A.I. while playing online killing the fun playing against human players.
Archive: 6 posts
I'm rapidly getting fed up with the A.I. filling grid spots in online races that are not filled by human players and basically ruining the races. Mainly because they constantly seem to end up taking up the first 3 places, and usually at the last corner on the last lap. No skill is involved in beating the A.I., just blind luck. They constantly appear in front of you just as you are going for a pick-up, so you end up with nothing, then get hit by another one ..... the amount of times the A.I. has appeared out of nowhere just as you are rounding the last corner and blast you ... I've lost count. Sure, have the A.I. programed to race like that in Story mode if you want a challenge, you have the option to change it. I didn't mind that while playing offline. But to have them race like that while other human players are online is just a exercise in frustration, have the A.I. programed to be at easy level while online, and let the humans fight it out. I'm up for a racing challenge ..... I mean I Platinumed Wipeout HD years ago and was in the top 50 times worldwide for 75% of the tracks at all speed levels. Also the Elite A.I. in that game was programmed for an advantage as well, but not to the almost "Cheating" level this A.I. is. IMHO if the A.I. remains to been programed to behave like this, and is allowed to do so on every track every online player loads, it is going to end up a game killer...... especially for the younger kids, which will be most of the people that will be playing this game. It's not challenging, and it's just not fun. | 2012-11-15 12:35:00 Author: blackwiggle ![]() Posts: 84 |
But the AI doesn't seem to be doing things that we ourselves couldn't be doing. Mostly that tells me we have a lot to learn yet. Also, are you talking about community levels, or story levels played online? Because tweaking community level AI is totally up to the level creator. | 2012-11-15 12:43:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
The Normal A.I. seems for all intended purposes to be programmed to have a 1] Advantage over you by being able to get at the pick-up's before you can. 2] Getting certain "Game winning" pick-up's at the last possible place and using them effectively. Now I could understand if one A.I. did that, but Multiple A.I. all getting this type, race after race..... No, that's just not good A.I. programming. This sort of level of A.I. would be there to teach you game play strategy in story mode,[both Offensive and Defensive] by preparing you for what a group consisting of Elite LBP Kart players "might be" like. That's all very well in Story mode..... use story mode for the teaching. My grip is with this otherwise vacant grid filling A.I. still having the same unfair advantage while playing online against humans when playing V's story mode. If people [and especially the young kids] keep losing to the A.I. without seeing a valid reason for why they are constantly being beaten by them, then they will go play something else. It's not like we have "Replay Mode" to see where we could of done something differently during the race, so having the A.I. set at Normal level, with the advantage programmed in, serves no fruitful purpose. Let people interact with each other online, all learning racing tactics together without this unwelcome group of A.I experts thrashing the hell out of everybody. Gradually people will get better at the game, develop their own style and tactics. But as things are ATM I don't see them sticking around long enough for that to happen. As for community levels, from the few I have played so far most have had the A.I. set at pretty much the same sort of level as the normal A.I. | 2012-11-15 13:27:00 Author: blackwiggle ![]() Posts: 84 |
I agree. When playing other people online (which I feel is the best aspect of this game), I am often frustrated by the A.I. Sometimes I will be in a race with mostly humans, and just one or two AI, and the same one AI will kill me five or six times in one race, making it impossible to keep up with the pack. I think if four or six people are playing a level online, maybe there should be no AI? | 2012-11-23 03:35:00 Author: JakePutz ![]() Posts: 92 |
I think the majority of the regular players just don't care (or too stupid to change) when it comes to things outside of the basic concepts of a simple race track, they'll leave the default weapons and probability and "Normal" Default Difficulty AI. I am honestly not touching any race tracks with a twenty foot pole unless they are truly unique (Like the special side levels in story such as the Grand Prix, Target practice, Boss battles, etc) | 2012-11-23 05:15:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
AI players are pretty easy to beat in 1player mode. AI is always quite predictable, so if you get to the first place, just keep a weaponator with you, and victory will be quite sure. When human players and AI are against you, it's hard. AI players' predictability and human players' randomness are annoying combination. AI's programming is similar is every racing game. They 1) are trying to hinder your progress 2) have special avantages. When you are far ahead other players in race, of course AI shoots you with homing missiles. Their weapons are also not random. When you get near them, they (suprisingly) use the electric shockwave/shield thing. Their weapons aren't specified until they use them. They get their weapons depending what's best for the situtation, and difficulty defines how often this happens. AI's speed is also slightly faster. All this makes AI very annoying. When you have to dodge AI and human attacks, it's very frustrating. Once I got two 1st player homing missles after me, BOTH sent by AI, When I dodge first one, second comes and blows me up to 100,000,001 pieces. ![]() | 2012-11-23 10:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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