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Is it me, or are some Levels just downright frustrating?

Archive: 26 posts

:kz: And by frustrating, I mean frustrating.

For example, Don Doubtworthy's "Stuck in a Jam" is insanely hard for me to get 100k Points, the amount needed to get all the prizes. The closest I've ever gotten was around 80k, but I just can't Dodge Bombs & Trucks at the same time as navigating through super-thin roads. I just can't!
2012-11-09 15:49:00

Posts: 515

Oh man, that level drove me crazy. Here's what I did... Instead of slowing down your car trying to get more points/time, speed past the traffic and memorize what cars are coming when. It took me awhile to figure out that the traffic was only going 2 ways lol, just remember on the left side you're going with traffic and on the right you're going against it. Also collecting the bubbles helps a little bit.

It took over an hour to finally reach the goal that it wasn't even satisfying in the end. At least I won't have to touch it again.

Oh and change the difficulty to casual. Every bit helps.
2012-11-09 19:12:00

Posts: 952

That was what I did. Going slower was ironically harder. I also never sped up or strafed at the same time. Also I think that some of the levels are just poorly designed. Mostly some of the final tracks. There where lots of times when I died and respawned right at the edge of ramps or further back behind where I died at. Plus I feel that the riding rocket and boxing glove are horrible. They shoot me up to 3rd or 2nd but they launch me off the track continuously. Nothing as frustrating as getting 2nd place then been thrown off track and respawning further back then where you started.2012-11-10 17:36:00

Posts: 138

Plus I feel that the riding rocket and boxing glove are horrible. They shoot me up to 3rd or 2nd but they launch me off the track continuously. Nothing as frustrating as getting 2nd place then been thrown off track and respawning further back then where you started.

:kz: Oh boy, don't get me started on those! Trying to get 1st on Eve's Firefly Level, & then outta nowhere, I get socked by not 1, not 2, but 3 BOXING GLOVES. RIGHT BEFORE THE FINISH LINE. ON THE FINAL LAP.
2012-11-10 17:42:00

Posts: 515

on the stuck in a jam level use the d pad rather than the thumb sticks! i found it more responsive!2012-11-10 19:01:00

Posts: 216

Nothing has made me foam at the mouth more than the monster level in that world.

-sometimes you die randomly
-mines appear too frequent
-they never expire

Really, this is a lot more frustrating than dodging traffic. :L
2012-11-10 23:38:00

Posts: 194

:kz: I actually beat the Robo-Dino Level on my second try. ._.
But, yeah, it was hard to control it, especially when you need to turn & the fatty decides to get stuck! D:<
2012-11-11 00:13:00

Posts: 515

Is anyone having extreme difficulty with the last level in the second world with the egg? HOW IN THE WORLD does anyone beat that and continue on with the story mode?2012-11-11 01:29:00

Posts: 13447

:kz: Oh boy, don't get me started on those! Trying to get 1st on Eve's Firefly Level, & then outta nowhere, I get socked by not 1, not 2, but 3 BOXING GLOVES. RIGHT BEFORE THE FINISH LINE. ON THE FINAL LAP.

That always happens to me too. ;_;
A second before the finishline, I get hit by two rockets, five boxing gloves, thirteen electrical beam thingies, and when I'm stunned, I slide into a mine.
Okay, maybe that's a bit exagerated but you get the point.

@L1N3-: You think that one's difficult? It's like the easiest thing ever. C:
That bug you have to kill in Eve's Asylum, that one is hard. YES YOU STUPID BUG! YOU ARE BADLY DESIGNED, OVERWEIGHT AND NOBODY LOVES YOU! :kz:
2012-11-11 10:42:00

Posts: 5482

:kz: I actually beat the Robo-Dino Level on my second try. ._.
But, yeah, it was hard to control it, especially when you need to turn & the fatty decides to get stuck! D:<


You do NOT talk about Marian that way; she has self-confidence issues! D8<

But yeah, that bug boss was actually pretty good for me. Not too easy, not too hard.
2012-11-11 14:30:00

Posts: 194

:kz: The Firepede wasn't too difficult, other than the fact that you basically had to mash the Fire button a butt-load of times.

Let's just be glad it wasn't another type of Centipede... (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100625113454/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/6/6c/Ice-o-pede.png)
2012-11-11 16:07:00

Posts: 515

:kz: The Firepede wasn't too difficult, other than the fact that you basically had to mash the Fire button a butt-load of times.

Let's just be glad it wasn't another type of Centipede... (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100625113454/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/6/6c/Ice-o-pede.png)

I hate having to mash buttons ... And I'd rather have the Ice-o-pede then the stupid firepede.
2012-11-11 20:22:00

Posts: 5482

The egg hunt minigame where you have to get 21 to the target is impossible.2012-11-12 02:04:00

Posts: 143

The egg hunt minigame where you have to get 21 to the target is impossible.

:kz: Took me a while to realize that you can throw the eggs into the Goal. Made it a LOT easier.
2012-11-12 02:29:00

Posts: 515

The egg hunt minigame where you have to get 21 to the target is impossible.

It's not to hard really. You just need to keep drifting and throw the eggs. Once I realized I could throw them I got it at once lol. Just push forward and let to of the grab button.
2012-11-12 03:13:00

Posts: 138

I always wondered how to throw those eggs... -_-

That fire centipede, firefly, annoying THING!?! was probably the most mechanically frustrating and annoying level in the entire game for me for a couple of reasons....

1. The thing turns left more than turns right, basically making you spend minutes just trying to get AN OPPORTUNITY to shoot the right side...
2. How many times...no. How LONG does this thing spend off-screen? *Moves to the outside of the track to avoid predictable firefly centipede*
3. (DIES) *spends precious seconds in ultra-fast-speed-up mode to catch up* (DIES from fire egg or slime due to sped up implementation) -_-

It is definitely a work of art, showcasing the possibilities of LBPK, but these annoyances are sometimes unbearable and don't know if I want to play the level again just to get all of the prize bubbles.
2012-11-12 03:54:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

I always wondered how to throw those eggs... -_-

That fire centipede, firefly, annoying THING!?! was probably the most mechanically frustrating and annoying level in the entire game for me for a couple of reasons....

1. The thing turns left more than turns right, basically making you spend minutes just trying to get AN OPPORTUNITY to shoot the right side...
2. How many times...no. How LONG does this thing spend off-screen? *Moves to the outside of the track to avoid predictable firefly centipede*
3. (DIES) *spends precious seconds in ultra-fast-speed-up mode to catch up* (DIES from fire egg or slime due to sped up implementation) -_-

It is definitely a work of art, showcasing the possibilities of LBPK, but these annoyances are sometimes unbearable and don't know if I want to play the level again just to get all of the prize bubbles.

Oh man, I hear ya. That level took me like 7 tries. Drove me up the dang wall.

I went back to get all the prize bubbles. I have 2 more left to find, but I can't for the life of me see them ANYWHERE.
2012-11-12 04:16:00

Posts: 35

Oh man, I hear ya. That level took me like 7 tries. Drove me up the dang wall.

I went back to get all the prize bubbles. I have 2 more left to find, but I can't for the life of me see them ANYWHERE.

You have to shoot the red parts on the side of the centipede to get the prize bubbles. You probably missed the ones on the first part of the centipede. You won't be able to get the prize bubbles if you shoot the big middle button before the side ones because the side ones will get blown off. I hope I made that clear enough.
2012-11-12 04:44:00

Posts: 143

You have to shoot the red parts on the side of the centipede to get the prize bubbles. You probably missed the ones on the first part of the centipede. You won't be able to get the prize bubbles if you shoot the big middle button before the side ones because the side ones will get blown off. I hope I made that clear enough.

Thanks for the tip, I have like 79% done on that level.
2012-11-14 02:42:00

Posts: 948

I'm stuck at 2.0 Bee or not 2.0 Bee. I've been plodding along up till here, trying to at least make top 3 in Normal mode, but the AI seems to have suddenly and drastically been upgraded. I had some trouble in the previous level already, but now I've tried a bunch of times yesterday, and again today, but no luck. I may have to drop to Easy...2012-11-16 19:39:00

Posts: 2284

I'm kinda stuck on that Firepede. I almost get him but they tell me he burnt down the forest before I complete it. A little frustrating but I haven't given up yet.. so close. XD2012-11-16 22:38:00

Unknown User

egg hunt lob the eggs, and save the closer eggs as backup. i made a mini vid about that level as I've seen a few people struggling with it.

2012-11-16 22:45:00

Posts: 533

I'm kinda stuck on that Firepede. I almost get him but they tell me he burnt down the forest before I complete it.

I noticed my own shots would take down parts of the forest. It might help if you took care not to shoot when the Firepede isn't in your line of fire. Just a guess though.
2012-11-16 23:47:00

Posts: 2284

I struggled with the egg-throwing level until I realised you can throw from the side of the flotation ring and tear off for the next egg immediately. You have to be pushing forward on the left stick to throw forward though. No need to get really close.

I still need to get prizes on the worm level too so I'll try shooting the purple "legs" next time.

On "Future Perfect," first level in "Progress Emporium" I'm showing 88% prizes collected with 17 missing. The thing is, I can't see any missing bubbles in game - I found the high shortcut just after the man and woman wearing gas masks but nothing else. Am I missing something? Glitch? I don't know.
2012-11-19 09:56:00

Posts: 374

I had lots of trouble on Currant Events.


I also find it weird that Vernon is bigger than Victoria. Waaaaay bigger. Vernon's animation annoys me for some reason, I mean i know he's overweight and all but that head bobbing gets annoying! I SAVE HIS BUTT AND GIVE HIM HIS CAKES AND HE WANTS ME TO GET HIM A CUPCAKE MACHINE?!
2013-07-12 19:36:00

Posts: 431

I had lots of trouble on Currant Events.


I also find it weird that Vernon is bigger than Victoria. Waaaaay bigger. Vernon's animation annoys me for some reason, I mean i know he's overweight and all but that head bobbing gets annoying! I SAVE HIS BUTT AND GIVE HIM HIS CAKES AND HE WANTS ME TO GET HIM A CUPCAKE MACHINE?!

Old thread! Anyway, I think the LBPK characters in general aren't very likable. At least not their personalities(or lack there of)... Why is that plant lady at eve's asylum again?

LBPV by far has the best character development.
2013-07-13 06:29:00

Posts: 952

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