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Project: Settlers of LBP (Catan)

Archive: 4 posts

Hello together,

after viewing all these amazing tut?s of comphermc again and again i try to change the original boardgame of Settlers of Catan into a LBP-Version.
Til now, i only created the Board on its own, my next step is to build in a Randomizer, which sets the field-value.

Therefore i am using a simple 9-Segment-Display to display the Numbers from 2 - 12.

I haven?t any Pics yet.

See, what happens next
2012-09-10 07:50:00

Unknown User

Sounds really fun! I'm looking forward to this!2012-09-10 08:44:00

Posts: 104

I agree with the poster on top of my post

Klingt nach Spa?! Ich bin gespannt ^^

Wie sieht'n das ganze graphisch aus? Benutzt nur die Materialien, um die einzelnen Landschaften darzustellen oder schm?ckst du da mit Stickern, Deko's etc. rum? W?rde mich interessieren ...
2012-09-10 22:31:00

Unknown User

sounds neat! can't wait to see more.2012-09-10 23:12:00

Posts: 8424

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