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Filter Out P4P Levels

Archive: 19 posts

Look at cool levels 3-4 P4P levels per page. I wish these trophies and pins did not exist they cause way to much spam. Can we have a NOT clause for filtering levels. Does NOT contain "P4P" in title or description.2012-09-23 04:29:00

Posts: 262

Yep. I dont know why they are still putting this trophy there.
In the end it is actually reducing the amount of good levels. People may be discouraged to create if they know their level will be lost in hundreds of empty levels spammed everywhere.
Instead of this they should put a trophy for like "Play 200 level with less that 5 plays.", "Play 100 from Lucky Dip" etc.. to encourage people to go search fo interesting hidden levels. In the in this would lead to more plays of these level and people would have more motivation to create.
2012-09-23 19:51:00

Posts: 207

It's a shame really. Media Molecule came out and said that their system for finding levels was broken and they can't patch LBP2 to fix it because it needs to be done before the game was released...

Then they release this and don't change anything..................

So we have the exact same problems...just portably. Oh well... back to grabbing levels off of LBP.me from good creators!
2012-09-27 02:56:00

Posts: 878

I don't like them or hate them. People want plays and that's all there is to it.

Cool levels will always be under fire by spammers though. I don't see how that can fixed. If someone wants to get up there bad enough they will. By any means necessary.

Lbp1 had StephanieRavens, lbp2 has LatinPlayer, who will rule them all on vita? Don't worry, someone will.
2012-09-27 03:10:00

Posts: 1305

Lbp1 had StephanieRavens, lbp2 has LatinPlayer, who will rule them all on vita? Don't worry, someone will.

Are you interested? We're currently hiring...
2012-09-27 03:18:00

Posts: 5338

Are you interested? We're currently hiring...

I don't think Velcro's level would fit the "Copied" qualification :b
2012-09-27 16:50:00

Posts: 1581

I wish someone would step up and spam new awesome levels every day... I'd be totally ok with that 2012-09-27 17:20:00

Posts: 878

I don't see how that can fixed.
It is actually very simple. Maybe not to completely fix the issue. But to at least reduce it.
Just remove the trophy (and ideally the pin) for "publish a level" and "get 50 plays". Then all these "platinum hunters" will not have any reason to spam the game with these 1sec levels and advertising them like crazy (hence getting them to the cool pages)
People would probably still use this concept. To get plays because they put a lot of work into the level. Not because they need ot unlock trophy.
2012-09-29 15:36:00

Posts: 207

Are you interested? We're currently hiring...
do I get payed?
2012-09-30 21:46:00

Posts: 1336

A way to filter certain phrases would be nice. As at the moment you can only search for specific words within titles and have those shown. An option to hide the 'searched levels' could reduce clutter.2012-10-01 14:44:00

Posts: 1518

Well look at the comments at Carnivalia... P4P :I2012-10-01 19:42:00

Posts: 964

The trouble with this is that as soon as that filter goes in everyone will change what they're called. It would be far better to be able to create your own filter list.2012-10-01 22:33:00

Posts: 3910

I dont like the idea of filters.
It would no solve the problem. People you just start to call it p.4p, p4.p, p_4.p, etc.
Making it actually even worse - at this moment you just know what to ignore because it is kind of "standardized"

I would suggest:
1 - Removing these trophies that encourage people to do it. I believe that like 99 percent of the empty p4p levels are done only because of this trophy. Remove it and people will not upload these levels. And they will ask to play their level only if they put some effort into it.
2 - Change the cools pages so such levels do not appear there.
3 - Improve the "Team Pick" selection. Now it is totally useless. They put there levels that are "Most hearted" and "Best rated" anyway. They should put theer great levels with few plays and bring them to attention of people.
2012-10-02 08:55:00

Posts: 207

I dont like the idea of filters.
It would no solve the problem. People you just start to call it p.4p, p4.p, p_4.p, etc.
Making it actually even worse - at this moment you just know what to ignore because it is kind of "standardized"

I would suggest:
1 - Removing these trophies that encourage people to do it. I believe that like 99 percent of the empty p4p levels are done only because of this trophy. Remove it and people will not upload these levels. And they will ask to play their level only if they put some effort into it.
2 - Change the cools pages so such levels do not appear there.
3 - Improve the "Team Pick" selection. Now it is totally useless. They put there levels that are "Most hearted" and "Best rated" anyway. They should put theer great levels with few plays and bring them to attention of people.

You mean like having a filter tag for the opposite of what we have? "Least Hearted", "Worst Rated", "Unrated", "Oldest Entries", etc. But for that to be even more useful, one should be able to "Boo" an entry within the game, instead of only doing so via the "vita.lbp.me" website, I guess. Maybe even filter out results with more boos than yays, if that helps.

Trophy hoarders are the bane of LittleBigPlanet. I think they played too much of the MGS DLC levels! Which I wish were made available as soon as possible, before any other new/old ones are made/converted for the Vita version.
2012-10-03 16:50:00

Unknown User


Lights out got Team Picked EVEN it had 400 plays :l
2012-10-03 17:05:00

Posts: 964

Even just a tool to filter out anything with the word "P4P" in it would help a little.2012-10-03 19:19:00

Unknown User

Or filter for Thermo level DDD2012-10-03 19:29:00

Posts: 964

You mean like having a filter tag for the opposite of what we have? "Least Hearted", "Worst Rated", "Unrated", "Oldest Entries", etc

What? No. I believe I did not even remotely suggested that :-D
2012-10-05 20:51:00

Posts: 207

Well true, you didn't say that. My bad. But I kind of thought you meant something similar to that notion. And I kind of support it. As much as one would like to think so, having search results as thinking they are all positive is mistaken. To me, doing the opposite can be just as helpful. Filtering to look for the inverse, if that makes sense. But for that to work, booing in-game should be enabled. And simply creating custom filters for Name and/or Description would be really nice to have, too! ... say, this should be more than enough! This, and searching by Thermometer level.

... but I still am for support for in-game booing. Negative Feedback can be just as helpful as positive feedback can be just as harmful! Discouraging trophy levels should be encouraged. Scaring away those that makes such things and clutter the community library , just for getting undeserving achievement awards. I say, let the community itself rise up and give the dreaded "Boo" to them.

And so, you know what Agarwel? I missed your point. What was it again? Oh yes, truly I misread your post. OK, I propose a better way to design a level and still get those trophies and pins! Make the sensor that gives out those awards measure, or draw, the distance between the player's starting point and the Scoreboard. You know, like some games, like Tower Defense titles, can draw a path based on collision barriers. Or, for the sake of simplicity/argument, reflecting a beam of light from one point to the other via mirrors and other surfaces. The distance should be measured by the smaller grid blocks, like the ones formed in Create Mode when you toggle them on.

So, as long as your stage isn't straight forward and flat/empty, you will get your awards. If not, it won't count toward getting your awards, and you will get booed at for that, decreasing even more the chances for getting hearted. How's that? Oh, and I agree with just removing the pins and trophies based on number of plays. But leaving the one about plays per unique player in the game is alright, just make the amount of required unique players even higher, and that should at least slow down any new trophy stages.
2012-10-06 22:39:00

Unknown User

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