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Japan only?!

Archive: 22 posts

I am very frustrated. I have been waiting for months for an LBP VITA demo before realese in US. Well I just found out that Japan already has one and US. Won't get one until realease. I can't download because I have a US. PSN and, on a stupid move by sony, you can't change accounts without wiping memory. So i am just wondering why sony would be so inconsiderate to other countries. Don't get me wrong, I love playstation, I am just sick of the region exclusive features on vita. I know that this can't be helped, I am just wondering why? Someone please get this to sony in hopes that they can right their wrong, because sub accounts can't contact sony. 2012-09-10 21:55:00

Posts: 309


Old news...
I do agree that it's too bad we didn't get a demo,But it's nothing too surprising,Japan always gets stuff first to test out...
2012-09-10 22:16:00

Posts: 400

I'd rather wait for the full version, since it comes in 15 days.2012-09-10 22:56:00

Posts: 1202

It's not too surprising considering sony is japanese, but im still upset.2012-09-11 17:10:00

Posts: 309

I'd rather wait for the full version, since it comes in 15 days.

8 days... ... for me
2012-09-11 17:15:00

Posts: 3910

8 days... ... for me

6 Days in 5 hours for me
2012-09-11 17:27:00

Posts: 400

6 Days in 5 hours for me

HOW?! I demand to know.
2012-09-11 18:10:00

Posts: 3910

HOW?! I demand to know.

Well,Because then it should hit the PSN in my country
2012-09-11 18:21:00

Posts: 400

Well,Because then it should hit the PSN in my country

What makes you think it will release two days earlier on PSN? They might release it the following Wednesday
2012-09-11 18:25:00

Posts: 3910

What makes you think it will release two days earlier on PSN? They might release it the following Wednesday

Ha?The PSN updates the day the game hits the stores,I see no reason why it wouldent be on the PSN that day which will be the 19th in my country.
2012-09-11 18:34:00

Posts: 400

Ha?The PSN updates the day the game hits the stores,I see no reason why it wouldent be on the PSN that day which will be the 19th in my country.

Wait, I'm lost. 6 days 5 hours makes it the 17th... not the 19th

edit: what time is it at the moment where you are?
2012-09-11 18:37:00

Posts: 3910

Wait, I'm lost. 6 days 5 hours makes it the 17th... not the 19th

edit: what time is it at the moment where you are?

I have a VERY different time zone then you do.
2012-09-11 18:42:00

Posts: 400

14 days for me unless we get it on the 19th on psn when does the psn update? does it update for every one on the same day?2012-09-11 19:08:00

Posts: 813

14 days for me unless we get it on the 19th on psn when does the psn update? does it update for every one on the same day?

No, it will probably update close to the official release date depending on where you are
2012-09-11 19:18:00

Posts: 3910

I am very frustrated. I have been waiting for months for an LBP VITA demo before realese in US. Well I just found out that Japan already has one and US. Won't get one until realease. I can't download because I have a US. PSN and, on a stupid move by sony, you can't change accounts without wiping memory. So i am just wondering why sony would be so inconsiderate to other countries. Don't get me wrong, I love playstation, I am just sick of the region exclusive features on vita. I know that this can't be helped, I am just wondering why? Someone please get this to sony in hopes that they can right their wrong, because sub accounts can't contact sony. I'm pretty sure that Japan was not included in the LBPV beta, which means they got screwed a lot worse than anybody else in the first place. A demo isn't much more than a consolation prize.

Remember: In a month's time, you won't care who had what first. You will be playing the game and having fun instead.
2012-09-11 22:30:00

Posts: 3187

No, it will probably update close to the official release date depending on where you are

oh :/ i live in na and for us in stores it will come out on the 25 but what about psn?.
2012-09-11 22:39:00

Posts: 813

Most likely the same day, but will be like 5 bucks cheaper.2012-09-11 23:02:00

Posts: 1202

I'm pretty sure that Japan was not included in the LBPV beta, which means they got screwed a lot worse than anybody else in the first place. A demo isn't much more than a consolation prize.

Remember: In a month's time, you won't care who had what first. You will be playing the game and having fun instead. yeah, I guess that's a good point. Just a little upset. but thanks for the eye opener. Also, I am in USA, just to clear things up.
2012-09-12 02:33:00

Posts: 309

I just followed the Netflix trick to download the demo, but obviously logged in with my JP account instead:

How to get Netflix on a UK Vita (http://mentalgamers.com/2012/02/how-to-us-netflix-on-a-uk-vita/)

Make sure you backup your profile with Content Manager first though, as a recent patch has made it so you now need to format your memory card before attempting to log in to the store with a different account. This also means you'll have to play the demo on your JP account, as it won't be available once you restore your old profile.

But hey, not long to go now!
2012-09-12 12:35:00

Posts: 545

How did this turn into a time zone discussion?2012-09-14 02:14:00

Posts: 309

I'm pretty sure that Japan was not included in the LBPV beta, which means they got screwed a lot worse than anybody else in the first place. A demo isn't much more than a consolation prize.

Remember: In a month's time, you won't care who had what first. You will be playing the game and having fun instead.
Well now, I am! And I find it hard to believe I was nearly pulling my hair out over what I didn't have.
2012-12-18 20:01:00

Posts: 309

Well now, I am! And I find it hard to believe I was nearly pulling my hair out over what I didn't have.Good to know you're enjoying the game. I certainly love it.

This thread is a bit outdated (and quite stale) so I'm going to lock it. Also, don't forget to avoid double-posting.
2012-12-18 20:05:00

Posts: 3187

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