The Germinator (PSN/Move support)
Archive: 1 post
Make a Mess of Your PS3 with Germinator http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=R0e8nSo7sv8 Hey gang ? I?m back to announce a great new game that features a killer twist on the bubble genre. Something messy and contagious is festering in suburbia, and there?s only one hero who can save the day: The Germinator! No more of that old school Match-3. While three of a kind won?t help you in Germinator, you will need to crash your germ bubbles into those of the same color. Upon collision, they?ll combine and grow, GROW, GROW until they POP ? gooey, splotchy, splattering pops. Be sure to pop them quickly before they get too big and overrun the house. Timing and accuracy is the key to preventing the various germs from rising too high. Germinator features a crazy cast of multi-colored bubble germs with their own personalities and traits. Making them pop the right way triggers combos to explode them all and make a mess of your screen. Dozens of levels and power-ups will keep you coming back to clean house. Local multiplayer lets you battle your friends or the AI. Toss in PlayStation Move motion controller support and full 1080p visuals, and you?ve got a messy good time! Expect to see Germinator clean up the PlayStation Store in late 2012 or early 2013. You can also get more updates and info by following us on Twitter @CreatStudios and @GerminatorGame, and like us on Facebook. We?re thrilled to share the latest addition to our PlayStation Network catalog! We love what we do, and we couldn?t do it without all of you. Please send your thoughts and suggestions our way! http://blog.us.playstation.com/2012/10/19/make-a-mess-of-your-ps3-with-germinator/#comment-770333 | 2012-10-19 15:20:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
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