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LBPC Haunt: (Part Four) Breaking a Cursed Hold

Archive: 8 posts

You better have read Parts One (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=64445-LBPC-Haunt-(Part-One)-The-Troublemakers-Three), Two (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=64626-LBPC-Haunt-(Part-Two)-A-Deadman-s-Rhapsody) and Three (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=64686-LBPC-Haunt-(Part-Three)-Secrets-Yet-To-Be-Told),
If you want any hope of understanding the story.

Onward we roll into the night, under a shining moon,
Where mysteries and tragedies will begin to unravel soon.
Our trio from the chapter before, with secrets of their own,
Begin their epic conquest against forces still unknown...

(Merc) ?How much farther??
(Morgana25) ?Not much, I hope!?
(nysudyrgh) ?And exactly HOW much time do we have?!?
(Valeview) ?Erm... 50 minutes??
?It's gonna be a freakin' miracle if we get this done before midnight!?
?It's gonna be a distant dream if we don't keep up the pace!?

Darting to the wilderness, the quartet ran on by,
Pass the end of public paving, pass where schm0 did lie,
Onto a trail and into the woods, the dead trees looming high,
With their gnarled branches forming a roof and covering the starry sky.
Screams and shouts and cries of fear began to steadily grow,
But as the group grew nearer, the sounds began to slow...

?They're growing more faint...?
?The magic! It vacuum-sealed them!?
?... English, please??
?There's little oxygen in that room! They're suffocating!?
?No time to waste! Keep running!?

A sudden mood of urgency began to set in,
As the oxygen inside the tomb started to wear thin...

(xero) ?*Gasp!* Help! *Cough* Somebody!?
(UltimateClay) ?It's no use! *Gasp!* We're stranded in here!?
(abyssalassasin) ?Well... *Gasp!* this looks like the end...?
(Joey) ?I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry...?
(littlebigdude805) ?It's okay, Joey. *Gasp!* No-one *cough* expected this...?

The group outside finally arrived and immediately ran to the door,
Desperate to break their friends free... if they were breathing anymore.

?Crap! It's sealed shut!?
?Wait, can't Morgana just cast a spell that'll take down the door??
?Can't risk injuring the people inside. Besides, I cannot access the barrier with the door in the way.?
?Didn't anyone bring a weapon to break this door down?!?
?Unless you expect a flashlight to break through solid granite, I'm afraid we're out of luck. Besides, GDN is the only guy I know who carries a gun license, and he's gone into hiding.?
?Just dandy! The only guy that can help us is in ?lock-down mode?, an now we've just ran nonstop to get here just to see our friends DIE?!?
?Please guys, calm down-?
?CALM DOWN?!? I didn't run out into the middle of nowhere to see my classmates suffocate!!?
?Control yourself, man! Shouting isn't helping one bit-?
?Well it's sure better than doing NOTHING!!?
?Guys, please-?
?OH!! Like you hold the answers to everything, huh?!?
?It's not like YOU do!!?
?If you don't shut up NOW Nys, I swear, I'm gonna-?

Morgana shouted with frustration no-one had known,
The two arguers were startled by her rather loud tone.
A glint of sadness trickled around her eye,
As she shed a tear, but did not cry.

?I'm sorry I had to raise my voice, but this is no time for arguing. Your friends will be dead soon if you don't think of something.?
?... sorry...?
?If we can't save my friends, we can at least save yours.?

At this point, Valeview put his head to the wall,
He tried listening for voices, but there was none at all.

?Ohh man...?
?What is it??
?I can't hear a thing...?
?Well, sackpeople don't have ears in the first place, so-?
?I'm serious. It's quiet in there.?

Realizing this, Merc feared the worst,
And began ramming into the door, right shoulder first.
The other three backed away, watching Merc run by,
As all feared the worst: did their friends already die?
Vale put his head to the wall again,
Still hearing nothing from his brethren...

?Merc, I think it's too late...?
?No it's not! Not yet!?
?Please, Merc, don't hurt yourself...?
?I'm not stopping until I see what's inside!! And that's not happening until this DOOR-?





With a mighty charge, he broke on through!
Busting out his friends... and his shoulder, too.

?Oh wow... you did it.?
?Yeah, I did... agh, that hurt.?
?You did well, Nathan Drake.?

Without a minute to spare, Morgana conjured up a spell,
Breaking down the magic barrier, and freeing their friends as well.
The trio ran to their exhausted friends, most of them nearly passed out,
As Joey embraced his den mother Morgy; a happy reunion, no doubt.

?Geez. *Gasp!* That was a gnarly hit you took there, Merc...?
?He's tough. He'll just brush it off.?
?Are you guys okay??
?Yeah, *cough* I guess. Thanks.?
?Thanks, Merc. We owe you one.?
?I thought we were dead there for a sec...?
?I'm so sorry, Morgy! I promise I won't do that ever again!?
?Don't worry, Joey. You're safe now.?
?You might be safe physically, but we're still running on limited time here.?
?... so this is where they buried everyone.?
?Yes. This is where me, Joey and the others lie.?
?Wait, where's your body, Morgana??
?Since I can exist in both realms, I've repossessed mine.?
?But it'll only be temporary if we don't break this curse first.?
?Right. We've gotta get going.?

Quick to recover, the group was back on their feet,
Their reunion was happy, but became bittersweet,
For time was still running, and with the moon rising fast,
They were uncertain how much longer Halloween would last.

?So I guess it's off to the mansion??
?Yes. But first, we're making a little 'stop'...?
?Where to??
?Well... where do you think GDN ran off to??

With Merc leading on, they sped out of the woods,
Passing schm0 again, and into the neighborhoods.
Checking down alleys and looking through yards,
It's seems as though a gunman wasn't in the cards.

?Come on! He has to be around here somewhere!?
?For all we know, he might have fled LBPC already.?
?Seriously, can ghosts really scare someone THAT much??
?... you'd be surprised.?
?How do you... nevermind.?
?Ohh GDNNNN! Where are yoooouuu??



Falling to the ground with his hands on his head,
Valeview trembles in fear.

?... am I dead??
?No. But now we have a good read on where GDN is.?

Suddenly, loud cries began to ring out,
It was clear that it was GDN's group, no doubt.

(Sackgirlsrule) ?Please GDN!! Put the gun down!!?
(CyberSora) ?Seriously! You can kill someone shooting around like that!?
?Happy Halloween indeed. Let's go.?

Speeding towards the shouts, around a house or two,
They come upon the others-

?If only you knew...?
?Whoa. What's happening here??
?Merc? Clay? What are you guys still doing out??
?Saving the lives of Morgana and her friends.?
?... M-Morgana? B-but aren't you-?
?It's complicated.?
?Besides that... what're you guys up to??
?Occupied with GDN's panic attack. That ghost shook him up good.?
?Are you kiddin'? That ghost got ALL of us good!?
?I wasn't scared.?
?Pfft. Says the ringleader of the 'Screaming Sissies Parade'.?

A few little snickers squeaked out of the group,
But that was as low as they all would stoop.

?May we talk to him? It's rather important.?
?I've seen that face before. I'd back away.?
?Having no gun doesn't sound like a good idea...?
?But neither is dragging along a panic-induced commando.?
?Lemme talk with him...?

Merc tried to step forward towards GDN,
But he quickly pointed his gun-

?Relax. It's just me, Mercuy.?
?I know what you're trying to do... you're trying to make me go back to that demented fire hazard!!?
?I only wanna talk.?
?Well I ain't going, so it's best that all you guys start heading on home and forget it.?
?Our friends are in deep trouble. We NEED you.?
?You don't understand. I'm sane. Sane enough to walk away from a hopeless situation. Unlike you guys...?
?Wow, the crazed gunman is calling US crazy. How regal.?
?Forget it. Let's get going before we're out of time.?
?Get well soon, GDN...?

As the others began to be on their way,
Merc decided to give GDN one more say.

?GDN. Well-distinguished soldier of Brazil proper. Veteran of the Console Wars. And he's backing out because a wee-lil'-ghostie-wostie spooked him.?

Those mocking words seemed to do the trick,
As GDN snapped out of it, and rose up quick.

?There's NO WAY I'm letting that ghost best me.?
?Welcome aboard. Now let's go.?

The group ran quickly down the empty street,
The childless neighborhood looking discreet.
Across the road and up the large hill,
They arrived at the mansion, where others lingered still.

(TheCountessZ) ?Come on, Rock! We all know you can bust down this door!?
(RockSauron) ?MEH.?
(jwwphotos) ?Seriously, we need to get in, and you're the only one that-?
(Incinerator22) ?Ugh, this is getting nowhere.?
?What's going on??
?I thought you guys ran off with the others??
?Initially, but our friends are still in... M-Morgana??
?Long story, don't have time. Continue.?
?Uhh... okay. Anyways, the other ghosts are still inside, and Rock-?
?Yes- Rock here is the only one that can break down this weird force keeping us out.?
?Even xkappax??
?Even xkappax.?
?Weird force?... Wait, that sounds like-?
?The same force that held us in that tomb earlier...?
?Didn't need the help, Joey.?
?Any proof? All I see is a door.?

Cin was more than happy to break the humble door's deception,
Tossing a rock at it, then watching it rocket in the opposite direction.

?Ooh. Some pretty potent stuff.?
?Nearly struck a kid a mile away doing that.?
?Well, if Rock won't do it, then maybe Morgana can??
?I'll try...?

Morgana got into position, her hands pointed at the door,
But then she nearly lost consciousness and dropped down to the floor.


The others looked on in utter shock, rushing to her aid.
They got her back on her feet, but the barrier stayed.

?He's in there!?
?The murderer! He's inside! He knows we're here!?
?But can't you still-?
?No! I can't! He's set a bind on me!?

His instinct kicking in, Merc eyed the starry sky,
Spotting the moon amongst the clouds, its position rather high.

?It's nearly midnight!?
?Now we REALLY don't have any time.?
?But we still can't get in. Morgana's being blocked and Rock's not participating.?
?... I'll MAKE that warlock participate...?

Marching up to the imposing necromancer,
GDN wasn't gonna leave until he got an answer.

?Why can't you break down the door, huh?!?
?UGH. It's not that I can't. Its-?
?Oh? What? You're too LAZY, hmm?!?
?SILENCE, mortal. I just don't feel like-?
?You don't FEEL like it?! You're just not FEELING it?!!?
?SHUT UP, puny sack. Before I-?
?Before you do WHAT? NOTHING?!! Because you seem to be really good at that!!?
?Uhh... GDN??
?Looks like to me Mr. Peanut Lord of Darkness is too lazy to actually do something useful for once!!?
?Perhaps we gotta ship 'em over to Sissy-Wissy Charter so he actually SUCCEEDS at something!!?
?What's that? You wanna crush me?! Then DO IT, MAGGOT!! DO-?

Not taking GDN's drilling anymore,
Rock snatched the paratrooper and hurled him through the door.
The tremendous force of the warlock's pitch shattered the magical seal,
Damaging the house a little bit... and GDN a great deal.

?... GDN??
?*Grumblegrumble* We're in.?

Our group of four now turned sixteen, they headed into the eerie abode,
But there are horrors yet unseen, the setting helping to forebode.
With GDN leading at the front and RockSauron in the rear,
They ventured slowly around the halls, some overwhelmed with fear.

?Shhh. Stop being so scared...?
?Yeah... because seeing you be scared is only making me scared.?
?... Ohgeezoh-?

Walking ever deeper into the haunted complex,
Others began to hear a distant hex...

(???) ?Sssssssoulsssss...?
?W-what was that?!?
?I-i d-dunno??
?It's him! It's-?
?Shh. Lemme hear...?

Everyone got quiet, the house hauntingly still,
But then a voice was heard again, giving their spines a chill.

(???) ?Mweh. Heh. Heh. Heh. Hehhhh...?
?... huh??
?Was that the murderer??
?... Wait a second, that's-?

Suddenly, the floorboards began to shake, then some began to rise,
Whatever it was, they didn't know, but it sure will be a surprise!
Flying out of the ground below with a face oh-so-feared,
The Jake Gylenhaal lookalike, Inanimacy, reappeared!

(Inanimacy) ?Oh sacks, you so silly!?

GDN immediately sprang into action,
Aiming his pistol at the floating attraction!

?Eat lead!!?

The soldier fired off a death-tap of two,
But the rounds did nothing; they sailed on through!

?PLEEEEASE, darling. That tickles.?
?Uhh... he's a ghost, remember??
?... Note to self: ghosts are phase-through.?
?Rock! We need you to-?

Before he could call back down the hall,
Rock yet again disappeared through a wall.

?Again?! Really?!?
?Yep. We're screwed.?

Inanimacy turned away briefly,
Then flashed a trollface non-discreetly.

?Problem, officers??
?Wow. You panic easily.?
?It's been a hard night, alright?!?
?*Sigh*, Hold on...?

Morgana walked forward to Inan's face,
But as for fighting, well... that wasn't the case.

?What's up??
?... Well, if you really wanna know...?

The two spiritual beings began a conversation,
Most of it not being related to their situation.
A moment or two passed briskly by,
Ending with a unceremonious-

?See yah later!?
?... what.?
?Now with the unnecessary panicking gone, let's continue searching. Shall we??

Back en-route, they ventured on deeper,
Closing in on Joey's and Morgana's reaper...

?Turn back...?
?Hold up. I heard something...?
?Turn back...?
?... did you hear that??
?Hear what??
?Please... oh please...?
?That. You hear it??
?... You're crazy.?

Nearby curtains suddenly began to whirl,
The windows opening, the wind a swirl.
Sweeping around the group, then twirling off the ancient floor,
Xkappax reformed her ghostly self, though now looking worse than before.

?xkappax! It's you!?
?Oh my, you look awful...?
(xkappax) ?Merc, please, leave...?
?No! I'm not leaving until you and the others are freed!?
?Leave now... before its too late...?

Both Merc and xkappax struggled to hold back from crying,
While the room began to tear apart, then slowly recompiling.

?I-i think w-we gotta get goiiing-?
?If you think I'm leaving without you, then you're sadly mistaken!?
?Please! Just go! It's too late to change my fate! SAVE-?

Five mystic chains shot out from behind the ghostly speck,
With a pair for both her legs and arms, and one around her neck,
She let out an agonizing cry, tears streaming down her cheeks,
The room was shifting more and more, and Merc struggled to-

?Jack, please! You're not helping!?

It's MY story, so I'd watch it if I were you.

?US watch it?! We're watching xkappax get the life strangled out of her and you're just RHYMING!!?

Well maybe if you'd just KEEP QUIET FOR A-




Without a moment's hesitation, Merc ran towards Kappa's chains,
And though the others tried stopping him, they couldn't handle HIS reigns.

?STOP!! That's suicide!!?
?You'll get us ALL killed!!?
?Those chains will tear you apart!!?

Merc grabbed onto a chain, while the others grabbed his arm,
Yet tugging away at Mercuy only caused more harm,
The chains reacted violently, extending even more,
So much in fact they literally tore out the very floor!
The group began to tumble down, some managing to grab hold,
While the others landed far below, the basement dark and cold.
Merc climbed along the swaying chain until Kappa was in reach,
Jumping off to grab hold of her, clinging like a leech.
While far below, the others began to come to,
Yet in a thick and freezing darkness, they didn't know what to do.
With only Morgana's glowing eyes and Joey's aura visible,
An eerie whisper of a laugh only made things more miserable...

(???) ?Aaaaahah, hah, hah, haaaah...?
?... Oh God.?
?Too easy.?

A single wall was suddenly illuminated in the basement,
Highlighting a rather large portrait of certain placement.
Upon closer examination, it was Morgana's worst fear:
It was the portrait she and Joey were imprisoned in, since last year!

?Hey, isn't that comphermc??
?Yeah... and everyone else who died...?
?Joey!! We have to-?

Before Morgana25 could have another saying,
The two ghosts were suddenly snared, and hurled back into the painting!


Merc watched the peril from high above, realizing his mistake,
As Kappa could only lower her head, slowly did it shake.

?You fool...?
?I... I'm so sorry...?

The chains began to lower towards the basement far below,
As the painting itself, now with two more people, began to glow.
The sound of slowly clapping hands echoed through the silent room,
A sign that they were all defeated, and of their impending doom...

(OmegaSlayer) ?So close... but so far. I've gotta say, though, I was quite impressed with your performance.?
?Omega... but I thought you were away on a trip to the Planetarium??
?Nah, you really believed that sham? I thought you were smarter than that...?
?This entire time... and no one knew...?
?I was pretty impressed myself with the cover-up. So thorough. Heck, even old man schm0 bought it.?
?It... it makes no sense. Why YOU??
?Pretty logical if you ask me. Systematically eliminating LBPC's most influential and powerful people and claim the adoring masses for yourself? It's so simple.?

The chains finally lower to the basement floor,
Giving Omega a view of Merc, and making grin even more.

?Such valiance and chivalry pulled off by our little half-tuck here tonight. Bravo.?
?Aww, don't be so sad. It's not the FIRST time you failed to save a life...?

Casting out his hand, Omega caught Merc in a magical hold,
Expelling him from Kappa and knocking-out our hero cold.

?Heh. Heh.?
?You monster!! How could you do such a thing?!?
?ME?!! MONSTER?!! I've locked-up these FREAKS for good and you're calling ME a monster?!!?

His sudden flash of anger only made their efforts vain.
Still heated from Z's comment, he began to explain...

?For many years, I've been lying under their oppressive sight,
Watching as they abuse their influence, flexing all their might.
Their winches and pistons and crystal caverns... ugh, it drove me insane!
It was only a matter of time before they became my bane...

I knew about their 'Masquerade' well before it went online,
For see this mansion around you? Well... this mansion is MINE.
I offered to host their little 'gig', their 'night of scary fun',
For I needed them all in a single place before my plan begun.

That very night of Halloween, over a year ago,
The 'Masquerade' was a smashing hit, and all would have a show.
Teebonsey, Burnvictim 42, Comphermc,
Morgana25, Joey, even Fenderjt.

But THIS young girl- xkappax- was missing from the group.
So I had no choice but to seek her out and have a subtle... coup.
A feisty one, she sure was... but died nonetheless.
And one convenient match would burn what's left of her carcass.

So I returned to my lofty manor, and some began to leave,
But I couldn't let my six go... so LIES I began to weave.
I convinced each one of them to stick around afterward,
Exactly what it was for?... Eh, it was absurd.

Once everyone else was gone, I wanted to take a pic
Of their splendid little costumes... they did look rather sick.
So I got them positioned in front of an empty picture frame,
The setup was so easy... like Media Molecule's first game!

Mumbling the chant, I started to cast a hex upon my kin;
I saw their energies dying, their souls seeping out of their skin.
Only too late did the realize that they were under a spell,
As their souls were expelled from reality... and into LITTLEBIGHELL!!!AAAAAHAAHAHHAHAHAAAH!!!?

His maniacal laughter bellowed throughout the ruined room,
Only emphasizing the group's eventual doom.

?Of course... there was bound to be SOMEONE that saw what happened...?
?He was a good boy, keeping his mouth shut. But Kappa was still around... so I had to shut her up.?

Omega focused on the ghost, tightening her chain,
Only making the ghostly girl wail out in vain.

?Kept her little trap nice and shut, I did. Now she's too scared to even make eye-contact.?

Realizing even more the deep trouble they were in,
The group could only shudder as Omega started to grin.

?But now, you people know too much. So I'll have to-?
?Dear God, can you stop SCREAMING?!! I can't even think straight!!?

The group settled down from their panic attack,
Letting Omega get back on track.

?Anyways. Yes, I'll have to kill every single one of you.?
?Well then. If I die... YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!!!?

GDN quickly aimed his gun at the mage,
Firing off a barrage of bullets in his rage!
Omega was taken by surprise by GDN's ferocity,
But, using a magical shield, he slowed the bulletstorm's velocity.
Outnumbering nearly eleven to one, the group was quick to spot
That they had power in numbers, and Omega wasn't looking so hot...

?Let's get him!!?

Swarming upon him like a raging, torrent sea,
The other members started to cause Omega much agony. (Except Merc, he's knocked out.)
By tackling, punching, slapping, kicking, striking the outmatched foe,
Pinching, poking, tickling and repeated stomping on one toe. (Was quite painful, no doubt.)
The warlock sure was getting beat; he sure did have it rough,
But only so much can come out of angering a villain...


Omega shot out both his hands and created a magical blast,
Regaining some much needed space and dropping the others fast.
Seeing that scare tactics wasn't working and that they were rather slow,
He targeted the person closest to him; abyssal will be first to go.
Concentrating his sights on her, Omega unleashed a spell.

?Poor abyssalassassin... you'll be the seventh to GO TO HELL!!?
?Aaauuugghh!! Help me!!?

Springing into action, Clay sprinted towards the adversary,
Building up a spit of flame, which at this point was quite necessary.
Clay bellowed out a might torch, catching Omega by surprise,
Making him let go of abyssal and dodging a fiery demise.
Seeing that he can't capture her, he goes for the next best thing;
Incinerator22 was next, on account of his limping.

?Prepare to be honorably DISMANTLED, CIN!!?
?Ah crap...?

Omega dove towards Incinerator and pinned him to the floor!

?I don't think you'll be needing this SOUL anymore...?
?Hands off the jarhead!?

Swooping in from high above, TheCountessZ dive-bombed the mage,
Prying him off the injured sack and sending the wizard into a rage.


Omega's gaze pierced Z's eyes, freezing her in place,
But as Omega got on his feet, jwwphotos socked him in the face.

?You better be planning on unfreezing her or the beatings will continue...?
?Such a strong punch for a nerd with glasses...?

Omega responded to the blow with a punch of his own,
Decking jww and sending him reeling; you should have seen how far he flown!
He didn't have much time to recover, for GDN was shooting once more,
Causing the evil wizard to dodge as the bullets seared through the floor.
Distracted by the gunman's shooting, he didn't have time to see
That he was gonna get tackled by another group of three.

?Get him!!?

Littlebigdude, Sackgirl and CyberSora sprang at him from the back,
Latching onto the psychopath and starting their own attack.
Clawing and pinching at the foe, they were instead rather annoying,
Clearly projecting their own fears... a fact Omega was enjoying.

?NOW I see what's going on...?

Omega threw off the meddling free, focusing now to destroy
The sole reason he got into this mess...

?Time to die, Mercuy...?

Walking towards the unconscious lad, with the others laid to waste,
Nothing stood between Omega and his prize...


With only Kappa to helplessly watch, Omega bent towards the sack,
But just before he could grab the boy, it suddenly went pitch black.
It's still unknown what exactly happened during that brief pause,
For why the room went suddenly dark, there really is no cause.
But what I do recall from what I heard, etched in my brains,
That there was a shout, a growl and a scream, and the constant rattling of chains.
Something or someone was tumbling around, though Heaven knows where who or what went,
And only with the sudden, brief tug of a chain did the room go silent...

The candles around the room flicked on, with everyone still on the floor,
Although there was one devious fact: Omega was no more.
Mercuy was slowing coming to, slowing open his eyes,
Taking a moment to regain his senses, and then to slowly rise.
Scratching his head as though he were having a puzzling thought,
He looked around the room, and yet Omega... there was not.

?Wha... what happened??

The portrait suddenly shook like crazy, pounding against the wall,
Taking itself off of its hinge, and forward did it fall.
With a loud smack on the hardwood floor, the back of the frame swelled suddenly,
And with a loud BANG! And a sudden flash, the six spirits were free!
Rocketing out of the house, they went, soaring towards the woods,
Flying out of the decrepit manor and through the neighborhoods!
They soared ahead with tremendous speed- swiftly did they fly-
To the long forgotten catacomb, where their bodies still lie.
With another bright flash and a sudden quake, the spirits finished their route,
And after a brief moment, the six ?spirits? came walking out.

(Burnvictim42) ?S-so c-c-cold... s-so c-c-c-cold...?
(Fenderjt) ?Oi! Twelve long months and we're finally out of this bloody mess.?
(comphermc) ?Now that we're back in reality, I can explain to you EVERYTHING there is to know about... pistons! And not the malarky Rtm keeps rambling on about... 'winches'...?
?Ugh. Please send me back to hell...?
(Joey) ?Morgy... let's never do that again.?
(Morgana35) ?Agreed. I'm just glad that it's all over with.?
?Thank God...?
?Happy Halloween, Joey.?
(Teebonsey) ?And with our sudden ousting from the bowels of Satan's realm, this is Teebonsey! Heading out the door! Thank you and GOOD NIGHT!!?

Back at the haunted mansion, Merc had no more to say.
For all of the trapped ghosts were free; he saved the day.

? or did he?

?... right on time.?
(Sackgirlsrule) ?Uggh... what happened??
?It's over. They're all free.?
?So... we're not dead??
?No. We aren't.?
?Yaaay... oww, my head.?
?Wait. If the six in the painting are free...?
?... Kappa.?

Looking around the room once more, Merc spotted Kappa's chains,
Seeing that they were on the floor, and that she was free from her reigns.

?Mercuy... you... you did it.?
?But... you're still dead.?
?Perhaps dead in body... but not in soul.?

Kappa hovered towards Mercuy, getting rather close,
As she embraced the lad in a hug; rather personal, for a ghost.

?You've grown up so much. I'm so proud of you...?
?I... thank you.?

Left with no words to say, Merc held back his tears,
Acknowledging that he did all he could, and conquering his fears.

?What will you do now??
?I dunno... I guess wherever the wind takes me. I'm free...?
?Free... to go...?
?Don't be sad. I'll stop by every so often. I promise.?
?That... would be nice.?

With one last squeeze, the two let go, with Kappa floating away,
Disappearing with the wind, perhaps to come back some day...

(nysudyrgh) ?She'll be back, Merc. I'm almost certain that she will.?
?You really think??
(Valeview) ?Yeah... lover in wait. Oooooohhh!?
?Pfft. Puh-lease. She was my babysitter.?
?So, how did you do it??
?Do what??
?Well, these ghosts didn't free themselves, Mr. Drake!?
?I didn't do anything.?
?... what??
?I was knocked out when whatever was happening, remember? I just woke up a few minutes ago.?
?But... where's Omega??

A subtle CHINK! Of a hanging chain chirped out from overhead,
As the group looked up, they saw OmegaSlayer... hanging dead.
A noose of chain was squeezing tight around Omega's neck...

? Perhaps OmegaSlayer wasn't their biggest threat.

?H-how did he get up there??
?I-i dunno... there's no stairs leading up...?
?I-i was frozen, so it sure wasn't me.?
?But... if we're down here, and he got up there, and it wasn't YOU... then-?

A quiet rolling made the group drop silent in fear,
Where out of the darkness, a lone peanut, started to roll near.
Dark energies began to rise from within its case,
As the group was terrified of the reality they would face...

?... R-rock? A-are you here??

Dead silence... not a single person said a thing.
But during their moment of silence... was a slight trembling.


Immediately following orders, our group bolted out of sight,
Scrambling up to ground level with adrenaline-filled fright.
Sprinting up and down the halls, finding the front door,
They ran screaming out of the manor, their sanity no more.
Dissipating around the neighborhood, running out of sight,
This ends our haunting, ghostly tale on this most unholy night.
What will happen next? Who knows? You'll have to wait and see.
But for now, be safe, lock your doors...

And Happy Halloween. ~Outlaw-Jack
2012-10-15 06:21:00

Posts: 5757

I do sincerely apologize for taking faaar too long,
I had it all planned out in my head... but some scenes sounded wrong.
As much as I wanted to get this finished, I was overwhelmed with fear,
And so I stalled on writing... until Halloween came next year.

I hope this story's worth the wait, and, dare I say,
There's a whole 'nother HAUNT that's coming your way...
So please enjoy the read, but don't be afraid to point out
Any grammatical, format or context errors... there's probably plenty, no doubt.
2012-10-15 06:24:00

Posts: 5757

Wow, didn't think it would come but it diiiiid! 2012-10-15 16:37:00

Posts: 5482

Did I just competely disappear during the big confrontation with Omega? :b

Anyway, I loved the stroy Jack, thank you sooooo much for finishing it
2012-10-15 17:33:00

Posts: 1581

I would reply with a rhyme, but I don't have an artistic license for that. So I'm just going to say: "Nice piece o' work, partner!" :arg:2012-10-15 23:21:00

Posts: 5891

How can't you have the time,
to make a simple rhyme?
It's not really too hard,
Everyone's a bard!
2012-10-16 18:46:00

Posts: 1581

How can't you have the time,
to make a simple rhyme?
It's not really too hard,
Everyone's a bard!
It's what you get for griding the math skill and ignoring literature.
2012-10-16 21:38:00

Posts: 5891

Woop! Thanks for the great read Jack I always feel so inspired to draw each time I read 'em~

EDIT: Also, love how you occasionally mix in yourself to argue with 'em xD
2012-10-17 19:28:00

Posts: 785

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