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Not many costumes?

Archive: 15 posts

There aren't a huge array of costumes to be had from just this game, are there? Even including the preorder DLC, I don't have 3 full lines in any category.2012-09-23 21:32:00

Posts: 248

Yep...There's not a lot of decorations either...2012-09-23 22:32:00

Posts: 400

Yep...There's not a lot of decorations either...

The few that they have are quality, though.
2012-09-24 00:46:00

Posts: 248

i think these are some of the best story costumes. but i agree. needs more. When we transfer our ps3 dlc costumes, it will be more that makes up for it.2012-09-24 03:17:00

Posts: 995

i think these are some of the best story costumes. but i agree. needs more. When we transfer our ps3 dlc costumes, it will be more that makes up for it.

Is it just DLC or are we getting the costumes from the LBP2 story mode as well?
2012-09-24 03:36:00

Posts: 248

Is it just DLC or are we getting the costumes from the LBP2 story mode as well?

Just DLC. already been said that story-costumes will not be portable from old games. which sucks of course. we can only hope now that they will sell old storymode costumes as DLC packs later, which would be useful for people who never owned the old games too.*mew
2012-09-24 03:47:00

Posts: 4261

Just DLC. already been said that story-costumes will not be portable from old games. which sucks of course. we can only hope now that they will sell old storymode costumes as DLC packs later, which would be useful for people who never owned the old games too.*mew

Maybe they'll do what they did for the PSP: whole packs based around each of the lands. Speaking of which, maybe we'll get PSP packs? I would really like to see some Curator costumes for the 1st gen games (Ed Wooden, Jalapeno, etc.)
2012-09-24 10:18:00

Posts: 248

I'd rather not have to pay for costumes I already purchased (I.E: story mode costumes from LBP1 + LBP2)

If they bring them over, they should bring them over free like the dlc.
2012-09-24 13:34:00

Posts: 878

I kinda fine without the story costumes. I'm really liking the ones in LBPV atm, but it was kind of a disappointment that there were only like 9 costumes.2012-09-24 16:04:00

Posts: 1202

I'd rather not have to pay for costumes I already purchased (I.E: story mode costumes from LBP1 + LBP2)

If they bring them over, they should bring them over free like the dlc.

except my way is even useful for people who did not own the old games and is useful for people who don't like acing all the story levels and would be happy to just buy everything, which oddly enough i have met a lot of well known creators who never aced all the story levels. :S *mew
2012-09-24 16:32:00

Posts: 4261

I'm actually really disappointed in how few costumes there are... and that I can't have my sackperson, BoxGhost, in lbpvita. That actually almost made me quit playing.2012-09-24 16:56:00

Posts: 2569

except my way is even useful for people who did not own the old games and is useful for people who don't like acing all the story levels and would be happy to just buy everything, which oddly enough i have met a lot of well known creators who never aced all the story levels. :S *mew

Your way? You mean...spend money on costumes from a game you already bought that included the costumes... and not play the game to unlock them for free? Sounds counter-productive.
2012-09-24 23:07:00

Posts: 878

Your way? You mean...spend money on costumes from a game you already bought that included the costumes... and not play the game to unlock them for free? Sounds counter-productive.

Hoho. i'm not talking about myself. i can easily ace all storylevels. and also what about all the people who never got LBP1/2? and don't wanna buy a whole game just to port over costumes from them? and besides. you don't have to buy it unless you want to. look at it this way. they are not gonna port over the old costumes for free at this point. it's better to have them as DLC then nothing. And I know tons of people who would just pay to unlock all content within the game they already have because they are not good players. why should they be ignored? so simple answer is at least all collectable content from old LBPgames to be made as DLC. *mew
2012-09-24 23:57:00

Posts: 4261

Hoho. i'm not talking about myself. i can easily ace all storylevels. and also what about all the people who never got LBP1/2? and don't wanna buy a whole game just to port over costumes from them? and besides. you don't have to buy it unless you want to. look at it this way. they are not gonna port over the old costumes for free at this point. it's better to have them as DLC then nothing. And I know tons of people who would just pay to unlock all content within the game they already have because they are not good players. why should they be ignored? so simple answer is at least all collectable content from old LBPgames to be made as DLC. *mew

I agree with this. I want good decorations back, and the green checkered skin. I used that all the time.
2012-09-25 00:11:00

Posts: 1202

Your way? You mean...spend money on costumes from a game you already bought that included the costumes... and not play the game to unlock them for free? Sounds counter-productive.

I bet people wouldn't feel bad at all about paying for new levels though! If they made short levels for each one (similar to Monster, History and Incredibles packs) you would get more bang for your buck.
2012-09-25 22:24:00

Posts: 248

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