Sackboy und der K?nig der Diebe by MikeTyson189
Archive: 3 posts
Hello Community, its CuriousSack and I have a new recommendation for you! This time its the first level of one of the youngsters in lbp! Its named: Sackboy und der K?nig der Diebe (engl. Sackboy and the king of thieves) by MikeTyson189 http://lbp.me/v/fc363c (Resemblances with a title from Disney's Aladdin-trilogy is not pure chance^^) In search of the feared king of the thieves sackboy has to roam an oriental desert with many dangers, to explore a mysterious temple and to solve some riddles! Will he finally be successful in catching the thief and bringing him to justice? The young creator has tried to design this theme as a classical platformer using typical elements for this genre like jumping passages, parts where you have to use the grappling hook and the griffinator, combined with some riddles! There are also some areas for two players only with some extra quests^^ pictures: http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/93186fe3051a6087f525ef1b9443c2563a9939f6.jpg http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/e3d2015f2b8e15e27d1b81a232d255f229c9a128.jpg http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/5e0b4ea12d3bf25d8dc42b556ca8fe873ec68ef5.jpg http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/4ad23cf3a79f1c3c908235cd005b2c92cf7e45ae.jpg Expectations that "Sackboy and the king of thieves" could be a breathtaking high-polish product must be wrong! (though he had some counseling from well-known creators like FabFio71, Attack-here and Black-Tigra) But how should this be? We all know how hard it is being faced with all the features and possibilities of lbp2 and its tools for the first time^^ No! Mike isn't experienced enough to do a high-polish production already! Sackboy und der K?nig der Diebe is a sincere trial of a young lbp2-newbie (who even considered to sell his game again only two months ago!) to meet the challenge to entertain an audience! (Thats what we all do when publishing a level!) And to expose himself to the critical judgement of the community! (something which I have avoided for more than one year!) I'm thinking that this fact should deserve our all respect! I'm also thinking that we should ease the way into lbp2 for newbies and beginners by showing our interest in their creations, which they often have done with hard work and great efforts, and by giving prudent feedback and counseling and help where needed! When playing Mike's level then please consider that this is his first trial, and considering this I have to say that he has done a pretty good job! ![]() I wish you a lot of fun and good entertainement, greetings from Bavaria, CuriousSack^^ | 2012-09-08 16:18:00 Author: CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 3981 |
Curious, thanks for the recommendation! | 2012-09-09 09:02:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Wow! This is the first level of him? Excellent start, dude! Can't wait to see more. Very nice start of a creators career ![]() | 2012-10-28 12:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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