Archive: 5 posts
Hello fellow LBPCer's - Looking for a great multiplayer level to bookmark for when friends are in the pod? Well, I want to tell you all about the Grinder! - This level was my 5th level and definitely one of my favorites. It has maintained nearly a 3:1 play/heart ratio through about 1400 plays and has been tweaked, upgraded and fine tuned for over two months now. It's a race and points level and with all new scoring opportunities the leaderboards are ripe for the picking. I'd love to see it get some more attention so I'm sticking er out there and hoping I can hear your thoughts. Play it with friends or play it alone, either way I think you'll enjoy it.....and oh yeah, watch out for the gears! Some photos of the newest build. http://www.epicureme.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/IM000335.JPG.w560h420.jpg http://www.epicureme.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/IM000341.JPG.w560h420.jpg http://www.epicureme.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/IM000342.JPG.w560h420.jpg http://www.epicureme.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/IM000344.JPG.w560h420.jpg http://www.epicureme.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/IM000346.JPG.w560h420.jpg I can do 5 F4F's if anyone wants. | 2009-01-11 19:12:00 Author: Jaeyden ![]() Posts: 564 |
Hey, just played your level one player and I enjoyed it, there was never a dull moment and everything done has been super slick! Just a few points though: -Bombs that fall down on jetpack part at start are very hard to see, maybe put lights on them or something? -On cog part i slid down the glass slope so fast i fell right through the bottom and im not sure that was supposed to happen... -Was not sure where I was supposed to go when i fell down into the four yellow blocks, didnt realise i could go down again, maybe should put another arrow pointing down -On the part where you have to shoot down the blocks so that you can get across the fire I managed to shoot 2 or 3 down before the countdown timer even started by shooting over the top of the startline lol, some form of roof would help i think. As for they design and styling I think its superb, thank god for the MGS pack! however not so sure about the flowers that fall down, they seem a bit out of place... Overall though I liked the level and think its one of the levels I'd play with a couple more players, would be quite competitive!! For F4F I would appreciate it if you could play my Ray Mears' level, thanks ![]() | 2009-01-11 21:28:00 Author: turnipeater ![]() Posts: 83 |
This level is great fun. Very colorful and such. This level is indeed a very massive point-fest. I'll have to find a player 2 and give this level another run.![]() To be honest, I can't really think of much of anything to complain about in this level. turnipeater pretty much mentioned everything I was going to mention anyway. I do have to say that the last part of the level isn't nearly as colorful since the background of the neon VR grid changes to the dull cityscape that is the Metropolis background. No big deal, but the last part is a lot less colorful. Still, you did a very good job with this level. Also, good job making the previous finish lines disappear when you get to another race gate. I was just about to yell at you for having a massive flaw in the scoring system. ![]() | 2009-01-18 03:37:00 Author: gameguy888 ![]() Posts: 159 |
I played this earlier today and I have to say your levels continue to amaze me. Here are some thoughts: So this is a race-type level and right from the jump I knew I would be gunning for the number 1 spot lol. The opening with the jetpacks and flwying up the vertical room was perfectly executed. I loved how you had point bubbles near those prox activated pads that knock he player into fire if they get too close. This really forced the player to weigh their options and if they decide to go for the bubbles then they better be careful lol. This also applied to the spinning wheels and strategy really comes into play here. If the player times it right they can chain all those point bubbles together but they really need to be careful of the fire. Clearly a lot of thought went into this and I reall appreciate that. All of a sudden I am walking and "boom"! a rocket powered spring-board has launched me into the air. Very unexpected and very very very cool. The part with the spinning cogs was just a touch tedious. I kept getting stuck and falling but maybe I just suck lol. This was the one and only part of the level that I did not love to death. The next part is just incredible. You have the screen on a diagonal and it creates a very unique visual effect. I have never seen this done before and I have to tell you that it is really inspiring. The next section is essentially a giant moving super-structure and I am beyond impressed. You have put things in motion on such a scale that most creators would not even dream of it let alone make it. The part where the player is falling through those stubs of different VR material is amazing. It made me feel like a the metal ball in one of those old pinball games. Your use of the paintintor throughout is great. I liked shooting the switches which dropped the big rectangular blocks for the player to traverse and the beer bottles were a nice touch. Somewhere down the line there was another spring board again unexpected and again very cool. The corridor it launched me into looks super-slick with the way you used the green VR and I believe skull plate metal (I coulb be wrong). The visuals here are bananas. Scoreboard and I am in the top 5 ![]() You are a creator of immense talent and if MediaMolecule had any sense they would be offering you a job to design level for them. With every level you make you continue to puch the boundaries and show the player not one or two but more like five or six gameplay elements that are completely original and unlike anything else we have seen before. Sir, I salute you. Another hearted level, 5 stars of course. Bring on Contra!!! | 2009-02-06 14:18:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Oh my, you completely "MetalGearised" it. I really prefered the look of the old one. Well, for the first part with wheels at least. . | 2009-02-06 15:47:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
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