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Archive: 9 posts

Hey all! Flyin' Hawaiian here! I'm planning to create a level based on the indie horror game "Slender"

Anyone here know the game, that can offer suggestions as to how/what I should/shouldn't do things?

Cheers, flyinhawaiian
2012-11-02 02:17:00

Posts: 357

It seems like it would be pretty easy to get a basic structure laid out...

The free Winter season pack (lots of decorations and objects with dead trees and wood), earthy tones, low lighting, sparse sound effects, no music... these are the ingredients I would use, or like to see used. The slender man should emit at random times and with a mix of random and controlled actions. You'd probably spend quite some time getting a system down for this, so the player feels like they're evading a real threat with truly unpredictable but not unfair behavior.

If you want it to mimic the first person view you'll probably have to use a controllinator and the 3D camera glitch, but as a matter of personal taste, I would prefer keeping control of my sackthing and experiencing a take on Slender that way. No controllinator, no sackbot. I'm more invested in things when I see my character, and not someone else's. And don't get me started on having to learn special buttons for a survival horror level. Nothing takes you out of the game like thinking, am I supposed to grab something? R1 does't grab? why isn't X working like I want it to? am i supposed to-- no wait, that's-- etc.

If you don't go first person, I think camera angles and zooms that keep everything focused on sackthing are what will really make the level work. Camera angles that limit the player's view of what's coming. Hard cuts. Close, claustrophobic zooms. Don't use cutscenes, always make sure the player is always in control but only ever sees sackthing and a little bit of the area s/he's in. Create discomfort. The opposite of a 3D camera first person level, you will be filling the screen with the player's character so they feel like they've got blinders on. Make it so they're not sure how far they traveled or have to travel still. Terror will be lurking beyond the screen and force them to go slowly. The faster the player moves, the more likely they will walk right into something terrible. The slender man will provide jump scares when he shows up. Good use of cameras will maintain a high sense of dread the rest of the time.
2012-11-02 10:09:00

Unknown User

Hi Flyinhawian, havent been in touch in a long while, I hope your well.
Just played Slender. Hmm, I have some ideas Add me in game mate
2012-11-04 01:36:00

Posts: 662

Yeah its a cool concept. Played it yesterday. I don't know if you're looking for feedback, however, you should vary the scenery a bit. Also, the Slender man didn't kill me. I could go straight up to him.2012-11-04 18:36:00

Posts: 258

I could see the most difficult part of a Slender remake in LBP as making the Slenderman not move when you're looking at him. Depending on the engine you're working with (first person with camera glitch, standard camera, etc.), this could either be very easy or very difficult.2012-11-04 19:46:00

Posts: 2419

Flyin' Hawaiian got that bit down.

I must admit, I'm not familiar with the original.
2012-11-04 20:18:00

Posts: 258

If you ARE going to do a slender based level, focus your attention on "Marble Hornets"; the video in which Slender originated from. It's got an actual storyline to base your level off of. Not to mention more than just a forest for scenery. The videogame is nothing but a boneless Unity engine game. 2012-11-05 03:54:00

Posts: 1990

You could try thebother slender lbp remakes to get a feel for what works for others2012-11-12 12:43:00

Posts: 173

If you ARE going to do a slender based level, focus your attention on "Marble Hornets"; the video in which Slender originated from. It's got an actual storyline to base your level off of. Not to mention more than just a forest for scenery. The videogame is nothing but a boneless Unity engine game.

Umm... what? Slenderman came from something awful forums. Marble hornets was actually one of the later videos. Agree about the game, but it's done so well for how little it is.
2012-11-20 06:05:00

Posts: 1382

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