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LittleBigPlanet PS Vita reviewed

Archive: 20 posts

Article by Tom Ross
(aka Taffey, PSN tsr13)

LittleBigPlanet PS Vita is easily one of the year’s most anticipated games, even if you’re not a fan of the series. It promises to be a much-needed “killer app” for Sony’s new handheld, and claims to be an evolution in gameplay as compared to previous LittleBigPlanet games. Without question, LBPV has been put on top of a very high pedestal, and that is usually not a good thing. When a gaming community’s eagerness for a title reaches a fever pitch – as it has for this game – a certain degree of disappointment is usually the outcome. Indeed, even I had my doubts about how I would formulate my impressions, as I have had my hands on various versions of the game a few different times over the past six months. What could LBPV possibly do to impress me at this point? I was confident the game would be great, but I just wasn’t sure if it would live up to the community’s impossibly lofty expectations.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that LittleBigPlanet PS Vita was every bit as stellar as I ever dreamed, and then some.

Although somewhat dark and brooding, the story line in this game is no less charming than its predecessors.

The game kicks off pretty much the same way as every other LBP title: The player makes his or her way through a charming and clever introduction level, guided by the comfortingly familiar voice of Stephen Fry. Veteran players will find the majority of the initial tutorial videos unnecessary, but I found them quite entertaining and happily sat through them all. The player is then introduced to the game’s intriguing story which introduces Carnivalia, a whole new world in the LittleBigPlanet universe. The story seems to have a slightly darker overall tone to it – something I found very refreshing – but without taking itself too seriously. There’s plenty of humor throughout the story, including several moments that elicited audible, genuine laughs from me. (Note to self: Don’t play late at night while other people in the house are trying to sleep.) The story is somewhat predictable but extremely well written. You encounter a rag-tag selection of characters, help them in various ways, and then face a final confrontation. I always had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen next, but the way it happened often caught me by surprise. This was helped greatly by the uncannily stellar voice acting behind each of the main characters. The Unbelievable Otis and Mrs. Sunshine in particular deliver stand-out performances and alone are worth the price of admission.

Mrs. Sunshine cracks. Me. Up.

Visually, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita is a treat. Each of the different worlds has a totally unique and fresh look, from the brooding and sinister Creepy Mansion levels to the slick and retro high-tech gleam of Jackpot City. It’s clear that a great deal of time was spent on materials and decorations that showcased each of the crisply defined themes, and it shows. More than that, the original artwork that has been poured into each of the levels is really inspiring. The amount of refinement and polish that has been applied to each of the story levels really makes them shine. The audio in LBPV has also been very carefully selected and complements each world perfectly, ranging from haunting melodies to pumping beats.

All the classic LittleBigPlanet gameplay you know and love is here, along with quite a few new fancy tricks.

If you sit down and powergame through the entirety of story mode without bothering to collect too many prize bubbles, it only takes a few hours. It is no longer or shorter than other LBP games in this regard, and I was quite satisfied with the length. The real depth of LittleBigPlanet PS Vita’s story mode comes in its extensive replay value. There are hundreds of collectibles to be sought after, loads of side levels to unlock and play, and plenty of hidden areas to revisit once you’ve collected the right stickers to get past the sticker switches. As always, there are rewards for acing each level – this is definitely easier said than done. Upping the ante over previous versions of the game, LBPV also includes The Arcade, a collection of mini games that rival some of the best smartphone games available and are honestly quite a bit more fun. Each level has individual achievements which, for those interested in this sort of thing, are enabled on the back end using the handy dandy new Memorizer logic object. There are loads of outstanding new gameplay concepts to enjoy in both The Arcade as well as the story levels, but the stars of the show are those which make brilliant use of the Vita’s touch features. Now that’s how touch screen gaming is done. All in all, LBPV’s story mode is an enjoyable and highly replayable experience that has been well worth the wait.

You can hardly believe that the minigames in The Arcade were created using LittleBigPlanet PS Vita.

There isn’t much I can say about create mode that hasn’t already been said. I could either write a 200 page novel, or summarize with a quick synopsis. Contrary to my instincts, I will go with the latter option. In a nutshell, create mode in LittleBigPlanet Vita represents the pinnacle of the series. It is refined without having been needlessly changed. It contradicts itself by being both immediately familiar and eye-openingly fresh all at the same time. Tiny new refinements and adjustments abound in every single menu and in every single interface, but the changes have been implemented in such a seamless manner you may not even notice right away what’s new. It just makes sense. There are a thousand little conveniences you always wish you had that are just there when you need them. Things like selecting an object for an emitter without capturing it first, zooming the camera while resizing a sticker, and subtly changing the position of a material in its layer all just mesh right in as though they weren’t there. You don’t know why create mode feels so phenomenal to use – it just does. PS3 veterans may be thrown off slightly by the lack of things like L2/R2 and L3/R3 buttons, but their functions have been replaced with on-screen hotkeys. Many other functions have been conveniently mapped to touch controls as well, so everything is right there when you need it. It’s very apparent that people who love the game are the ones who worked tirelessly to make it better.

Just look at all those beautiful little hotkeys.

No game is without its flaws, and no review is complete without pointing them out. The downfalls of LittleBigPlanet Vita are few and far between, but there are a couple minor nuisances that are worth mentioning. First and foremost, people are bound to complain about the comfort of the PS Vita hardware. This isn’t the fault of LBPV, of course, but after a few hours of hardcore creating I found my hands cramping up. This was due mostly to curling my fingers up in an effort to avoid touching the rear pad and altering the camera view. Rear touch camera control can be turned off in the options, but it’s a useful feature and I preferred to leave it on. An aftermarket grip attachment for my Vita made a world of difference – I would highly recommend anyone with hands larger than that of a Leprechaun pick up a similar accessory at their earliest convenience. Another minor problem I had was with the load times. For the record, they are actually pretty snappy and aren’t all that different from what you would experience in any other LittleBigPlanet game, but they aren’t exactly what I’d call short and sweet either. Saving and rewinding in create mode are a tiny bit slower as well, but not so much where they impair one’s experience. I am not a big fan of constant rewinding while creating anyway, so this didn’t particular point didn’t bother me at all, but I feel that it’s worth pointing out. For whatever reason, I have an instinctual need to point out three things I don’t like whenever I’m writing a review, and so far I only have two. My third and final gripe with the game is really a result of me desperately scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel, and honestly isn’t a big deal at all. Regardless, I didn’t particularly care for the fact that the pod computer controls are purely touch based and don’t seem to have corresponding functions mapped to hardware buttons. I’m just fine and dandy with the touch screen interface – in fact I think it’s superb – but it’s just about the only place in the game where you don’t have buttons as an option. Odd.

The vehicle levels in the main story line are some of my favorite in the game.

To wrap this up (Or, put another way: tl;dr), LittleBigPlanet PS Vita is an amazing game. It has somehow managed to live up to the immense hype it built for itself while at the same time feeling charming and immediately accessible, regardless of whether or not you’re a fan of the series. Sure, there are a couple of minor hiccups here and there, but most players will be hard pressed to even notice them. The outstanding story mode and mind-boggling create mode are such an immense treat (to have in your pocket!), it’s an easy game to fall in love with. It is a system seller, a must-have, and a true killer app. If you’ve been second-guessing your recent purchase of a Vita, you can stop now. The fine folks at Tarsier and Double Eleven have really put together a masterpiece with this title, and my hat is off to them.

Go buy this game. NOW.

Pros and cons:
+ Outstanding and brilliantly presented story mode
- ..that is a little on the short side.
+ A gaggle of side levels and an unlockable Arcade more than make up for that
+ Loads of collectibles and achievements to chase after
++ Crazy epic create mode
- ..that sometimes makes your hands cramp
+ More new features than you can shake a stick at
+ Super slick menu touch interface
++ ..that is optional if you prefer buttons
+ Seamless online features
+ This is on a handheld!?
2012-09-18 19:15:00

Posts: 3187

Solid review! Thanks! The thing that struck me the most was the incredible fog/lighting & visual effects! They are outstanding!!2012-09-18 19:32:00

Unknown User

Nice review, Taffey. 2012-09-18 19:38:00

Posts: 3910

Awesome write up Taffey! It was nice and honest, and was great to see a review that doesn't just say everything which is good, but points out it flaws as well. Which in lbp vita's case were only little things. Such as the back touch pad, which I personally have problems with every vita game.
This review has made me even more excited for lbp vita! Only a few more days now until I can get my hands on it!
2012-09-18 19:48:00

Posts: 217

Smashing review, popit. Stuff of novels if I do say so myself, nghar ngharhh.2012-09-18 19:53:00

Posts: 1195

Great review Taff, I agree on all your points. Two things: You labeled the hand cramping as a Pro, not a con in the summary, lol. And the rear touch camera control is a nightmare in create mode, zooming the view in and out by accident when your fingers wonder onto the backpad,and they will. Plus,it goes schitzo if you put the system in your lap. I recommend everyone turn it off before creating as it's on by default, you'll thank me later.2012-09-18 20:17:00

Posts: 329

Amazing review, but cmon no one sees Ms Shunshine and Dr Higgenbottom as a lovely couple? <3 They can have a picnic of socks while talking about their imaginary food products 2012-09-18 20:36:00

Posts: 1125

Good review, Taffey! Very cool explanation of all sides of the game. It was pleasure to read it

Will see you on LBP Vita side

May the Vita be with you
2012-09-18 20:55:00

Posts: 838

Very thorough review and with a lot of very good points and observations. Nicely done.

I agree with KK though on the back-touch, I've got it turned off for the time being. Maybe once I'm more comfortable with the physical layout and the GUI I'll be able to turn it back on but right now it can be very frustrating.
2012-09-18 21:37:00

Posts: 297

You forgot to say some of the other small cons people have been talking about. like no fog option on lights. and i hear about some music option is missing. but anyways, still a cool review *mew2012-09-18 21:43:00

Posts: 4261

I went ahead and moved this thread to [LBPV News and Media] where it actually belongs.

Awesome write up Taffey! It was nice and honest, and was great to see a review that doesn't just say everything which is good, but points out it flaws as well.Thanks! I tried my best to be honest and unbiased - the things I pointed out as flaws really didn't bother me personally at all but I can see how someone else might take exception to them. Glad you found it informative!

Great review Taff, I agree on all your points.
Very thorough review and with a lot of very good points and observations. Nicely done.Much appreciated gents!

You labeled the hand cramping as a Pro, not a con in the summary, lol.Doh! That's what I get for trying to make the font size bigger on the +'s and -'s without paying attention. I went a little wild with copying and pasting my BB code I think.

And the rear touch camera control is a nightmare in create mode, zooming the view in and out by accident when your fingers wonder onto the backpad,and they will. Plus,it goes schitzo if you put the system in your lap. I recommend everyone turn it off before creating as it's on by default, you'll thank me later.
I agree with KK though on the back-touch, I've got it turned off for the time being. Maybe once I'm more comfortable with the physical layout and the GUI I'll be able to turn it back on but right now it can be very frustrating.Rear touch definitely was a little offsetting for me at first, but I'm at least 50-ish hours into create mode all told (factoring in my time with previous iterations of the game) and I'm to the point now where I love it. It's such a handy thing to have - like having a third arm - that I always leave it on now. It's a love it or hate it thing, and it certainly isn't a requirement if you don't like it.

Amazing review, but cmon no one sees Ms Shunshine and Dr Higgenbottom as a lovely couple? <3 They can have a picnic of socks while talking about their imaginary food products LOL You make an excellent point.

Good review, Taffey! Very cool explanation of all sides of the game. It was pleasure to read it

Will see you on LBP Vita side

May the Vita be with you Thanks Domik! The Vita is strong with you.
2012-09-18 21:52:00

Posts: 3187

I have thought about picking up a trigger grip I found at Game Stop that makes the vita roughly the size of a PS3 controller. I might just do this now.2012-09-18 22:43:00

Posts: 1806

Beatiful review. although i may disagree with hand cramping up. got huge hands and no cramp. but everyone is different.
im sure later in the game they'll make the speed of rewinding and placing captured objects a lot faster. the game might be perfect if tarsier do this and also online create which we asked for a while. let's all cross our fingers.
2012-09-18 23:24:00

Posts: 995

I'm probably just preaching to the choir here, but I wanted to +1 the opening of Taffey's review. I was reluctantly hopeful that LBPV would impress me. I bought a Vita pretty much just for this game (used for $150, but still), and I was almost sure I'd end up feeling a little meh about the whole thing. But now that it's finally in my hands, I must say it is every bit as good as I wanted it to be. As I make my way through the story mode, everything feels as fresh and intriguing as when I first loaded up LBP2. The Vita controls add a lot of fresh game play, and there's so many nice little core improvements on LBP2.

Clearly if you're here reading this, you already love LBP. And so, if you have a Vita, then you've obviously decided to get this game. You will be glad you did. If however, you're a non-Vita-owner LBP fan, I can honestly say that if you could fathom buying a system based on wanting to play one really good game, LBPV will not let you down. (And, at least where I live, there are tons of lightly used Vita's on Craigslist for cheap, if you're open to that option.)

Lastly I'd like to add that LBP and LBP2, when they launched, oozed the passion that their developers had in making them. It has felt to me like that passion has waned in MM Towers, especially over the last dozen cakelessly-named bug-shifting patches, and with it, my own excitement for the game has also sputtered. I think that's understandable on MM's part, my plaything was their full time job, and that's got to eventually be draining on anybody's muse. Clearly MM is on a path to thrill us again down the road. But in the mean time, as a player, it is really great to see the LBP torch carried so enthusiastically by all the folks behind LBPV. They did a really excellent job. This game, clearly a labor of love, oozes fresh passion. (If any of you LBPV makers read this, big thanks!)
2012-09-19 02:27:00

Posts: 324

Excellent review Tom! I only just not had a chance to read it through and enjoy it I bought my Vita just to play LBPV and I couldn't be happier! I really like how you mentioned that LBPV has all of these small things that you didn't even know that you wanted because you are spot on. Even now in LBP2 I still get frustrated trying to get out of a Controllinator sometimes, and the fact that there is an onscreen button for it is just the icing on the cake

Great job, and thanks for the review!
2012-09-19 12:27:00

Posts: 1515

You forgot to say some of the other small cons people have been talking about. like no fog option on lights. and i hear about some music option is missing. but anyways, still a cool review *mew

No fog? It was in the beta and in a video i saw of the full version...
2012-09-19 13:41:00

Posts: 400

No fog? It was in the beta and in a video i saw of the full version...

Not level fog. i'm talking about Light fog. i'm sure someone can explain it to you better then me. i just repeated what other people have been saying. *mew
2012-09-19 13:45:00

Posts: 4261

On every light there is a fog setting. This changes the density of the light from those lights. I'm a bit disappointed to hear it's not there, but I'm sure I'll live with it.2012-09-19 13:53:00

Posts: 3910

On every light there is a fog setting. This changes the density of the light from those lights. I'm a bit disappointed to hear it's not there, but I'm sure I'll live with it.

After playing around yesterday, I much prefer the new light beam deco to the old spot light. The effect is better looking as the beam isn't such a uniform gradient; it's also a much more controlled lighting effect since the beam has an actual size.

It seems like a lot more thought went into choosing objects/stickers/tools/tweak options to make them the most useful/flexible. This really does appear to be the definitive version of LBP and not just LBP portable!
2012-09-19 15:15:00

Posts: 1214

Great read there Mr. Taffey. I agree that LBPV so far is a dream come true. I am not sure when I will get to put some serious time in create mode but from what I've seen it's the best of both worlds. Then you have the things they added like INVISIBLE material! I am going to abuse the hell out of dematerialized invisible material. I just wish I had close to the amount of time as I do excitement =

Thanks for the write up. It was great. Now get to work and make us some levels
2012-09-19 18:58:00

Posts: 306

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