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1 layer Vehicles [object(s)]

Archive: 23 posts

Hello LBPC today I present to you my new 1 layer cars. I have been working on these for a while recently and thought it would be good to show them off to the site. Well here they are.

Normal cars

Yeah I quite like the cartoony look though they seem to lack in detail. This is an Audi RS avant by the way.http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/a671789fe29de873b53a6c61fbbeeca57c42aff4.jpg
Honda S2000
Audi R8. The fastest of the all featured above.

I make these fairly regularly i am currently working on emergency vehicles at the moment just a small sneak peak below.http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/a5a0d344cf8813882d6da4266a0d19ce2deea323.jpg
I really like this one, the stickers seem to give of some detail. it also has many features. Siren that can move Automatic cars out of way(Automatic cars are described below),lights,Extra powerful acceleration and the joy of knowing you wont be stopped by those pesky thin layers all i need to worry about is the one thick one.This is my Ambulance.

Automatic cars

links featured below if you just want a look

Yep you may be wondering so what just a van and a blue tag. But a very powerful blue tag indeed that little tag can determinate if there is a car wall or anything else in front of it and therefore the brakes are applied.These Automatic cars can also switch layers if the suggested tag is below the drivers seat when the vehicle passes over it.


Can i have a look ?

Nope the level's been deleted, for being old

Thanks for reading. I love feedback, leave a comment.
2012-10-14 17:08:00

Posts: 175

Those look like a nice start to a collection. If you'd like some car logos or a bit of help, send me a PSN message. I enjoy helping out with cars.2012-10-14 17:58:00

Posts: 36

These look like a really cool cars. Bad is that I only LBP 1 2012-10-14 18:05:00

Posts: 101

Those look like a nice start to a collection. If you'd like some car logos or a bit of help, send me a PSN message. I enjoy helping out with cars.

These look like a really cool cars. Bad is that I only LBP 1

Thanks for the feedback guys. I always like company and help just invite me sometime we can communicate.
2012-10-14 19:51:00

Posts: 175

These cars are awesome but have so much more potential. I want to send a few 1 layer vehicles that I made so that you may get idea's.
Here's some things to try 1: slice and dice is your best friend 2: use decorations (not stickers) for realism effects.
2012-10-18 06:47:00

Posts: 113

these looks really cool man. Good work on them.2012-10-18 13:18:00

Posts: 8424

1 layer cars are extremely useful, quite easy to make as well. Sticker panel/hologram + Glue & bolts should do the trick 2012-10-20 02:21:00

Posts: 1990

1 layer cars are extremely useful, quite easy to make as well. Sticker panel/hologram + Glue & bolts should do the trick

these looks really cool man. Good work on them.

Again thanks for feedback, i have tried slice and dice before for adding doors and and handles, but i disliked the big gaps they leave. That's how i came to the solution of stickers. I will try decorations in my next vehicle and see the result.
2012-10-21 17:52:00

Posts: 175

The white car is awesome!

I want that in real!
2012-10-27 15:43:00

Posts: 190

not just that the theck and thack material is also usefull2012-10-29 16:22:00

Posts: 93

Yay, this Thread seems perfect to show some of my cars.



My plan is to create a show-testdrive-and giveaway Gallery. But first I need to create more cars. ^^

Does anyone have suggestions about what car next to do? Of course, you I will send you your suggested car when it is complete.
2013-02-18 04:51:00

Posts: 202

choeb, that looks pretty cool2013-04-13 20:00:00

Posts: 192

Those look like a awesome collection to a selection. If you'd like some car images or a bit of help, deliver me a PSN concept. I appreciate assisting out with vehicles .

Our Website (http://www.surfersrentacar.com.au/)
2013-05-06 05:25:00

Unknown User

That would be Great @Jimpatrick. By the way these car versions are very old I created them around 6 months ago and I have made huge improvements to the logic since then.2013-05-06 19:14:00

Posts: 175

Im makeing 1 layer cars , i want to show a few prototype cars .32 ford coupe hot rod (fenderless) http://lbp.me/p/qedt-9b . 32 ford hot rod with teardrop fenders http://lbp.me/p/qedtbw0 . these cars are only a layer yet detailed.2013-05-06 20:44:00

Posts: 184

I am working on a race and looked for a way to allow three cars to race side by side and still look like a thick layer sandwiched between two thin layers.

I came up with a pretty neat solution by using the "theck" glitch layer as a stand in for the back thin layer. I also use it for my wheel mounts along with the "thack" glitch layer for the wheels, since theck and thack can exist together in the same spot in the same thick layer.

Now I can have 3 players race side by side without collision issues. I also have a track that is longer than I the provided build space, but that is getting off topic.
2013-05-07 18:14:00

Posts: 434

Im makeing 1 layer cars , i want to show a few prototype cars .32 ford coupe hot rod (fenderless) http://lbp.me/p/qedt-9b . 32 ford hot rod with teardrop fenders http://lbp.me/p/qedtbw0 . these cars are only a layer yet detailed.

Those are looking pretty good. However the 2nd car has a thin layer on it. If you need help with any of the logic or anything else feel free to send an invite. I have decided to call them Sack-Sized cars now.
2013-05-07 18:38:00

Posts: 175

I am working on a race and looked for a way to allow three cars to race side by side and still look like a thick layer sandwiched between two thin layers.

I came up with a pretty neat solution by using the "theck" glitch layer as a stand in for the back thin layer. I also use it for my wheel mounts along with the "thack" glitch layer for the wheels, since theck and thack can exist together in the same spot in the same thick layer.

Now I can have 3 players race side by side without collision issues. I also have a track that is longer than I the provided build space, but that is getting off topic.

One of the reasons I decide to make my cars 1 layer too. I have been thinking about making motorbikes with the theck tool.
2013-05-07 18:42:00

Posts: 175

Thanks bro more 1 layer sackwheels out soon staring in an open world rpg. Yes a motorcycle is eaisly do able.Ive made 3 i have yet to post pics , ive made a f150 and a tron style hatchback ect and have not posted pics yet.Look for my sackwheels thread for more.2013-05-07 21:19:00

Posts: 184

One of the reasons I decide to make my cars 1 layer too. I have been thinking about making motorbikes with the theck tool.

I rebuilt the chopper that came with LBP1 using the thack layer. I haven't tried it with the theck layer, but you could probably get a player in a controlinator atop some theck.
2013-05-08 00:01:00

Posts: 434

You can get a player on a car made of hologram and use tags to destory it like a regular car .i use clear rubber and hologram on most 1 layer cars .2013-05-08 03:48:00

Posts: 184

True... Though I use SP.2013-05-08 10:29:00

Posts: 434

Made these over the weekend.
2013-05-13 16:19:00

Posts: 434

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