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I've been thinking about making a zelda level from the nes days. I made Link so far.

Archive: 8 posts

I wanted to see if I could figure out how to make sticker panels into different frames of animation and use this in a game. I think if I can make a level, maybe like a castle level from Zelda, it would be cool.

I drew a few different frames of animation.
I worked on the logic of moving up,down,left and right and sword in all directions.
Here's what the finished product looks like. I can move in all directions and when I press the sword button, he shoots a sword out. The animation is very smooth and looks identical to the nes version of Zelda. Anyone else remember the gold colored cartridge? That game was so awesome when it first came out. Maybe I can make my own level using this little thing I made.
2012-09-26 16:22:00

Posts: 14

Nice job. Looking great so far. You're Link is spot on.2012-09-30 15:11:00

Posts: 258

Thanks Chicago, I got the sword to work, and also shoot out when life bar is full (but I didn't work on a life bar yet). I also made bombs available and they seem to work. I'm stuck trying to think of an idea for a story line and enemies. I could make a few enemies from the nes version, but I'm not sure which ones. I really would like more of a puzzle like castle. Maybe I should just give it away and let someone else work on it.2012-10-03 15:41:00

Posts: 14

You've finished the hardest part. Ya might as well keep going if the interest is still there.2012-10-06 22:44:00

Posts: 258

Well, for a story, the easiest thing is probably just a regular save-the-princess story. If you're going for an NES game, anything more just would seem... out of place, lol.

Anyway, it looks good so far, and I think you should continue
2012-10-06 22:54:00

Posts: 10882

All that logic looks quite complex. How long did it take you to work on all that in total?2012-10-07 15:48:00

Posts: 25

a few hours to draw the frames of animation. A few days to figure out how to put it all together. The hard part was making sticker material not walk through walls, but I got it. I like trying to figure the logic parts out, but I have a hard time when it comes to level design. I was working on making some music for the game, and I was drawing animations for a bad guy (the one with the bull dog face). Next I have to figure out how to make him move around. Do I make him just walk in patterns like the nes game, or do I make him actually follow you? To my disapointment, after working on this for awhile, I found that someone else did a zelda level. They used hologram material which doesn't look as good as sticker, but they did an awesome job recreating level 1. I'll keep working on it just for my own fun I guess. If it turns out good, I will post on here.2012-10-08 02:28:00

Posts: 14

I'm interested to see how your Gannon character turns out.2012-10-12 21:08:00

Posts: 258

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