Barkley Shut up and Jam: Gaiden
Archive: 1 post
"The Great B-Ball Purge of 2041, a day so painful to some that it is referred to only as the "B-Ballnacht". Thousands upon thousands of the world's greatest ballers were massacred in a swath of violence and sports bigotry as the game was outlawed worldwide. The reason: the Chaos Dunk, a jam so powerful its mere existence threatens the balance of chaos and order. Among the few ballers and fans that survived the basketball genocide was Charles Barkley, the man capable of performing the "Verboten Jam"... Flash forward 12 years to the post-cyberpocalyptic ruins of Neo New York, 2053. A Chaos Dunk rocks the island of Manhattan, killing 15 million. When the finger is put on the aging Charles Barkley, he must evade the capture of the B-Ball Removal Department, led by former friend and baller Michael Jordan, and disappear into the dangerous underground of the post-cyberpocalypse to clear his name and find out the mysterious truth behind the Chaos Dunk. Joined by allies along the way, including his son Hoopz, Barkley must face the dangers of a life he thought he gave up a long time ago and discover the secrets behind the terrorist organization B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S." This is something I just found and I have to say that it is jammin'. It's a free, indie RPG starring Charles Barkley (Yes, THAT Charles Barkley) in the most ridiculous story ever. The game is really well made and it is hilarious because it takes itself seriously. The game doesn't have jokes, but rather the premise and the commitment to it that makes it funny. Here's the trailer and a link to download it. It doesn't take long and so far, it is well worth it. You will thank me for it later. 8F1cOvZ3nS8 Oh, c'mon! Somebody download it! It only takes a couple minutes and it is worth it if only for the opening sequence. You can delete it after that if you really want, but I doubt you will. Link: http://www.gamingw.net/forums/index.php?topic=68488.0 "If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest." | 2009-01-13 07:52:00 Author: Voltiare ![]() Posts: 646 |
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