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Memorable Aura

Archive: 11 posts

Hello LBPC!

Its have been a while since my previous level, but now I want you present my latest level Memorable Aura.

This time you will find yourself at the forbidden dark place, the fire and the lights showing you the way through this land. As some of you know, I like to play with light and sound efects, only this time I made the whole background glowing. You will never be at the dark as the background allways shine for you

Note: This was again one of those projects where I pull out allmost all my hair and drink too much energy drinks.

This will be my last level for this year.

LBP.me http://lbp.me/v/g-b8b0


Regards: OmieR
2012-10-31 02:21:00

Posts: 76

Queued--I'll check it out later 2012-10-31 02:45:00

Posts: 2419

Awesome OMIE makes another thx2012-10-31 03:27:00

Posts: 611

Hey man just played your level and it was pretty cool level. In the beginning I felt like it was a little to much repetition with the run, jump, jump down, run , jump, jump down thing and think the visuals of this level could of been out there more with little more detail. Anyway after the first section I like how it takes you all the way down to the water then you swim through, I really like that and the fish that swam by and blew you back that was pretty cool. In my opinion, I think I liked being in the water more then running on foot. The background designs with the butterflys flying around and stuff was cool, and with fish swimming by. Overall I liked the level, just could use more detail, and gameplay in my opinion but other then that it was fun and worth playing. Good work.2012-10-31 03:35:00

Posts: 653

looks intriguing, placed in the queue2012-10-31 12:22:00

Posts: 8424

Hey man just played your level and it was pretty cool level. In the beginning I felt like it was a little to much repetition with the run, jump, jump down, run , jump, jump down thing and think the visuals of this level could of been out there more with little more detail. Anyway after the first section I like how it takes you all the way down to the water then you swim through, I really like that and the fish that swam by and blew you back that was pretty cool. In my opinion, I think I liked being in the water more then running on foot. The background designs with the butterflys flying around and stuff was cool, and with fish swimming by. Overall I liked the level, just could use more detail, and gameplay in my opinion but other then that it was fun and worth playing. Good work.

I agree with this entirely, the gameplay was a bit stale unfortunatley and consisted of a lot of epic cinematics ending up with a simple platform movement and i did prefer the water scene over any other part of the level. There was a lot of little touches that made it good like the background scenery (butterflies and fish zooming past) and the beautiful lighting but without obstacles or intricate contraptions to make the level memorable i found it lacked the "wow" factor.
2012-10-31 14:22:00

Posts: 216

Looking forward to this! queued.2012-11-01 09:08:00

Posts: 318

I know most have stated their argument on the gameplay and rightly so if that's all you're looking for in a level. Having said that, this level is more of a detailed and visually enticing level that only Omier can and has perfected. From the lights to the glowing background materials which I don't see too much nowadays, to the serene theme and of course the well matched music, I have to say is a very well created level. I too love a level with great gameplay, but this was more of a relaxing theme that I rather enjoyed. I think you did an outstanding job Omier, and I would'nt have it any other way. Well done buddy2012-11-03 18:05:00

Posts: 250

Thanks everybody for plays and reviews, Im not gonna make any excuses here I am terrible with gameplay, this is not my first level with missing gameplay, and in this project to be honest I didnt even try to make any grabbing, spikes or anykind of obstacles, purely based on visuals with a little very easy relaxing gameplay. And hopefully people can see this level more as a visual little jorney, which I see tripple_sss saw

Anyway I understand that most of the people looking a fun gameplay with awesome obstacles and usually I want that too, but everytime I try to think anykind of obstacles in to my levels, they either doesnt fit there at all, or they are just so terrible and pointless so better not to have them there. Sometimes when I play someones levels and see cool obstacles I think, why I cant make one of these.

Thank you everyone for the plays and constuctive reviews, I do honostly appriciate that and maybe someday I will learn to make gameplay

Regards: OmieR
2012-11-03 21:24:00

Posts: 76

As i said in my in game review, not every level has to be fast paced and in your face, sometimes i just want some escapism, and that is just what i got here. I too find it a lot easier to create the visual side of things rather than interesting game play, so you are not the only one.2012-11-04 09:55:00

Posts: 318

Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, I've been a bit busy lately. The visuals were great! I loved how the various pieces of the level would form underneath you as you used bounce pads to ascend up the structure, but the level was a bit lacking in the gameplay department. That being said, it's more of a relaxed level than an exciting one, but that's perfectly ok. Good work.2012-11-18 23:32:00

Posts: 2419

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