Have I found all the sounds? (need to find the beatbox sound)
Archive: 6 posts
Ok, there's a guy with an afro in the Metropolis level (and the final level too) and he has a kind of whispering/beatbox noise - I can't find it anywhere in my popit. Am I missing some sound objects? Below is a list of my interactive Audio objects: Music Interactive: Gardens Savannah Wedding Temples Wilderness MGS1 Encounter Islands Metropolis Sounds Objects: Animals Mechanical Comedy Monsters Transport Environmental Musical Human Miscellaneous MGS I've tweaked all of these and can't seem to find it. I didn't bother listing the standard music because it can't be altered (so I highly doubt it was part of a song) | 2009-01-16 16:27:00 Author: EastwoodAndy ![]() Posts: 70 |
You have all the sound objects. However, Beatbox is part of the sounds which are only available to speech bubbles. It's on the Magic Mouth directly. | 2009-01-16 16:34:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I had the same question today! And after 10 minutes searching in the audio elements, i remember that it is possible to add a sound directly on mouth. Gilgamesh is right, some sounds, including beatbox, are only available in these mouth. ![]() | 2009-01-16 17:12:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
Ah, fair enough - I've not used magic mouth's yet. | 2009-01-16 17:17:00 Author: EastwoodAndy ![]() Posts: 70 |
If you've got 100% on each level, you'll know for sure ![]() | 2009-01-16 20:12:00 Author: Yarbone ![]() Posts: 3036 |
It's a Magic Mouth sound. I think the "lion" sound is a magic mouth only as well. ![]() To make them actually play though, you have to have the magic mouth fire. This can be done by switches, but if you have no words inputted, they just go quiet and don't do anything. ![]() | 2009-01-17 00:03:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
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