Over the limit under arrest.
Archive: 6 posts
This is my first level and im new to lbpc, im willing to do 5 other F4F's, the only feedback i have at this point is my wife and son. I ended up learning more and more through the creation process and ended up totally scratching certain sections after learning to do them more efficiently. I took photos to add but didnt realize they would turn out so poorly with the HDD export feature, it may have to do with the fact that i have the level dimmed pretty low. Also as a random question how long does it usually take before you start seeing user plays, my levels been up a full day without a single play? Level Name: Over the limit under arrest. PSN Name: JamisonFitz | 2009-01-12 06:43:00 Author: jamisonfitz ![]() Posts: 7 |
I usually see a couple plays on my level after a few minutes... I'll review your level tomorrow ^^ right my name down as one of your F4Fs. | 2009-01-12 06:52:00 Author: Trap_T ![]() Posts: 431 |
Howdy, I gave your level a whirl, I had not played with the paintball gun before so took me a sec to figure that part out. The concept, though a little morbid, is original. Everything seemed to have worked as intended, got good hight after the accident then landed to see baby parts everywhere! Club looked cool and at the end I couldnt see the 'exit' but happened to jump into it which I think everyone will do. -First thing Id work on are the bouncers after the crash. Shouldn't be the same looking bouncers, maybe try to make some cops out of cardboard and stickers then pop a magic mouth on them. -Could have something explaining how to use the paintgun for noobs like me but maybe most people already know how to use it. -When you get the key for using the sticker you could have the foam shaped like a big key or something, so it looks like more then just a magnatic key stuck on something, keep the illusion of the story going. If you are using an emitter to make the key appear you could change the place the key is made past the bounce, since most people would have moved past where it currently appears. hope that was usefully somewhat, if there is anything specific in the level you want commented on lmk, Ozwald_the_cat Current level:Sack-plunk (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=7347) and/or Disco sack-plunk on same thread | 2009-01-12 08:20:00 Author: Ozwald_the_cat ![]() Posts: 45 |
Your level, while probably won't sway me from driving a lil' loose from time to time. Was fun for what it was, but short. Though I have to say I laughed pretty hard when I hit that baby. But I wasn't sure by the time I finished the level if it was meant to be comical or not. I also enjoyed the prizes when beating the level, and found that to be somewhat original. Robbotron Current level: Live Free or Mustache Hard. (http://https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=7333) | 2009-01-12 09:26:00 Author: Robbie ![]() Posts: 41 |
OK im going to be honest: I played it today and the first thing i noticed was the heavy use of story items. It just seem like a celebration of MM items. It would look so much better if you used all custom content, then it would seem as if you put your own 'signature' into the level. You could add a bit more 'eye candy' to it so its visually more pleasing. You could lengthen it out, maybe add bit of lighting as this could change the general feel a lot. I liked your story but feel you could have done more with it. On the bit where you get the key make the switches invisible, Design your own bouncers ( custom content). I feel you can make a lot of little changes and this would improve the level a lot. But its only your 1st lvl, i hop ur not thinking im being too harsh, im just pointing out these things so in future levels you improve | 2009-01-12 13:41:00 Author: Kaplan_T3 ![]() Posts: 51 |
I usually see a couple plays on my level after a few minutes... I'll review your level tomorrow ^^ right my name down as one of your F4Fs. nvm, Im deleting my level | 2009-01-13 00:26:00 Author: Trap_T ![]() Posts: 431 |
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