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Signup thread for "First Among Equals" 4-player trophy

Archive: 18 posts

I'm getting down to the last few trophies in LBPV before my platinum, and for the life of me I absolute can NOT find a group of 4 players willing to work on this. I spent the last 2 nights straight randomly joining any and all parties online that I could find to no avail. I have seen similar sign-up threads on other sites for other games so hey, why not here as well?

Here's how this works. If you still need this trophy and want to team up to knock it out, post in this thread and I'll add your PSN to the list below. Simply add/invite other players from this list and before you know it, we'll all be trophy'd. Feel free to bump this thread (within reason) if you're online and want to try to get a party going.

NOTE: Remember to pay it forward. By that I mean that you shouldn't just disappear from the face of the Earth once you have your trophy - try to go online and help out at least 3 other people before (or after) you get your trophy to keep things fair.

NOTE #2: Don't forget to make sure there's room available on your PSN friends list, and be sure to accept all those random friend requests that you'll start getting.

Ready. Set. Trophy! Go!

4-player trophy PSN list

2012-10-14 16:47:00

Posts: 3187

NOTE #2: Don't forget to make sure there's room available on your PSN friends list, and be sure to accept all those random friend requests that you'll start getting.

They really need to increase the maximum amount of users that you can have on your list. I hardly have room for those that play all the time, let alone those that don't! D:

I'd say count me in, but I can't play for a while. Sorry!
2012-10-14 17:01:00

Posts: 107

Added. Thanks Malamo!2012-10-14 18:17:00

Posts: 3187

This looks fun, count me in! 2012-10-14 18:39:00

Posts: 1478

Just a heads up that I'll be online for the next 5 or 6 hours if anybody wants to knock this trophy out. 2012-10-27 18:50:00

Posts: 3187

Just a heads up that I'll be online for the next 5 or 6 hours if anybody wants to knock this trophy out.

Ok, going online Mr. Taffey! Lets see if we can finally sort this trophy out
2012-10-27 20:27:00

Posts: 1478

Thanks yugnar! I still can't manage to get online with 4 people at the same time... hyperdude95 helped out for a while too but our connections died before we could get a 4th person. 2012-10-27 23:59:00

Posts: 3187

You guys mind doing this again this Friday evening EST? I'll be online for the whole night, trying to knock out as many trophies as I can before going back to the Vita-WiFi-less college life.2012-10-28 01:43:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Yeah! We should try to plan a date so that we all join each other, it hasn't worked so far. Still, I'm afraid that if we look at this chart:

Yugnar's lag chart
1 player - No lag. Wheeeee.
2 players - Laggy lag!
3 players - Unplayable game! So much lag you can't even move!
4 players - MATH ERROR

So... I'm wondering if we'll be even able to join each other! I was trying to join VelcroJonze today, and took me 12 tries and 2 VITA console-restart until I could finally join him...
2012-10-28 04:34:00

Posts: 1478

You guys mind doing this again this Friday evening EST? I'll be online for the whole night, trying to knock out as many trophies as I can before going back to the Vita-WiFi-less college life.Sure thing! I wasn't able to get the trophy - even if I was though I'd be happy to help out. I should be able to be online sometime late evening your time.

Yugnar's lag chart
1 player - No lag. Wheeeee.
2 players - Laggy lag!
3 players - Unplayable game! So much lag you can't even move!
4 players - MATH ERRORLOL

That's actually pretty accurate. I was around a 3.5 this afternoon.
2012-10-28 05:49:00

Posts: 3187

Hey guys! Sorry to bump this old old thread, but this is pretty much one of the only trophies I'm still missing so it would be good to know if any of you are still interested.2013-01-14 05:19:00

Posts: 1478

Yugnar if you need help than im more than willing to lend it. I made a level just for the cause. Its helped a few locals (including our Admin Taffey) acquire their platinum's... and this particular trophy obv.

Here is the link http://vita.lbp.me/v/scv2

Feel free to PM me about it whenever
2013-01-14 20:38:00

Posts: 218

I wouldn't mind giving this a go either. I live in the UK and will be on around 6pm-9pm if anyone wants to add me.2013-01-14 21:12:00

Posts: 145

Yugnar if you need help than im more than willing to lend it. I made a level just for the cause. Its helped a few locals (including our Admin Taffey) acquire their platinum's... and this particular trophy obv.

Here is the link http://vita.lbp.me/v/scv2

Feel free to PM me about it whenever

Lol I was making a complex-logic-level that replayed itself 4 times and in less than a minute everyone would get the trophy, but I was having some problems with it. This looks so much simpler! I'll add ya guys!
2013-01-15 02:11:00

Posts: 1478

Sounds like a plan! Ill be on a little later. Ill try and recruit a fourth as well Best of luck!
Taffy where are you! This guy needs super administrator super helpfulness >;D lol anyway if you read this just tweet us for an update. Could use your spot-filling expertise!
2013-01-15 02:20:00

Posts: 218

Me!!!!! I cant get that trophy either!!! Choose me!!!!!!!!2013-01-15 03:42:00

Posts: 333

Got it, thanks man!
Lets just work out a time when everyone is available and take it from there.
My PSN is also Wolfdre. Feel free to add me for the ordeal.
In return you guys can beta test my latest project MUAHAHAHAHA!
2013-01-15 03:56:00

Posts: 218

In return you guys can beta test my latest project MUAHAHAHAHA!

Lol, sure. 8D
2013-01-15 04:10:00

Posts: 333

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