Interesting theory about LBPV's ending (Spoilers)
Archive: 7 posts
Alright so for those of us who have finished the Story Mode, what did you think of the ending? I thought it was very unique and couldn't be better. One thing that the 'puppeteer' said though got me thinking... You know how The Puppeteer pretty much created all of the curators on the planet? This was pretty shocking to me actually since he doesn't look much different compared to them. Anyway he said this: 'Well, I bet there are all sorts of new creators out there now!' and it paused for a second as if to make you think. Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but don't most of LBP2's characters represent puppet creatures? Especially Da Vinci, Victoria, and Higginbotham with their puppet-like mouths. Avalon, Eve, and Clive are more questionable but still plausable. Am I thinking too much or do you think that Tarsier was trying to hint at some kind of backstory to LBP2 and how the creators/curators got there? Then again, it's always possible he meant US as the creators. Anyway, tell me what you think! ![]() | 2012-09-21 23:28:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
Both... :-D | 2012-09-22 00:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
hmm. Im guessing he might be talking about the community. | 2012-09-22 01:58:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
hmm. Im guessing he might be talking about the community. Yea, I suppose that sounds much more reasonable lol | 2012-09-22 02:01:00 Author: The5rozos ![]() Posts: 952 |
What Sunbunny23 said. | 2012-09-22 02:02:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
I liked the part where the puppeteer was a puppet all along. In all 3 main LBP games, there has been a little... Almost darker, even political twist. Especially in the first one, and the clive levels of the second. | 2012-09-22 17:06:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
That twist was actually pretty good. Now, go back and watch all the flashback cut scenes again: you'll see all the foreshadowing they put in. Specifically, watch the silhouettes. | 2012-09-23 21:14:00 Author: Number7Million ![]() Posts: 248 |
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