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Otaku Tank (Hatsune Miku Assault Tank)

Archive: 3 posts

Im pretty sure you guys have heard of Otaku cars. I made an Otaku Tank lol.

I hope no one finds this offensive

2012-09-22 06:33:00

Posts: 113

It was a nice tank, but it wasn't any different from the hundreds of other tanks on LBP. Maybe instead of putting random Miku stickers on it, you could have given the tank Miku's color scheme.2012-09-22 20:44:00

Posts: 388

It was a nice tank, but it wasn't any different from the hundreds of other tanks on LBP. Maybe instead of putting random Miku stickers on it, you could have given the tank Miku's color scheme.

Thanks bro. I put a bunch of miku sticker in an attempt to make fun of cars like these

Btw what could I do to make it different from other lbp tanks. I do try to add abilities to my tanks that make them differ from others however this one was an exception. I made a tank that can fly its on my earth somewhere.
2012-09-22 21:05:00

Posts: 113

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