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KPMIV Update (Just About Done)

Archive: 3 posts

Ok here is another round of KPMIV Updates. Kim Possible Mission IV is about done. The only problem is the boss right now. Its there in the level, but its not cooperating with me. lol I should have it working, i messaged the creator, thus i need to wait till he gets on psn again. Everything eles is working perfect. This has been a KPMIV update. Keep check'n for more updates.2012-09-17 19:43:00

Posts: 181

Ok folks how have you been. I'm back to post yet another Update on Kim Possible Mission :IV. I'm happy to announce that due to many complications with other users objects in this level that messed up many advance logic such as Respawn System and the HUD System along the way. I'm happy to say that all of them have been fully fixed. But there may be a few bugs still in but i haven't noticed any just. And i'm happy to announce that KPMIV full level from Part through Part 3 will up for your enjoyment starting as Tuesday morning or afternoon. If you find any bugs please don't hesitate to notify me by PSN or this forum.2012-10-13 22:37:00

Posts: 181

Ok folks Kim Possible Mission IV is now finnish'd and has been posted to the community. So please play it. And if theres any bugs please don't hesitate to notify me about it via psn.2012-10-15 22:06:00

Posts: 181

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