Indianapolis 500: The Simulation - Version 2
Archive: 5 posts
I have upgraded the extremely difficult Indianapolis 500: The simulation. http://lbp.me/v/ggc8rj Here what is new. Revamped car models now look more accurate and damage better. New Camera Angle to give better control of the action AI either follows the low line or high line. Draft to gain a speed boost. Control Danica Patrick and lead her to victory! Accurately detailed Indy cars on both the inside and out. http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa223/Holt2007/APhoto_9.jpg http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa223/Holt2007/APhoto_8.jpg Devastating new Crash physics http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa223/Holt2007/APhoto_7.jpg http://lbp.me/v/ggc8rj | 2012-11-09 22:15:00 Author: bluearth ![]() Posts: 100 |
ha ha, epic crash! Why does it look so foggy? queued | 2012-11-10 02:07:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
ha ha, epic crash! Why does it look so foggy? queued Hi biorogue. I have the camera at max zoom out, Im assuming thats why | 2012-11-10 02:26:00 Author: bluearth ![]() Posts: 100 |
that last picture pretty much sums up my experience with this track. I would start off good, but just barely smack the wall and the tire would come off and it was all over, then I'd end up collecting the entire field and we'd sit there on the track in a burning heap. I like the look of the cars and they do handle well. My crashes were due to driver error. What I don't like about it. 1. I know the damage is realistic but I think it's too much. I think it should be set up so that maybe you have a damage meter and can take a few hits before your car just completely obliterates. 2. The fogginess. I just can't get over this. There has got to be a way through messing with lighting and fog controls, to make this look more crisp. 3. game ending. Once you crash and find yourself immobile, you just sit there. Nothing happens. Maybe after so many seconds of no movement, the car can be transported to the garage where you hear mechanic sounds and hammering and stuff and then after 1 minute can maybe get back out on the track? That or just have the level end ooh ooh! and have the end screen be a graphic of your car all torn up and the words "crash and burn" displayed prominently across the top. 4. The track surface. The lay out is pretty good but I can see all the seams where the material is stuck together. I suggest the merge glitch Merge Glitch you tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjdBbyuZDW8&hd=1) or Written version of Merge tool (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=72070-Lag-Free-Merge-Tool) anyway, good job overall and I really did get a kick out of all my crashing. Maybe you can make a demolition derby level? | 2012-11-12 18:47:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
that last picture pretty much sums up my experience with this track. I would start off good, but just barely smack the wall and the tire would come off and it was all over, then I'd end up collecting the entire field and we'd sit there on the track in a burning heap. I like the look of the cars and they do handle well. My crashes were due to driver error. What I don't like about it. 1. I know the damage is realistic but I think it's too much. I think it should be set up so that maybe you have a damage meter and can take a few hits before your car just completely obliterates. 2. The fogginess. I just can't get over this. There has got to be a way through messing with lighting and fog controls, to make this look more crisp. 3. game ending. Once you crash and find yourself immobile, you just sit there. Nothing happens. Maybe after so many seconds of no movement, the car can be transported to the garage where you hear mechanic sounds and hammering and stuff and then after 1 minute can maybe get back out on the track? That or just have the level end ooh ooh! and have the end screen be a graphic of your car all torn up and the words "crash and burn" displayed prominently across the top. 4. The track surface. The lay out is pretty good but I can see all the seams where the material is stuck together. I suggest the merge glitch Merge Glitch you tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjdBbyuZDW8&hd=1) or Written version of Merge tool (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=72070-Lag-Free-Merge-Tool) anyway, good job overall and I really did get a kick out of all my crashing. Maybe you can make a demolition derby level? #1. I like this idea. I will definitely add it to my upcoming Formula 1 and Daytona USA arcade level. #2. The fog. I'll look into this. #3. My idea is that I dont want to take too much control of the game so i didn't add the game ender. The player can restart or quit when he wants. #4. I'll look into the surface glitch. Thanks for playing and the thoughts. As for destruction derby, I do have a Twisted Metal level on my moon thats in the very early stages. Ill get back to it at some point. You can destroy more then just cars there. | 2012-11-14 20:19:00 Author: bluearth ![]() Posts: 100 |
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