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How to get sackbot costume

Archive: 9 posts

This is a quick and easy tutorial on how to be able to dress up as a sackbot.

1. Go to your moon, and choose a place to edit
2. Take out a normal sackbot, bot wearing any clothes.
3. Go to the costume settings and select "Save Costume"
4. Look in the "My Costumes" section in your popit, and it should be there.

I hope this helped! If it didn't, please tell me how and I might be able to help.
2012-09-20 02:48:00

Posts: 1202

-_-. or you get it by default at the end of the game and the sackbot appears nicely ontop in your special list every time.2012-09-20 03:07:00

Posts: 132

He is just trying to be helpful. Don't be so condescending2012-09-20 03:29:00

Posts: 1806

-_-. or you get it by default at the end of the game and the sackbot appears nicely ontop in your special list every time.

I didn't get it at the end of the game. That was just for LBP2.
2012-09-20 22:33:00

Posts: 1202

Methinks tinymomo was referring to the hollow costume.

Also, thanks for the tip! Until we can import our lbp/lbp2 stuff I'm all about finding ways to get costumes. My wardrobe feels bare without the dlc....
2012-09-22 12:27:00

Posts: 879

I think your right.2012-09-22 17:54:00

Posts: 1202

How do I save costumes from community levels? There's that glowing skeleton costume that I want to use on my sackbots and my avatar but I don't know how to save it. I know this is a stupid question but I can't seem to find the answer on Google. Thank you in advance.2012-09-30 05:58:00

Unknown User

How do I save costumes from community levels? There's that glowing skeleton costume that I want to use on my sackbots and my avatar but I don't know how to save it. I know this is a stupid question but I can't seem to find the answer on Google. Thank you in advance.

If you got it from the community then go to your community objects and take out the sackbot they given you and save it's costume.
2012-09-30 16:00:00

Posts: 400

thanks for that mate2013-02-20 09:32:00

Unknown User

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