Creating on the Vita
Archive: 9 posts
I've finished getting all the prize bubbles from the story mode and my next step is to create something on the vita. My question to everyone is, "Do you guys/girls find it easier or harder creating on the vita vs. ps3. Just trying to get some general ideas before I start. I know those that had the PSP already have an advantage cause they're used to it, but this is my first at something that seems quite small on screen compared to the ps3 | 2012-11-04 18:17:00 Author: tripple_sss ![]() Posts: 250 |
I've finished getting all the prize bubbles from the story mode and my next step is to create something on the vita. My question to everyone is, "Do you guys/girls find it easier or harder creating on the vita vs. ps3. Just trying to get some general ideas before I start. I know those that had the PSP already have an advantage cause they're used to it, but this is my first at something that seems quite small on screen compared to the ps3 you will get used to it quite soon ![]() just don't compare your buildings to your screen, compare them to your sackboy, make him to your measurement this should work fine ![]() | 2012-11-04 18:44:00 Author: Dhana777 ![]() Posts: 122 |
There is a bit of a learning curve if you're used to the PS3 create mode, but you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly--after all, the tools are all the same (with a few extras), they're just controlled differently in some cases. | 2012-11-04 19:43:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
Thanx, that helps. Considering I'm used to the ps3 style. But I guess I wont know unless I try first ![]() | 2012-11-04 23:41:00 Author: tripple_sss ![]() Posts: 250 |
Yeah, it may feel a little weird creating on the Vita at first, but you'll definitely get used to it very quickly. I know after a few days, I went back on the PS3 and the LBP2 create mode felt awkward in comparison. ![]() | 2012-11-05 01:08:00 Author: RJA00000 ![]() Posts: 387 |
Yeah, it may feel a little weird creating on the Vita at first, but you'll definitely get used to it very quickly. I know after a few days, I went back on the PS3 and the LBP2 create mode felt awkward in comparison. ![]() Same here. I've gotten used to all the touch menus and touch interfaces that LBPV provides- it almost certainly feels like I am creating more quickly now than I ever did on the PS3 and it's much more convenient. Although I love LBP2, I think I actually like the create mode on the Vita better. | 2012-11-05 04:09:00 Author: ChrisF2112 ![]() Posts: 265 |
I feel like if I actually took the time to use the new tools over the old tools, I would be creating faster. it's just so weird to use touchscreen! I am slowly easing into it with sticker placing though. Other than that, I feel like it's exactly the same but with more lag and more tools, so it has its ups and downs. | 2012-11-05 04:20:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
This is my LBP game so I have nothing to compare it to, but I found it to be fairly simple to use this create. Touch is great but not essential, but it really helps when scrolling through the long lists of stickers objects and tools. Instead of having to navigate your way to one specific tool you can just touch it. Doesn't seem like much but it's fairly intuitive. One of my major gripes would have been having to use touch to erase, but I just realized that you can erase by holding down the triangle button.... the other would be the major slow downs once you hit 50% in the thermo. | 2012-11-05 21:59:00 Author: catsand ![]() Posts: 201 |
One thing that I really like about create mode on the vita is how it uses the rear touch pad. How you can zoom in and out and move the camera while an object is selected. This saves me so much time. But I still like create mode on the PS3 better because there's no lag. I hate how everything slows down while the game is saving and it takes FOREVER to save things on the vita. | 2012-11-05 22:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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