Stone Hopping
Archive: 4 posts
This sorta isnt a level...its more like a mini level....well actually its a survival one...but you get the picture... Your goal is to jump on the stones that sink into the ground the minute you touch them.Its a pretty tough challenge.If you get the sticker at the end after the point bubbles you earned,you can use it to get a paintinator to try and make your oponents fall off when the mini game starts...but it only has 50 shots.so use them carefully. This level is locked so you have to find the key in my level "Summer Forest". | 2009-01-15 15:55:00 Author: LordRattler ![]() Posts: 89 |
Er... it's kind of hard to give feedback on a level I can't readily play. I did go through Summer Forest and get the key. Really, you should probably unlock it if you want some feedback on it. I'm sure most people wouldn't even bother at least trying to find the key like I did. = Anyway, about the level. I'm sorry to say that this level isn't really that interesting. Basically, if you just keep jumping, you could stay on the stones forever (in theory). There's no incentive to move to other stones, and I wouldn't even recommend trying anyway, as it's very easy to lose your footing on the sides of the stones. On top of that, the entry into start of the game is very flawed. The little circular thing that obviously activates everything isn't really a good way to get things going. My first several times trying this level, I feel into the gas immediately because I wasn't expecting the floor to disappear. There should be some warning at least. Actually, you might wanna consider another method here, since pushing the thing off of the vanish material closer to the first area causes the scoreboard to fall. Even worse, you can push the thing to the center real fast and just stand in safety on the ledge before the rocks; effectively cheating the game. Now, this isn't to say that this level is all bad. If you could make a reason to move around, (I dunno, maybe have something shoot plasma balls at the rocks, or drop bombs. Heck, you could capture some paint balls and have it fired at you to try and knock you off) and prevent the flaws with the way the game starts, you might have an interesting game. Maybe it would be more fun with more people, but I can't say I've tried. Also, I'd recommend unlocking it. I doubt many people will even find where you've placed that key anyway, since you also only get one chance at getting it. | 2009-01-17 04:49:00 Author: gameguy888 ![]() Posts: 159 |
I'm sorry, if you want feedback, don't whore out your other level, thinking you're clever by making us play through 2 levels to give feedback on one. A 2 for 1 deal, right? No. I'll gladly give feedback once the level is available. | 2009-01-17 07:35:00 Author: whatisnarwhal ![]() Posts: 164 |
Er... it's kind of hard to give feedback on a level I can't readily play. I did go through Summer Forest and get the key. Really, you should probably unlock it if you want some feedback on it. I'm sure most people wouldn't even bother at least trying to find the key like I did. = Anyway, about the level. I'm sorry to say that this level isn't really that interesting. Basically, if you just keep jumping, you could stay on the stones forever (in theory). There's no incentive to move to other stones, and I wouldn't even recommend trying anyway, as it's very easy to lose your footing on the sides of the stones. On top of that, the entry into start of the game is very flawed. The little circular thing that obviously activates everything isn't really a good way to get things going. My first several times trying this level, I feel into the gas immediately because I wasn't expecting the floor to disappear. There should be some warning at least. Actually, you might wanna consider another method here, since pushing the thing off of the vanish material closer to the first area causes the scoreboard to fall. Even worse, you can push the thing to the center real fast and just stand in safety on the ledge before the rocks; effectively cheating the game. Now, this isn't to say that this level is all bad. If you could make a reason to move around, (I dunno, maybe have something shoot plasma balls at the rocks, or drop bombs. Heck, you could capture some paint balls and have it fired at you to try and knock you off) and prevent the flaws with the way the game starts, you might have an interesting game. Maybe it would be more fun with more people, but I can't say I've tried. Also, I'd recommend unlocking it. I doubt many people will even find where you've placed that key anyway, since you also only get one chance at getting it. Okay thanks for the feedback.I knew the circle may have been a bad idea so im gonna add a timer like when a race starts "ready"Set" Go" thing then the floor drops.And good idea with the plasma balls.Plus I was going to edit it when I forgot to make a sensor switch invisible...:blush: I will work on it right away! | 2009-01-17 18:00:00 Author: LordRattler ![]() Posts: 89 |
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