In part four we go one on one with 'he of many names'. To borrow a phrase, Where his identity may be in doubt, his genius is not. So settle in, kick back, because this one's a classic... Introducing - Sono! Creator Name: Sono ![]() Creator Age: 15 Region: Canada PSN: SonofaSack96 or Sono-It (Vita) http://lbp.me/u/SonofaSack96 http://vita.lbp.me/u/Sono-it Twitter:N/A Published Levels: LBP1 -4-5 LBP2 - 8-10 LBPV - 1 Hi Sono, Lets start at the beginning, What is your first LBP Memory? Turning on LBP1 for the first time :'D I also remember my little 5 year old bro asking me why Steven's voice sounds so funny xD He was too little to understand accents, but it was still quite funny. So what was it that first hooked you about LBP? Create mode. When I saw the commercial for LBP, I couldn't care less about the storymode snipits they put in there, but more of the create mode parts. I have been addicted to create-your-own games for as long as I can remember. Tony Hawk games, RCT, Sims, and now LBP. Can you tell us about the first level you ever made? Ohh this brings back memories. The name of the level was "Everest". It was made out of Basic Stone and the Dissolve material. It was ugly, VERY ugly. Yet, I still published it thinking I would get hundreds of plays, but it didn't get ONE. Actually, none of my LBP1 levels got plays, except when I had someone in my pod and I forced them to play it. ![]() How have you improved as a creator since then? In every way possible. In LBP1, I improved on what is fun and what isn't. I made levels with lots of puzzles, and although it wasn't pretty, it still had a plot and was fun to play. In LBP2, I knew it wasn't best to just jump right in like I did with LBP1. So, I spent a whole night going through every single tutorial. After that, I was decent at making logic. But, scenery killed me still. I spent most of my time helping my friend with logic for him, until I finally decided to work on my scenery making skills. I'm still working on them to this day! What is your best moment in LBP? Hmm.. I would have to say my first spotlight! That was probably the best day of my LBP career, and it has inspired me to create soo much more. If you Could change one thing about LBP what would it be? I would have to change the cool pages. All those H4H/P4P levels drive me insane, along with Latin Player. Even though I spend 99.99% of my time in create mode, I still love to play a wonderful level. Sadly, the cool pages isn't the place to go for that :/ Can you list your strengths and weaknesses as a creator? Strengths: Logic, Gameplay Weakness: Scenery, Tolerating BrosefJenkins If you could improve one aspect of your creating what would it be? Definitely my scenery. If I could just pull it together and make something beautiful one day, I would be the happiest sack on LBP. Your influences and inspirations? Oh boy.. I get inspirations from everything. TV, other video games, people, you name it! My biggest inspirations would probably come from levels from well known creators like Comphermc or Lockstitch. You are one of the founding members of the Ghost Creators, what does the group mean to you? At first, I thought "Yes! I'm going to get well known and famous because of this!" But now, I realise we are just a bunch of people who are alike in LBP-nature, trying to help each other get well known. I've made a bunch of friends from this group, and now I think we are more of a family than a group. Go GC! Can you tell us about some of your levels? Lets start with Rundown. Rundown [1 Player Only] [V1.04] - http://lbp.me/v/-sd0sg Rundown was my first attempt at creating a Fast Pace Platformer. At first it started out as some gameplay I wanted to give to a friend, but then turned into something more. I just kept creating all of this gameplay that kept you on your toes, tossing sackboy around like crazy. Eventually, my friend Fuzzbreeks said "Hey! You should make a level with this stuff!" So I did! He helped me do scenery, and so did BrosefJenkins. I pieced together all the gameplay elements and made things work, while they went and made everything looked pretty. I did some scenery myself, though. ![]() ![]() http://i4.lbp.me/img/fl/d046719a703f61a5a5bfcc8b7db113fe521c85a1.jpg An example of the type of scenery I helped with. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfNgwbR51MU&feature=share&list=PLE3798F90BC98644F I felt pretty good about the level once I published it. My friends were saying "Ohh it's soo going to get a spotlight!" .. But I didn't believe them. ![]() Another level I created was "Miss 'n Colours" Miss 'n Colours (FAST PLATFORMER) (1 PLAYER) - http://lbp.me/v/d9bg3v This level was mostly inspired by the fact that my previous level got Spotlighted. I was soo inspired to create some more that this level was born. What makes this level special to me is the fact that NO ONE helped me make it, so every part of it was created by me ![]() Here is a picture: http://i6.lbp.me/img/fl/906b9d242b8f92fd179845f3c92d36b7afed09a4.jpg I published this level with satisfaction just a day or 2 before leaving on vacation. The first day after publishing went well, but as soon as I left to go to Florida, someone finds a bug in my level that makes it unfinishable if the bug occurs. Now, I DO have a PS3 in Florida.. AND I brought LBP2, but I didn't have the DLC, so I couldn't fix it. Not only that, but more bugs kept rolling in. Unbelievably though, I got a Spotlight for it! I guess the Spotlight crew didn't run into any of the bugs. ![]() Are there any creators that you particularly admire? I admire RikiRiki-Ita because of his insanely gameplay. He is the main inspiration of both Rundown and Miss 'n Colours. RikiRiki-ita - http://lbp.me/u/RikiRiki-ita I also admire Comphermc because of how he can create practically any type of level! He has platformers, mini-games, and an RPG! O.o comphermc - http://lbp.me/u/comphermc Levels you admire? My favourite level of all time is Kaleida's Maze by RikiRiki-Ita. It was the level I played over and over again when I couldn't think of any gameplay for my levels. I admire it soo much because it is original in every way, and it is more fun every time you play it! Kaleida's maze - http://lbp.me/v/7fzgv5 http://ic.lbp.me/img/fl/a8c7377afa842348a461cd6b965b82cf17b01cbf.jpg D: You can see up my skirt in this picture! Mnniska's My Little Pony: Racing is Magic! It is just amazing. Only Mnniska can take a little kids toy and turn it into a hardcore racing level on LBP. This level and his Stickerix are the levels that really made me admire his work. My Little Pony: Racing is Magic! - http://lbp.me/v/bqfdms Stickerix! - http://lbp.me/v/dgs9y3 TheNotorious-187's BLACK 44 level was soo touching. The way he recognized those who fight for our country in the war was just wonderful. I admire him so much for this piece of artwork he created in LBP2. (Interviewers note: No money changed hands for this answer. I bribed him only in cookies) BLACK44 - http://lbp.me/v/de0wzr Other levels I admire are anything by Lockstitch, and anything by Mnniska. They are awesome. 'nuff said. You got yourself a Vita. How does creating differ from LBP2 and LBPV? Well, it differs in a bunch of different ways. Firstly, the touch screen in create is pretty neat, but I don't use it. I use regular LBP2 controls to create things. One thing I do like a lot is that the "Preview Mode" toggle is right on the screen all the time. This comes in handy a lot. Also, the whole "Sub-Layering" for materials is pretty cool. And lastly, the Dephysicalizer is probably the most handy tool in the world. I love it soo much. In my opinion, LBPV beats LBP2 any day. Out of all the new tools that LBPV has to offer, what is it that most excites you? THE MEMORIZER! I haven't seen much done with this amazingly handy tool. Many say it is confusing to use, but I figured it out right away (After watching the tutorial a few times). I managed to come up with a Highscore logic system with the memorizer. I may put it in a logic-giveaway level sometimes soon. It depends on how well it performs in my levels. Any future plans and projects that you would like to share with us? Well.. I have an original minigame sitting on my moon collecting dust right now because of LBPV.. I was about to finish it but then I got hooked onto the Vita and haven't returned since ![]() Here are a few sneak peaks of the level too ![]() http://i6.lbp.me/img/fl/c468b5c0003ebec8d05b8968542d2e558518c0e4.jpg http://i5.lbp.me/img/fl/975d95064c911a6c8fb382f4f5af2f91dd21edbd.jpg http://ic.lbp.me/img/fl/84cb26e9d15ab764f2731379f54785adc498da36.jpg Last one, Can you give us 3 tags which describe you as a creator? - Logic Master in Training - Fast Platformer Addict - Creative (Interview by SpaceMonkey187) | 2012-11-24 08:42:00 Author: thespacemonkey187 ![]() Posts: 318 |
Yet another great interview! I was reading through this and when you mentioned your level being spotlighted and your reaction, it made my day. That right there is one of the reasons I love being in the Spotlight Crew. I look forward to seeing more from you and look forward to the next installment of the Ghost Creators Interview. | 2012-11-24 14:56:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
@ Notorious...a very sincere thanks for doing these interviews. @ Sono...you have come a long way as a Creator. And talk about perserverence...with ZERO plays on every LBP1 level, most people would have thrown in the controller and called it quits. We're glad you didn't give up. It was great to get some insight into your motivations. ![]() @ Bio...you are an outstanding member of The Spotlight Crew. You and your Team members are incredible individuals, and LBPC is a significantly better place because of all of the Crew's contributions. Thank you! ![]() | 2012-11-24 15:52:00 Author: RickRock_777 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
I always wanted a kid brother, and you fit that mold Sono. This group/family is that much better with you in it. You've definitely shown how much you've improved as a creator. There's no stopping you now. Except finish that level on LBP2 | 2012-11-24 16:08:00 Author: tripple_sss ![]() Posts: 250 |
That's a nice comment Trips ![]() | 2012-11-24 16:56:00 Author: thespacemonkey187 ![]() Posts: 318 |
(Interviewers note: No money changed hands for this answer. I bribed him only in cookies) LOL .. The cookies were good, I had to! Yet another great interview! I was reading through this and when you mentioned your level being spotlighted and your reaction, it made my day. That right there is one of the reasons I love being in the Spotlight Crew. I look forward to seeing more from you and look forward to the next installment of the Ghost Creators Interview. Thanks Biorogue! that spotlight meant soo much to me, thank-you so much ![]() @ Notorious...a very sincere thanks for doing these interviews. @ Sono...you have come a long way as a Creator. And talk about perserverence...with ZERO plays on every LBP1 level, most people would have thrown in the controller and called it quits. We're glad you didn't give up. It was great to get some insight into your motivations. ![]() @ Bio...you are an outstanding member of The Spotlight Crew. You and your Team members are incredible individuals, and LBPC is a significantly better place because of all of the Crew's contributions. Thank you! ![]() Lol thanks Rick ![]() And I couldn't agree more with what you said about the Spotlight Crew! I always wanted a kid brother, and you fit that mold Sono. This group/family is that much better with you in it. You've definitely shown how much you've improved as a creator. There's no stopping you now. Except finish that level on LBP2 Thanks Trip, but I will finish that level another time ![]() | 2012-11-24 17:25:00 Author: Wolffy123 ![]() Posts: 406 |
Another awesome interview. I forgot about Miss 'N' Color, that is a really awesome level. Looking forward to another interview. | 2012-11-24 18:13:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
How long have these been going on? Also, cute review. | 2012-11-24 19:06:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
They've been going on for about a month now. 4 down, about 45 to go... | 2012-11-24 19:31:00 Author: thespacemonkey187 ![]() Posts: 318 |
@Notorious, Thanks again for another awesome interview! @Sono, Yeah I also agree with Rick, some people who would of got one play on all there levels would have just called it quits...but guess we have to thank Brosef for bringing you back! or who knows if you would of ever came back as a good creator you are today ![]() | 2012-11-24 21:16:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Another great read there. It's really cool to hear the stories behind some of these levels. It makes it more personal somehow and it's great to hear more about creators who don't usually get much of the limelight. I really enjoyed the interview and I remember both of the spotlighted levels. The Miss N' Colours one was excellent - one of those levels that is easy to remember because of its sheer originality. I'm glad you didn't give up too! :3 | 2012-11-25 20:50:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Another great read there. It's really cool to hear the stories behind some of these levels. It makes it more personal somehow and it's great to hear more about creators who don't usually get much of the limelight. I really enjoyed the interview and I remember both of the spotlighted levels. The Miss N' Colours one was excellent - one of those levels that is easy to remember because of its sheer originality. I'm glad you didn't give up too! :3 Thanks! ![]() | 2012-11-26 01:40:00 Author: Wolffy123 ![]() Posts: 406 |
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