Rainbow Moon Vita 2013
Archive: 2 posts
Rainbow Moon Coming to Vita, New Game in Development Today, IGN can announce that Rainbow Moon, the PSN-exclusive RPG with a strategy slant, is coming to PlayStation Vita. After noting early in the summer that there?s definitely a chance of the game migrating to Vita, publisher EastAsiaSoft has confirmed that the game ? given an 8.0 by IGN -- is currently being ported over. ?We?ve been thinking about bringing Rainbow Moon to other platforms for quite a while, and the PlayStation Vita has been high up on our list as one of our favorite platforms,? EastAsiaSoft?s Nils Ngai said in an interview conducted with IGN. ?The PSP has been the number one platform for JRPGs in recent years and Sony built up a very strong fanbase. The PS Vita has a lot of potential and with the right games, we are confident that its userbase will grow strongly during the coming years. Hopefully we can contribute a little part to it with our upcoming PS Vita port [of Rainbow Moon].? So what was the impetus for moving Rainbow Moon from PS3 to Vita? ?The final decision to bring Rainbow Moon to PS Vita was made because of the game?s success on the PlayStation 3 and really strong user feedback. During the last couple of months we have received hundreds of requests, which ultimately influenced our decision.? Unfortunately, EastAsiaSoft wasn?t able to provide exact sales numbers for Rainbow Moon on PS3 that may have also influenced the port, though Ngai notes that they ?are happy with how Rainbow Moon is performing on the PlayStation Network.? It was the second best-selling game on PSN in July. Concerning the port itself, Rainbow Moon will be much as you remember it on PlayStation 3. It ?will mostly be a direct port but we are keeping an eye on added functionality, including cross-saving support. Transferring your save between the PS3 and the PS Vita is an awesome feature and it's a perfect fit for content heavy games like Rainbow Moon... Having said that we just recently started development and at the moment we are only focusing on the game?s port, which is actually a lot more work than most people might assume.? Ngai confirms that the PS Vita version of Rainbow Moon will be released in 2013, and that while they ?haven?t decided on the price yet... there will definitively be a charge for the game when it's released." Ngai justified the decision to charge for the game by stating, "I know there are a few mainly first party releases that can afford to bundle both games together in one release but unfortunately this won?t be possible for us. Because we aren?t using any third party engine or framework that was already designed to work on both platforms, we estimate that it will take us roughly nine months to port Rainbow Moon to the PS Vita, which is a very substantial amount of time." "Although we can?t afford to do a completely free download for all buyers of the PS3 game, we are definitively looking into discounted options for customers that wish to purchase both release versions at the same time... we won't be charging double the price if you want to buy both releases at the same time." On EastAsiaSoft?s future with developer Side Quest Studios ? responsible for PS3 exclusives in the form of Soldner X, Soldner X-2 and Rainbow Moon ? Ngai confirms that it will continue, though perhaps not exclusively with Sony. ?We will continue to support PlayStation platforms in the future but not all of our upcoming games are automatically going to be PlayStation exclusives. We are keeping an eye on the market development and it will be interesting to see what the next console generation has to offer.? He notes that the publisher-developer duo is hard at work on an unannounced game set for release in 2013 or 2014. ?The target platform is still undecided and I can?t really reveal too many details as we are still in [the] early concept phase. All I can say is that it will tie in with our previous games and especially those who enjoyed Rainbow Moon are going to love it.? But what about the future of Rainbow Moon? ?With Rainbow Moon, we have gained a lot of experience in the role-playing genre and we surely have tons of ideas for a direct or indirect sequel,? Ngai admits. ?However as a small company we have to take one step at a time, so it's still a bit too early to talk about this at the moment.? And what of the possibility of Soldner X and Soldner X-2 also coming over to PlayStation Vita? ?Right now, we are completely focused on Rainbow Moon for PS Vita, but bringing our Soldner-X games to the PS Vita as well is an option that we will be considering. Especially Soldner X-2: Final Prototype is a game that hasn?t fully lived up to its potential and we?d love to see it on the Vita... It's once again really down to user feedback and how well Rainbow Moon on the Vita will be received. Keep Tweeting and sending in your requests, we are always listening.? http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/09/27/rainbow-moon-coming-to-vita-new-game-in-development#.UGS7RlZdv1k.twitter | 2012-09-28 10:17:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Rainbow Moon rises on PS Vita in 2013 http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8336/8079348542_0431091c7d.jpg Some of you may have already heard of Rainbow Moon – the lovely indie strategy RPG has been available for download on PlayStation 3 since July, wowing players with its unique style, depth and clever gameplay mechanics. Well, good news. Since the PS3 release, developer SideQuest Studios has been hard at work on a version of the title for the PlayStation Vita, due out some time next year. Duly, we recently sat down with studio chief Marcus Pukropski to find out more about the game and the forthcoming handheld release. For the benefit of anyone who didn’t pick the game up on PlayStation 3, can you give us a brief introduction to what Rainbow Moon is all about? Marcus Pukropski: Rainbow Moon is an RPG combining a tactical combat system with a vast world that players can explore with towns, villages and dungeons where they will meet numerous citizens and around a hundred different types of monsters. It has a strategic, turn-based combat system, and players can buy a vast range of skills, armour items and weapons at various shops to level up and become even stronger to confront the most powerful enemies. The world is full of secrets, subtlety and interesting details for players to discover. We have also added a complex equipment upgrade system and a range of optional side-quests. You go into surprising depth about the game’s controls on your website! Why did you feel the need to do that? Is it a tough game to master? Marcus Pukropski: Although it’s very easy to learn, Rainbow Moon is more complex than might appear at first glance. The screenshots give you an idea of the look of the game, but you can’t really tell what the gameplay is like. Many players want to know exactly what to expect and if the game is worth buying! So we wanted to explain very clearly what Rainbow Moon has to offer to try and excite the player’s interest. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8469/8079348662_cb8f9c8a3a_m.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8052/8079355207_e5e7d693dc_m.jpg The Wheel of Luck Lottery mini-game in particular has proved really popular since launch. Tell us more about that. Marcus Pukropski: The lottery is an optional mini-game. You can play once a day – game time, not real time – to win valuable and sometimes unique prizes. There are a range of win categories with different prizes also depending on the player’s bet. You can only play with low stakes initially, but can unlock better options as you progress through the game. Towards the end you can even win some of the ultimate weapons. Overall, it’s almost always worth playing a game, even the consolation prizes are generally very useful and at this stage often won’t be available to buy in the shops. Visually, the game is a surprising mix of Western and Japanese influences. How did you decide upon that aesthetic? Marcus Pukropski: We’ve played a number of JRPGs, from Final Fantasy, to Dragon Quest, to Disgaea, and other such titles, but were also inspired by Western classics like Bards Tale and Dungeon Master. But Rainbow Moon is a game on its own; we felt there were enough clone games already. Sure, you’ll spot influences from some of the above titles, but we’re a German studio with our own style and concepts. Ultimately, we have the mix we feel is right, and the feedback so far confirms we’re pretty much on track. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8052/8079355257_f88c62776a_m.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8472/8079355355_8d7086aa32_m.jpg Have you enjoyed developing for the PS Vita? Marcus Pukropski: Well, we haven’t finished yet! To be honest, I thought it would be easier, because lots of people said the hardware was very similar. But in the end there were so many differences in the operating system that we practically had to re-write most of the engine. And that of course takes more time. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2012/10/12/rainbow-moon-rises-on-ps-vita-in-2013/ | 2012-10-12 15:40:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
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