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Avalon has a brother?

Archive: 8 posts

I haven't got LBPK yet, but after watching a walkthrough on YouTube, I discovered that midway through the Story, Sackboy encounters Avalon's apparent brother, Sirius Oculus. Random.2012-11-08 19:50:00

Posts: 960

:kz: I'm guessing since Sirius Oculus is portrayed as a 70's(?) Black Man, he meant "Brother from another Mother."

Or, since he's a robot, Avalon's Parents(?) or himself Created him, to act like his brother.

But your guess is as good as mine.
[PSN Web Browser]
2012-11-08 20:46:00

Posts: 515

Yeah, could be. Or am I just massively overthinking this?2012-11-09 20:22:00

Posts: 960

Yeah, he just meant he's his bro/brotha/'brother'. So not literally. Also, Avalon is a living creature while Sirius Oculus is flat cardboard which makes it more unlikely.

Unless their mom cheated on Avalon's dad with a piece of cardboard.
2012-11-09 21:42:00

Posts: 952

Yeah, he just meant he's his bro/brotha/'brother'. So not literally. Also, Avalon is a living creature while Sirius Oculus is flat cardboard which makes it more unlikely.

Unless their mom cheated on Avalon's dad with a piece of cardboard.

And davinci is made of paper and Victoria is a doll. Yet they have feelings for each other, so imagine the baby :eek:

Anyone remember the original design for avalon? He was originally a machine too A radio i think, anyone still have a picture of that? I can't find one

The Queen in LBPK also confirms that the look-a-likes in Eve's Asylum were them and sackboy rescued them after the events of LBP2
2012-11-09 23:13:00

Posts: 1125

It seems the story is starting to get deep...2012-11-10 04:26:00

Posts: 104

And davinci is made of paper and Victoria is a doll. Yet they have feelings for each other, so imagine the baby :eek:

Anyone remember the original design for avalon? He was originally a machine too A radio i think, anyone still have a picture of that? I can't find one

The Queen in LBPK also confirms that the look-a-likes in Eve's Asylum were them and sackboy rescued them after the events of LBP2

And davinci is made of paper and Victoria is a doll. Yet they have feelings for each other, so imagine the baby :eek:

Anyone remember the original design for avalon? He was originally a machine too A radio i think, anyone still have a picture of that? I can't find one

The Queen in LBPK also confirms that the look-a-likes in Eve's Asylum were them and sackboy rescued them after the events of LBP2

Ooooh that'd be interesting. Perhaps it would produce a paper doll?

I also want to see the original designs for LBP2's characters. I imagine they're kinda cute, considering you can't get any creepier than Vitctorias/Eves/Da Vincis current design. (well... except for LBPV's characters)
2012-11-10 05:07:00

Posts: 952

It seems the story is starting to get deep...

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2012-11-10 20:12:00

Posts: 960

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