Here be Dragons - one of the most challenging LBP levels you'll ever play
Archive: 7 posts
Here be Dragons by TheGreatLeftSock This one is a toughie. Touted as 'hardcore oldskool platforming - novices need not apply', Here be Dragons throws you into some brilliant level design that really does harken back to the platforming days of old - think a tough-as-nails MegaMan in lieu of Super Mario Bros. 3, please! The challenge manifests itself through some devilish set-pieces, which include a wide variety of different things - vertical drops, climbs, precision jumping, the old running-on-the-moving-treadmill one - the level design will scare you upon meeting each new challenge, because really, how the hell are you supposed to get past that? Here be Dragons also possess a unique 'coin system', which gives the player access to shortcuts and extra checkpoints for grabbing out-of-the-way coins. It is really nice and makes multiple playthroughs progressively simpler as you learn the whereabouts of more coins and in-turn making the stage just that little bit easier on yourself. And trust me, you'll need it, because as it stands there are only a handful of dragon slayers in the ranks of those who have completed the level. Old school to the nth degree, you really have to play this one if you're looking for a great challenge, I already know it will possess my soul until I complete it! You win this round, Here be Dragons, but I'll be back...! / Note: I wrote this text for my 'Boo!'s LittleBig Bonanza' level feature over here (http://www.aussie-nintendo.com/forum/showpost.php?p=405363&postcount=366) about a month ago, it includes four other awesome levels that you may or may not have played! [The Domain; The Puzzle Train; Repairmen of the Space; God of War: Trial of the Gods. Have fun! | 2009-01-13 00:29:00 Author: Boo! ![]() Posts: 33 |
Couldn't get past the part where the walls close in. After getting to that area on 4 different play throughs, decided to let it go for another time maybe. Would be cool to be amongst the few that have finished it. | 2009-01-14 16:16:00 Author: Jaeyden ![]() Posts: 564 |
Couldn't get past the part where the walls close in. After getting to that area on 4 different play throughs, decided to let it go for another time maybe. Would be cool to be amongst the few that have finished it. Ah yeah, that was the part that had me stumped for ages, the trick is to go with the momentum I guess, so many close misses that way and it practically always works. The part after it is just a rush down the bottom, simple but still a challenge. I made it into the halls of the dragon slayer back in December, such a good feeling finally trumping the level! | 2009-01-15 06:19:00 Author: Boo! ![]() Posts: 33 |
Just tried it. It's not THAT difficult really... although I'm a bit stuck as to how to defeat the dragon. I did the first part so just its head is left, and then spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out how the hell to beat it! I tried getting it to crush its own heart, searching for ways out... and couldn't manage anything. How do you actually beat it? | 2009-01-18 13:45:00 Author: Avatar_of_Chaos ![]() Posts: 48 |
great intro to the level, i think i will enjoy this one, i will pick it up tomorrow and see what i can do ^.^ Cheers! | 2009-01-19 03:26:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
yeah the level is not so difficult but the dragon part is a big problem...... i was stuck there too... i have to try it with more time | 2009-01-23 13:41:00 Author: misterwonderloo ![]() Posts: 164 |
OK, maybe too hyperbolic but I figured the 1000 plays to 6 players finished ratio was pretty indicative that it wasn't for the faint of heart. ![]() I can't remember exactly, but to beat the dragon you have to destroy his skeleton with some weapon that can be found on the ledge where the checkpoint is, then I think you have to go grab his heart and then it opens up a door to the left which has a bomb to destroy him - I think. I beat him on my first go so my memory is a bit hazy. :/ | 2009-01-27 08:58:00 Author: Boo! ![]() Posts: 33 |
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