(LBPC9) Petal Gear
Archive: 12 posts
Hi everyone! I've finally released my level for LBPC9, Petal Gear. (http://lbp.me/v/fxksce) I've tried my best to deliver a complete experience. It's challenging platforming through intricate devices, wrapped in an atmospheric story, both tragic and humourous. As per the contest rules, there is a single power source from which all obstacles mechanically move. An elaborate network of cause/effect. This requirement made me come up with interesting devices I'd otherwise never have, and was a great challenge of timing, balance, and general physics. So many ideas got scrapped and reworked, so hopefully the best stuff has risen to the top. Anyway, I very much hope you like it! The gameplay's meant to be a little hard, but very exciting. http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/410b380e88cbd82ecb22a19080ec24fc9daf76a0.jpg http://ib.lbp.me/img/ft/1fba91998c46f7fc7293046f84c9cd225b469a3e.jpg http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/ed13be68021c4571f6bc637423bb2ebc795c4403.jpg http://i5.lbp.me/img/ft/eb5f7a729feb0ae271fcbccfc182ee0f10c850d1.jpg Thank you, and enjoy!! http://lbp.me/v/fxksce | 2012-10-29 16:59:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ ![]() Posts: 116 |
Seems great! Queued! | 2012-10-30 21:17:00 Author: BillyCrash100 ![]() Posts: 134 |
Oh hey there! I took a small bit of inspiration from your Fluffy's Lost Toy level, as far as having fun little interactive surprises throughout the environment. Granted, there's not nearly as much of that as what you did, but I did think of you while working that stuff in! | 2012-10-30 22:20:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ ![]() Posts: 116 |
i would be more than happy to play this ![]() https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=75057-New-Level!!-Mines-of-Boreas-%28A-race-against-the-clock-platformer%29 leave any feedback there and i will do the same here ![]() | 2012-10-30 22:40:00 Author: Arastoph ![]() Posts: 216 |
Sure thing, not sure if I'll have time tonight, but I'll definitely try! I saw your review in-game. Thanks for checking it out, but sorry to hear you didn't make it through. What part made you give up? Is it something you could enjoy conquering with a little more focus and patience, or is it an unfair design? I do strive to provide exciting challenges! ![]() | 2012-10-31 05:05:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ ![]() Posts: 116 |
The section in which you must hold onto the sponge above you and move foreward while it moves left and right really fast then you must grab the circle sponge and rotate it and finally grab a spike of sponge at the end and drop down! lol recognise the bit i mean? I died over 20 times in a row! i guess i am not as skilled as most players! apart from that though i was thoroughly enjoying the experience! ![]() | 2012-10-31 11:00:00 Author: Arastoph ![]() Posts: 216 |
Yep, I know the part! The trick is to grab the wheel and hold yourself to the right as the platform swings to the right, then let go of the stick and let the wheel rotate as the platform moves back left, letting go at the right time to have it fling you to the left. Once you get the feel for it, it's rather easy. That was a part I redesigned 3 times. This final version isn't the easiest of them, but it is the most fun and consistent! I hope sometime you'll feel up to giving it another shot, as there's a lot of great to go afterward. ![]() I checked out your level, so I'll leave feedback over in your thread. | 2012-10-31 17:11:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ ![]() Posts: 116 |
Oh hey there! I took a small bit of inspiration from your Fluffy's Lost Toy level, as far as having fun little interactive surprises throughout the environment. Granted, there's not nearly as much of that as what you did, but I did think of you while working that stuff in! Really? Now I'm flattered ![]() Great level by the way, very original! Good luck with the contest! | 2012-10-31 21:26:00 Author: BillyCrash100 ![]() Posts: 134 |
Really? Now I'm flattered ![]() Great level by the way, very original! Good luck with the contest! Yeah I liked all your little touches such as being able to open soda cans. ![]() Thanks, I'm really glad you had fun! I just published the final version and the deadline just hit, so hopefully I didn't mess anything else up! ![]() | 2012-11-01 00:59:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ ![]() Posts: 116 |
Looks like fun and from what i've read you have put a lot of effort in this so Queued and waiting. | 2012-11-01 01:42:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Well, as you have requested, this is the F4F. I'd actually already done some over at LBPlanetarium, but thats not so in depth, so I'll do some more here. Although I didn't get to finish, I really did like it. Some of it was very challenging, and I appreciate that, it felt rewarding to get it done. Like the bit where you grab the red pillar, it shoots you up, you move mid-air to grab spikes, grab again and repeat. This was pretty tough, and if it weren't for infinite life checkpoints I would have had to play your level like 8 times just to get past that section. I larrrved the colour scheme, the purple plasma was cool to see, as it was sorta outta-place, yet it worked, as if it were some kind of....magical force(?) Like, purple glowing stuff ain't natural in the mountains of Japan, or wherever this is set. The level was always clear as to where to go next, I never got confused as to what to do next, and all the platforming elements felt solid- every time I died, I knew it was because I had done something wrong, not the game. That's cool, it makes the level enjoyable to play. Music was groovy too ![]() overall, I'm sure I gave this a Yay, but I think imma go heart it, coz after writing this, I realise how good it actually is. Good luck for the contest, you certainly deserve to place. | 2012-11-06 16:43:00 Author: bluesteel789 ![]() Posts: 159 |
Thank you bluesteel, that puts me at ease regarding a lot of my decisions! In the past, I've had people complaining of a few unfair difficulty moments, so I'm very glad to hear that balance is working for you. I also appreciate you mentioning the colour scheme, as that was something I fought with for awhile. Maybe one day I'll even get the nerve to be as bold with colour as you! I believe this is actually the first time I've used plasma in a level. I usually prefer the danger elements that feel more natural, but I found plasma to be just so wonderfully practical! The main reason to use it is so player physics don't interfere with obstacle physics. Can't have someone knocking something out of whack, even if it kills them! ![]() | 2012-11-06 18:59:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ ![]() Posts: 116 |
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