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What is your favorite world in story mode? (spoilers obviously)

Archive: 35 posts

The story mode levels were very good, and many were quite surprisingly fun for me. Media Molecule and United Front put so much effort in the game..

Anyways, my favorite world was The Space Bass. LittleBigPlanet Karting succeeded in the futuristic theme unlike LittleBigPlanet 2. LittleBigPlanet 2 had a great approach, but the controllinator levels just weren't that fun in my opinion.
2012-11-12 02:00:00

Posts: 143

:kz: Space Bass.

"Avalon, baby, you read me?"

2012-11-12 02:31:00

Posts: 515

The Monster Islands were the most fun to me, for some reason. I guess it's just because I like monsters and Huge Monster was pretty cool.2012-11-12 02:50:00

Posts: 35

Umm Its hard to say what my favorite theme is in this game, only because I enjoyed them all, but if i had to choose id go with the Progress Emporium. I really liked this theme a lot. It was was the theme that caught my attention the most! Especially the checkpoint race! and another theme if i had to choose would be Monster islands, I really like Ray the Turtle and Huge monster These levels were great as well as were all the levels in this game!2012-11-12 03:03:00

Unknown User

*SPOILERS (obviously...)*

Hands down, The Space Bass.
Did you play the black hole/rainbow race/time trial challenge?


Played it like five times just because I loved the race so much. And I just so happened to get 4th place on the scoreboard :] (Don't know if I'm still there, however).
2012-11-12 03:42:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

*SPOILERS (obviously...)*

Hands down, The Space Bass.
Did you play the black hole/rainbow race/time trial challenge?


Played it like five times just because I loved the race so much. And I just so happened to get 4th place on the scoreboard :] (Don't know if I'm still there, however).

Yeah same here I played that track so much visuals were on point on that track!! All the themes in this game are just good haha
Man first time on that track i was like ****!!
I like that Black Hole/Rainbow Road analogy!!
2012-11-12 03:48:00

Unknown User

Ugh, I don't know what would rank first, and what would be last...! I loved the LBP1 themed tracks for sure, though they missed out on making a Wilderness level with the Collector. DX
Monster Island did great with the beach theme, and Ray is a real man for not letting his mom's absence obstruct his sense of adventure and bagging a girlfriend all at once. RESPEK KNUCKLES
Victoria's Lab was exactly how I'd imagine it, but the train level was a pleasant surprise, indeed. VERNON THO
The Progress Emporium (?) was pretty humorous in the case subject, especially Don Doubtworthy. (HIB DAH HOOBIDY YOO-YAH HAA HAAAAA ) Really, I kinda wanted to see something like that for a while.
Eve's Asylum was really pretty, and the curator, while a neat idea, and a GORGEOUS MUTANT VOICE, could of had a bit more to make her great.
The Space Bass wasn't what I was really expecting it to be. I was thinking that we would be getting an Evil Avalon (with the Evil Avalon sticker shown in the popit), and I was like DAS WHAT I WANT, I WANT DAT. Still, Sirius was a pleasant surprise, and the levels were totally funky~. AND THE LAST LEVEL, HOLY COW, THAT'S SOME EPIC YES.
2012-11-12 04:08:00

Posts: 194

Well as soon as I got the game and saw the "Fire Starter" craft, I could feel it in my bones, and just new, that some of the talented folk from the now defunct Studio Liverpool must of thankfully found a new position working on this game.

When I got to Space Bass, and 2B or not 2B , well that just confirmed it.
If ever a track [and music] were a homage, if not a LBP straight out copy of either elements of Wipeout HD's Metropia, but leaning more towards Wipeout 2048 showcase track seen in all the demos, well this is it.
I imagine the EX SL people must of been in 7th Heaven working on Space Bass, the whole planet just GLOWS both in look and replayability.
Only a EX SL person would know how to design a Wipeout track like that, as well as it has been done.

Great stuff.
I can see a whole sub community, of not so much LBP creators, but more Wipeout fans needing a racing fix, this time via LBP KART.

Build a track to suit these players and it will get plays in the 10's of thousands.

But, you need to understand Wipeout players first, and what they want.
Studio Liverpool messed up by omitting Speed Lap and Time Trial is 2048, so it had no replay value.... Your best time meant nothing as it was never recorded, so it couldn't be compared to the next best time.

You can fix that with LBP Karting.
2012-11-12 07:18:00

Posts: 84

I loved the LBP1 themed tracks for sure, though they missed out on making a Wilderness level with the Collector. DX

Yeah, I was a little disappointed by that. In my opinion, the Wilderness was the coolest world in LBP1 and I was looking foward to at least one icy track that was Wilderness themed.

I bet someone will make a level based on it in time, though!
2012-11-12 16:03:00

Posts: 35

I love Victoria's Lab. I don't have the game, but I've watched walkthroughs.2012-11-12 16:33:00

Posts: 960

The Progress Emporium (?) was pretty humorous in the case subject, especially Don Doubtworthy. (HIB DAH HOOBIDY YOO-YAH HAA HAAAAA )

:kz: That's the only thing I like about the Progress Emporium.
2012-11-12 22:07:00

Posts: 515

Space Bass was just fantastic. Like, the racing levels in space were easily some of the coolest in the game and were probably the most intricate. I loved the combination with music and space, too. I thought it was a weird idea that worked really well together. And that last race was just fantastic. The music and the track breaking away was so cool.

I also really loved that level with all the expired food from the fridge, the killer doughnuts and the green sludge everywhere was super neat.
2012-11-13 04:44:00

Unknown User

Ugh, I don't know what would rank first, and what would be last...! I loved the LBP1 themed tracks for sure, though they missed out on making a Wilderness level with the Collector. DX
I think they could have switched out the Gardens-themed Battle Arena for a Wilderness-themed one, especially since the Collector turned good-guy, they could have had some pretty decent humour with him - acting all serious, being proud of the work he'd done, wanting to share it with everybody, but it turns out to be awful and he just can't see it XD

I bet someone will make a level based on it in time, though!
Once I get more confident at creating tracks instead of arenas, I'll have a go at it.

I have to say, LBP1 was the best set of levels for me, purely for nostalgia. I think the choices of LBP2 worlds were completely wrong - The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow and Da Vinci's Hideout would have been much better. Avalonia was there in some form but was given no proper credit.
ANother thing I didn't like was the Creator Curators. If they'd added Sackbots they could have had Victoria, Avalon and Eve there instead of a rat, some funk-ay dude (who I didn't actually mind), and a pot-plant.

All in all, it's LBP so I undoubtedly loved every minute, but it just felt like it was missing something.
2012-11-13 10:37:00

Posts: 319

Yeah, I definitely wish sackbots were in the game.2012-11-14 00:10:00

Posts: 143

I also found it strange how they couldn't have animated '3D' curators for any of the worlds. I was expecting to see Avalon eventually since you had to search for him, but instead it took you to that disco dude's planet.

Still confused why UFG didn't give us Sackbot or Hoard costumes. It kind of broke the tradition of LBP games.
2012-11-14 03:54:00

Posts: 952

I also found it strange how they couldn't have animated '3D' curators for any of the worlds. I was expecting to see Avalon eventually since you had to search for him, but instead it took you to that disco dude's planet.

Still confused why UFG didn't give us Sackbot or Hoard costumes. It kind of broke the tradition of LBP games.
Yeah. We saw The King in the Scrapyard at the End of the Craftverse (which, by the way, is a totally awesome Douglas Adams reference), so I was waiting for Mr Centrifuge to show up in the wreckage. Didn't like how Eve wasn't referenced in the Asylum, unlike Victoria or Avalon, but that theme was pretty cool.
Come to think of it, the Progress Emporium was so much like the Factory of a Better Tomorrow, I'm surprised they didn't use that.
2012-11-14 08:06:00

Posts: 960

Well it's the Space Bass for me, obviously.
I mean have you seen Avalon's brother? He reminds me of my best friend. (lol, I know right?)

My second favorite was hands down Eve's Asylam. Did you see how much effort they must've put into making the boss for that level? Pretty awesome stuff.

Third favorite would have to be a tie with the other five worlds.
2012-11-14 12:38:00

Posts: 2018

I also found it strange how they couldn't have animated '3D' curators for any of the worlds. I was expecting to see Avalon eventually since you had to search for him, but instead it took you to that disco dude's planet.

Still confused why UFG didn't give us Sackbot or Hoard costumes. It kind of broke the tradition of LBP games.

I guess since they paid people to voice act for characters such as Eve, Avalon and Victoria, they couldn't have them in another game with the same voice as the contract probably didn't stretch that far. And the only other reason for non-3d characters I can think of is consistency. Don Doubtworthy definitely would have looked better in 3d.

Come to think of it, the Progress Emporium was so much like the Factory of a Better Tomorrow, I'm surprised they didn't use that.
I guess the Progress Emporium is how the Factory would have ended up had things gone better. I bet the two are corporate enemies XD
2012-11-14 22:37:00

Posts: 319

Heh, Clive vs Doubtworthy.
Does anyone else think Doubtworthy is an awesome name to say in the style of Superintendent Chalmers from the Simpsons?
2012-11-17 18:23:00

Posts: 960

I guess since they paid people to voice act for characters such as Eve, Avalon and Victoria, they couldn't have them in another game with the same voice as the contract probably didn't stretch that far. And the only other reason for non-3d characters I can think of is consistency. Don Doubtworthy definitely would have looked better in 3d.

There's no reason though that they couldn't have that plant on Eve's Asylum in 3D or even the mouse on Victoria's Laboratory. Sure, we may not be able to win them as prizes or use them in our levels, but the game would look a WHOLE lot more professional. I'm tired of LBP developers holding back using cardboard characters because 'they have to use all the tools that a player uses'. They made the Hoard and Sackbots which can't be used by players.

I just think the Story is just as important as the Community. For this game it's like they searched for the most simplistic storyline with creatures hoarding things and you trying to get them back. Where's the creativity? I guess since UFG did make MNR, a game that was fun but didn't have much life in it, it's not surprising LBPK would turn out like it did. I really don't like being negative all the time, but Tarsier would've done SUCH a better job. Should have let UFG develope the racing engine, and Tarsier develop everything else. Who knows what kind of worlds and tracks they'd make. And yeah, I'd be fine if it was delayed for a late 2013 release.
2012-11-17 20:01:00

Posts: 952

And the only other reason for non-3d characters I can think of is consistency. Don Doubtworthy definitely would have looked better in 3d.

I like to see the depiction of Don in the form of a cardboard cut-out as a social commentary on marketing and sales.

I guess the Progress Emporium is how the Factory would have ended up had things gone better. I bet the two are corporate enemies XD

To me the Progress Emporium is everything I hoped for when I first heard about the Factory of a Better Tomorrow. Except the last level, the food gone bad, that was totally random.
2012-11-19 11:59:00

Posts: 2284

To me the Progress Emporium is everything I hoped for when I first heard about the Factory of a Better Tomorrow. Except the last level, the food gone bad, that was totally random.
Yeah, that food level looks like utter crop.
2012-11-21 17:56:00

Posts: 960

All worlds are pretty cool, but i liked "Victorias Lab" best... i love the setting^^ But i also really enjoyed the level where you had to collect as many eggs as possible on the monster islands... and i loved all the waypoint-races... so many good things xD2012-11-21 19:05:00

Posts: 95

Yeah, that food level looks like utter crop.

I love you UFG, but I'm going to have to agree with this!! I couldn't believe how random that level was, I think it was just a leftover level the devs used to flesh out the planet a bit more.

All worlds are pretty cool, but i liked "Victorias Lab" best... i love the setting^^ But i also really enjoyed the level where you had to collect as many eggs as possible on the monster islands... and i loved all the waypoint-races... so many good things xD

Yes yes yes. Despite there only being 2 racing tracks total, Victorias Lab has some of the most polished and attractive levels in the story mode. I also think Eve's Asylum deserved more than ONE racing track. I love her environment.
2012-11-25 07:40:00

Posts: 952

After voting, I feel like I've jumped on some sort of bandwagon. I loved The Space Bass. I also liked The Progress Emporium mostly because it reminded me of The Factory of a Better Tomorrow from LBP2. I miss Clive.

Anyway, The Space Bass had the best licensed track (Grand Theft Ecstasy) and the best interactive music in the game in my opinion. That last rainbow race was flippin' epic too.
2012-12-01 07:31:00

Posts: 252

I don't have one. 2.0 Bee or Not 2.0 Bee is a cool level, allowing you to, again, ride the Bee contraption from LBP2.
That sidescrolling level is a cool one, but that one area with the moving walls is a pain in the butt.
The boss level in Eve's Asylum is clever, making it one of those Space Invaders-esque levels. Also, Stephen's intro voice was funny. He said that he kept one hand on the joystick, and another inserting coins in case the timer ran out. I think he's doing something wrong there, huh?
The Garage at the End of the Craftverse is too easy, at the beginning, I though you had to grab an enemy and throw it at the boss. I also like the pun to one of my favorite books.
2013-04-03 16:30:00

Unknown User

The Progress Emporium, mostly because of Shooby Shooby Do Yah and, you know, actually being fun with tons of personality.2013-04-03 19:43:00

Posts: 1487

I liked The Space Bass. The last level of that World was really cool, and I lol'ed when i thought that I would see Avalon in the intro of the first level and then a 'BRB'-sign popped up 2013-04-04 11:26:00

Unknown User

Pfft personality? if you want personality than Captain Sirius has everyone beat, I loved him so much I recreated him in LBP2. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=79261-Meet-Sirius-Oculus-In-LBP2!

Wooh!... but that's just my opinion.
2013-04-24 21:18:00

Posts: 85

The Space Bass, just look at how funky Sirius Oculus is. I didn't even reach this part yet /RageQuitFirePede but I saw some videos on youtube.
Best. World. Ever. Avalonia was my fave theme in LBP2 aswell. (Although The Kosmos is pretty sweet aswell.)

Anyway, The Space Bass had the best licensed track (Grand Theft Ecstasy) and the best interactive music in the game in my opinion.

Waaaaaaait, Grand Theft Ecstasy as in the track made by Feed Me?
2013-04-25 21:40:00

Posts: 5482

The Progress Emporium, mostly because of Shooby Shooby Do Yah and, you know, actually being fun with tons of personality.

Shooby Shooby Do Yah is from Victoria's Lab. -.-
2013-04-27 22:09:00

Posts: 960

I loved all of them, but my favorite would be the Progress Emporium because I loved the curator of that world. Fun wise, I would pack Space Bass definitely!

2013-08-02 05:21:00

Posts: 1793

To be honest... I did not like Karting's story mode, nor its locations/worlds. Eeeexcept for the Space Bass. So there it goes my vote 2013-08-02 06:13:00

Posts: 1478

The story mode levels were very good, and many were quite surprisingly fun for me. Media Molecule and United Front put so much effort in the game..

Anyways, my favorite world was The Space Bass. LittleBigPlanet Karting succeeded in the futuristic theme unlike LittleBigPlanet 2. LittleBigPlanet 2 had a great approach, but the controllinator levels just weren't that fun in my opinion.

little big planet 2 didn't go for futurist it went for a retro theme and that can be very hit or miss. Personally I thought it was a little dumb considering the target audience for lbp2 wouldn't of grown up with oldschool consoles or the arcades oh well. none of LBPK's levels left an impact on me. I remember the boss battle and that is about it. I was very disappointed
2013-08-05 02:07:00

Posts: 310

Space Bass is my Favorite

2014-05-07 23:43:00

Posts: 524

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