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Archive: 16 posts

:kz: Has anyone found out where to get that sweet Hoard Costume?
(It looks really awesome. ._.)
2012-11-07 15:23:00

Posts: 515

No... But I'm glad someone got this thread rolling! lol2012-11-07 18:59:00

Posts: 2018

Probably just like how you get the sackbot costume and the creepy guys in the vita game. I think you need to ace every level.

But I don't have LBPKarting yet...and I'm pretty sure acing is not an option lol. Beat all the time trials?
2012-11-07 20:27:00

Posts: 878

But I don't have LBPKarting yet...and I'm pretty sure acing is not an option lol.

You might be able to ace levels, if they have prize bubbles scattered everywhere thourghout
2012-11-07 23:02:00

Posts: 948

I been wondering that to lol2012-11-07 23:52:00

Unknown User

:kz: You don't(or can't) "Ace" Levels in LBPK. They've replaced it with "Starring" a Level. To Star a Level, you have to beat that level in 1st Place & gather all the Loot in the Level(not at the same time). I've Starred the last level, thinking I could get it, but I didn't. I'm trying Star the rest of the Story Mode Levels. Anyone interested in Spoiler Pics?


:kz: I've looted all the levels.

2012-11-08 16:37:00

Posts: 515

Staring levels? Please, you can't get awarded just for watching them. (lame joke here)2012-11-08 18:02:00

Posts: 3378

Staring levels? Please, you can't get awarded just for watching them. (lame joke here)

Starring with 2 'R's, not staring. BANNED! :kz:
2012-11-08 21:25:00

Posts: 5482

Starring with 2 'R's, not staring. BANNED! :kz:
I knew about that, wise*ss.
2012-11-08 22:25:00

Posts: 3378

:kz: I don't think we can get it...I've got 98% already & still nada. Haven't seen anyone else wear them.

And there's also not 1 but like 5 different Hoard Hats. I'm still hoping there is a way to get them.
2012-11-10 00:59:00

Posts: 515

Ok i have completed the game 100%, collected all items and starred every level and i can tell you that there is no costume for the hoard
sorry folks!
2012-11-10 12:19:00

Posts: 216

:kz: i don't think we can get it...i've got 98% already & still nada. Haven't seen anyone else wear them.

And there's also not 1 but like 5 different hoard hats. I'm still hoping there is a way to get them.

hoard hats?!?! Give those back!! They're stuff!!!
2012-11-10 21:35:00

Unknown User

When will LBPK be linked up with LBP2 costumes and LBP costumes2012-11-10 22:49:00

Posts: 55

Ok i have completed the game 100%, collected all items and starred every level and i can tell you that there is no costume for the hoard
sorry folks!

Same here. But have you completed EVERY level including the VS levels? It still says levels are 'incomplete' for me(even though I beat the story) so I'm going to see what happens when I finish every single level.
2012-11-11 01:13:00

Posts: 952

Ok i have completed the game 100%, collected all items and starred every level and i can tell you that there is no costume for the hoard
sorry folks!

I find that VERY disapointing In LBP2 it was possible to walk around as characters like Clive handforth and sackbot so it must be possible to make a costume for the hoard. But hey, they can release it as DLC but I think it should be in the game itself
2012-11-11 16:30:00

Posts: 68

The Hoard costume would be amazing to have... (I would rock it...)

I love nearly all of the new character pieces in this game despite this omission. I just wish there were more karts like in ModNation Racers, however. More modern-style karts that aren't made with arts & crafts pieces..
Even if it IS LittleBigPlanet
2012-11-12 03:58:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

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