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My Mech walkers (heavily inspired by MG Rex and Zoids)

Archive: 4 posts

Hello guys i just wanted to show you some of my latest creations, in total they took about 4 days to make (2 each)


I have a finished version of the one above (i mean fully painted) it resides in a level that i put out. its weapon load out is;
- Gauss Cannon
- Rail Cannon
- AA Cannon
- Multi missiles from its bay, core and legs
- Radar




As for this one this is as far as i got with it lol, the unfolding cannon will have to be re-done so that i will actually be able to unfold and then i have to go trough the fun of painting all the parts .... fun but boring if that's even possible. As for the weapon load out it consist of;
- Multi missiles from its bay
- Dual AA Cannons
- Folding Sniper Cannon

As stated in the title the inspiration for both of the walkers came from MG Rex however the second walker's design came when i was looking at "kit bashed' Zoids and stumbled upon a model that made an emphasis on the Cannon, the "Shields" where added as a form of defense while the cannon was being used.

Also i do plan to do more variations when i have the time as well as getting them to move.
2012-10-21 11:06:00

Unknown User

SWEET! btw could u show me how to build mech like dat =D2012-11-06 13:02:00

Posts: 113

no prob once you get your ideas sorted its relatively easy from there2012-11-13 05:31:00

Unknown User

Just want to say that looks amazing and has inspired me so much to try and create a mech walker. personally the plain blue suites the Mechs. you don't need to paint it. But I wouldn't mind seeing the decorated version. Maybe post some photos up GOOD JOB!2012-12-04 15:08:00

Posts: 40

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