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Any voice-acting dudes wanna help?

Archive: 3 posts

I'm making a devil-may-cryish style level. I just started today but it's going fairly well. I'm happy to say I have air-combat mechanics akin to the actual DMC games. (All those other dante levels I've played never get that right)

But you know what would really top this whole thing off? My dude saying cool things as he chops and shoots stuff. Taunts, like "ooh yeah", etc (but be more creative than that )

My PSN is doofdoof69 if you guys wanna help, message me there.
2012-10-13 15:30:00

Unknown User

My best bet for this idea is to show off your level here, and pst about voice actors in the "Find Other Happy Gadders" forum. If you want t move this post, ask a moderator Your level looks nice!2012-10-13 16:19:00

Unknown User

Sounds like something I would enjoy doing, and I can definitely pull off that dramatic, action-packed tone! I also do my best to make it a clean recording, without any obnoxious breath noises. Once you have the lines figured out, send me the script and some notes about the character in a PM on here.2012-10-18 00:01:00

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