[MOVE] Level Recommendations?
Archive: 7 posts
Sooo... i broke down and picked up a move set ('lil shopping around and it wasn't absurdly expensive), and i don't know if this is a dirty confession or not, but i really like using it. Had a blast with the Move set DLC stages, and i'd really like to play around with it some more (particularly with the Brain Crane or other platforming elements). Except... Player made stages that actually leverage the device seem to be a bit thin on the ground. Tried a text search on "Move" and all i got was jank...i don't think anything that came up actually used the Move, the word was just in the title. This is unfortunate...though i suppose understandable, since using the Move as a focus would by necessity limit your stage's player base. Anyways...any of you fine folks have any recommended stages for me? A thousand thanks and mental cupcakes are yours for the taking! | 2012-10-21 05:17:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
How about these MM picks: Shoot 'em up [1 player] http://lbp.me/v/8d45y2 Pizza Party (Move Required - 1Player) http://lbp.me/v/8-8cv8 Moving With The Forest http://lbp.me/v/7enjpk sheep shearer delux. (PS Move) http://lbp.me/v/6jj16p And one I made, not at the level of MM picks but worth a go: Watermill Works with MOVE http://lbp.me/v/-pmkct Have fun! | 2012-10-21 06:11:00 Author: aratiatia ![]() Posts: 374 |
*mental cupcakes! men---tal cupCAKES* Thanks a bunch Ara! i'll give these a spin when i get off a' work. EDIT: Okee, i tried out Move through the Forest, Shoot 'em Up and your level. i think yours and 'Forest' were exactly what i was thinking of when i was asking for rec's. Solid platforming elements enhanced by the controller. i like mini-games, but they're more of a side-dish for me. i liked your level an awful lot...learned a few things about crocs, namely, don't set them in front of a checkpoint if you think you'll be using it again later. The only quibbles i had were: (a) it felt like it ended a bit abruptly; there i was, hoppin' and be-boppin' along, tossin' crocs and playing with nifty clockwork (i am such a sucker for clockwork, by the by), and bam, there's the gate. To be fair i had the same issue with 'Forest,' though. (b) i think it could do with one more detail sweep, just little stuff, like the bridge near the beginning (the first time you move a clockwork bit with the braincrane) has just enough of a gap at the end to fall down into the river if you're not paying attention, and you've got a few bits of visible logic here and there (on the big waterwheel near the end, if i recall correctly). Ahh! so as not to end on a down note, i really liked the grass in this level, i don't know why, but it was really charming, like it was drawn on. Little details like that, in my opinion, a great. Anyhow, thanks again for the rec's. Have a good evening! | 2012-10-21 12:03:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
I love playing with move! ![]() I have some levels with move too! One of them is a Mm Pick! Move-Block-Control [1 Player] http://lbp.me/v/b-rsk0 Legonator? [1-4 Player] http://lbp.me/v/7wthtc Colortrain NEO [1-4 Player] http://lbp.me/v/-tx-m6 ... and here are some other great levels with move (not from me): [MMS] Timber Ridge http://lbp.me/v/6h5012 Angkor http://lbp.me/v/-c9jf7 1 to 50 (1-4 Players) [PlayStation Move] [JPN/日本] http://lbp.me/v/9d9d-y [MMS] Light the way (1 or 2 players, at least one with move) http://lbp.me/v/6wt5-h | 2012-10-21 17:24:00 Author: DeKa1357 ![]() Posts: 190 |
Duck Shot My friend made it a little while back and it's really fun. | 2012-10-23 03:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
They are my favorite MOVE levels.XD Lets get Moving Sackthing! [Move Required] http://lbp.me/v/65-qvc Castle of Infinite Sunset [MOVE REQUIRED, 1P ONLY] http://lbp.me/v/64vnts [MMS] Watermill Mountain http://lbp.me/v/7ep86t andmore,this is my MOVE platformer level. I want you enjoy it.XD CREATE YOUR WAYS (Platformer) http://lbp.me/v/7vkncw | 2012-10-25 07:20:00 Author: nyanchuoya ![]() Posts: 57 |
Yes great levels! ![]() | 2012-10-25 16:53:00 Author: DeKa1357 ![]() Posts: 190 |
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