Bomb Survival Reloaded!
Archive: 9 posts
Be prepared for a re-invention of the bomb survival craze! It's still all about surviving bombs but the action is much more pacey, the difficulty ramps up as the game progresses and what's more, you're balanced on platforms that could blow up at any moment! The more platforms you keep from blowing up, the more points you bank every second. Blow up the bird's nest and the bombs on the conveyor belt for bonus points. And remember, this is a co-operative survival! Points go into one big kitty and you must work together to get the high score! Check it out! (http://lbp.me/v/fbrb04) http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/d8eb13e6a2dc8bd6616b058ae877a3619e5c2a43.jpg http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/d0961c6e94152d3c69f62b89fd13bf4963a471d2.jpg http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/038eb7904006334b7d91e3f4d15541cad7f15ec7.jpg http://lbp.me/v/fbrb04 | 2012-09-06 20:02:00 Author: Holguin86 ![]() Posts: 875 |
Looking good! Adding to the infinite queue of mine ![]() | 2012-09-06 21:43:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
More info comin' right up ![]() | 2012-09-06 23:01:00 Author: Holguin86 ![]() Posts: 875 |
Yay a bomb surviv...wut? looks great! getting the shoehorn out so I can stuff this level in my queue | 2012-09-07 00:43:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Dude... How does one take the common idea of a bomb survival, and change it up so that it's a unique and addicting minigame? Well it seems like you have done it. This kept me playing for hours trying to get the top score on the leaderboards, and I had a ton of good laughs when I would explode. I loved every minute of it! ![]() | 2012-09-08 20:51:00 Author: TheMonkeyBlade ![]() Posts: 687 |
This ain't kids' bomb survival levels. This is the original bomb survival level with great ideas and visuals. Congrats on Mm pick. VISUALS: 5/5 SOUND: 4.5/5 GAMEPLAY: 5/5 OVERALL: A yay and heart | 2012-09-15 03:04:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
This http://lbp.me/v/fbrb04 is without a doubt one of the most addictive levels on LBP. Heck, for me it's even more addictive than Clockworx 2 (which is really saying something). And I am perhaps the one most addicted to it. I've played it 193 times. I'm serious. I'VE ACTUALLY PLAYED IT 193 TIMES. And as a result of such, I feel entitled to write a little "strategy guide" of sorts. It you don't know what this level is, play it now. It you happen to get addicted like me, then feel free to read this. So, let's get started. http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/268da8378f897bb491470aabdcf449fc794293cb.jpg Wasn't taken by me, I was too lazy to upload photos. Important: I must go over a few key terms: Platform: A platform made of Trigger Explosives and some material. There are three of these, and they are the only places you can stand on. Each platform gives you points (the number depending on waves) so you should try keeping them all. Since platforms are made of trigger explosives they will explode if a bomb explodes near them, and it won't give you any more points. Wave: A phase of the level characterized by the way it drops bombs on you, and the amount of points the platforms give you. When you hear a certain sound (like a charging up sound), then the previous wave is over and the next wave will start. TE: Timed Explosive. Those brown things with arrow that spins. The explode after a period of time. IE: Impact Explosive. I shouldn't have to explain this to you, but these are spherical bombs that explode on impact. Conveyor: A conveyor belt at the top of the area you are in. It carries Trigger Explosives (They never drop on you so don't worry about them). If a bomb explodes near a Trigger Explosive, then the Trigger Explosive explodes too and gives you points. Bird's Nest: A bird's nest at the right of the level. Having a bomb explode near it will destroy it and give you 1000 points. Missile: A missile that comes from one end of the level and travels horizontally to the other, simply. They do not hit the platforms, rather they glide just slightly over them. The movement is a little hard to explain, so I have this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXTralAg9iQ You cannot grab them so you either have to jump over them or hit them with a bomb. Wave 1 Holguin's arsenal (What kind of bombs will be falling): Timed Explosives (or TE). Wave structure (The order in which the bombs fall): TE, TE, TE... When you press circle, wave one will start.The conveyors will start moving and TE's will start falling out of the sky onto one of the three platforms.This wave is quite easy, being the first, and gives you plenty of time to throw the TE's away. Priority one is to keep all of your platforms intact, as they are the most major point givers. To reach the bombs and/or Bird's Nest, you can "cook" a TE. That means to hold it until it's about to explode, then throw it at the conveyor of bombs or the birds nest. Cooking is dangerous, as you come quite close to blowing yourself up. Make sure you are running or in a jumping when you throw TE's (or bombs in general), otherwise your throw would be super weak and chances are your TE may fall into a gap between two platforms and destroy both. If this happens you might as well restart since there is no way you will get the high score with only one platform. The Safe Way Pick up TE's, and quickly throw them as far to the left or right as you can. Don't cook. Simple, really. The Not-So-Safe Way Randomisers are not that random. And chances are (from my experience), that the second TE that falls in wave one will fall on the right platform. So, pick up your first TE (don't throw it away) and stand on the right platform. Should a TE fall on top of the one you're holding, you should have a stack of two TE's on top of each other with you holding the bottom one. Stand very near to (but not on) the edge of the right platform, wait until the timer on the TE you're holding is nearly up (cooking, really), then jump up and throw right. If you're lucky, you will destroy a bunch of bombs on the overhead conveyor as well as the Bird's Nest in one go. Once the Bird's Nest is down, cook TE's and throw them at the bombs on the conveyor for points. You should stop cooking after the fifth or so bomb, though, to prepare for the next wave. Wave 2 Holguin's arsenal: TE's, Impact Explosives (or IE's). Wave structure: IE, TE, IE, TE... The next wave would be marked with a sound effect, and the platform points increasing by ten. When that happens, quickly throw away whatever TE you may be holding (if there is one) and jump onto the center platform. While TE's just fall from the sky, IE's are launched into the air before they fall down. That gives you more time to react. Even with that added time, IE's are much more dangerous as they explode the moment they hit a platform. If there is a TE on a platform and an IE in the air, take care of the IE first. After you toss a TE, return to the middle. You don't know where the next IE will come and the middle's the best place to be. The game starts picking up here, and you will be moving around a lot more. While it's important to watch the skies for bombs, you should always take a look to make sure your sackperson isn't about to fall off a platform when catching stuff. The Safe Way When you catch an IE, get rid of it immediately. Don't wait even a moment, for the chances are 1/3 that at TE will fall onto the same platform you are on and land right on top of you and the IE you're holding (which kills you, I guess). If you catch an IE on the left platform, throw the IE to the left to make sure it doesn't potentially hit a TE and endanger you or a platform. Same to the right. If in the middle, just pick a random direction. Just be very quick because you don't want your IE to hit at TE. Don't even think about cooking the TE's. There simply isn't enough time and an IE will fall and destroy a platform or you before the TE is fully cooked. The Not-So-Safe Way When you catch an IE, wait a split second before you throw it. If you're on the left platform, throw to the right, and vice versa. If in the middle, throw in a random direction. Why? You want the IE to hit the bottom of a TE as it falls down. TE's don't explode instantly if they're hit by an IE. It takes about a few frames for it to happen, giving time for the TE to be thrown in whatever direction by the explosion before it itself explodes. So, when the IE hits a bottom of a TE, the TE is thrown up at the conveyor belt, potentially exploding some bombs and giving you points. Keep in mind this is quite dangerous since *LAZY ACTIVATED, READ THE SAFE WAY FOR WAVE 2 TO FIND OUT WHY THIS IS DANGEROUS*. So yeah. Your timing has to be pretty good, and you have to have good reflexes to pull this off. Wave 3 Holguin's arsenal: TE's, IE's, Missiles. Wave structure: IE or TE, Missile, IE or TE, Missile...(when I use "or", it means there is a random chance of it being either.) Keep an open ear for the sound effect, for it shall start Wave 3. This is where the level starts getting hard. This is where MISSILES come in. There are only two ways to avoid a missile (as were stated in the definition). One way is to hit it with another type of bomb, like an IE. The other way is to jump over it. The best way to jump over it is to go from one platform to another. That is, don't land on the same platform you jump on (you have less space and you could fall off your platform). Try to position yourself at the end of a platform (right end of right platform if the missile is from the left, and vice versa) waiting until the missile is at the end of the middle platform (right end if missile is from the left, vice versa), then do a very short run-up and jump over it, landing on the middle platform. Not only does this make it easier to jump over a bomb, it also positions you on the middle platform which is the best platform to be if you're waiting for a bomb to fall. The Safe Way Do to your IE's and TE's what you did to them in the other waves-chuck 'em. Don't try to hit a missile with a IE or TE, that's dangerous as it could destroy a platform. Jump over the missile with the method described above. The Not-So-Safe Way This way is pretty darn dangerous. Don't try hitting a missile with an IE. The missiles come too fast and the IE's take too long to fall, so you'll be too late. Since TE's aren't launched (and take a shorter time to fall) you can hit missiles with them. If you hit a missile at a favorable angle, the TE will be blasted into the conveyor belt, giving you precious points. Try hitting the top or a corner. However, be warned. If the angle is wrong the TE could bounce into a platform and destroy it or you. Oh, and common sense: make sure the missile is at plenty distance from the platforms when you throw a TE at it. Try jumping to hit the missile when it's higher, which also increased your chances at points. If you miss, just jump over the missiles as explained above. Wave 4 Holguin's arsenal: TE's, IE's. Wave structure: IE, TE x2, IE, TE x2 (that's two TE's at the same time. Yikes! This is probably the most important time to hear the sound effect. If you don't realize what's happening soon enough you will be dead. But first... No missiles! Yay! But back to business. Even without the missiles, this wave is pretty darn hectic. It's exactly the same as wave two, but instead of one TE being dropped at a time, it's two. So now, the chances of a TE landing on top of you are 2/3 instead of 1/3. That means, when you get an IE, GET RID OF IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN. When the two TE's drop, GET RID OF THEM AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Then, as quickly as you can, return to the middle. Since it takes longer to dispose of two TE's instead of one, you have less time to prepare for the IE and the middle's the best place to be. Pretty much, this is wave 2 on steroids. However, the strategies are the same. Check to make sure your sackperson is not about to fall off a platform even more often here, since this is where it's most likely to happen. The Safe Way The same as the Safe Way for Wave 2. I'm serious. It's exactly the same, except you have to be quicker and returning to the middle after disposing of TE's is more important. The Not-So-Safe Way Exactly the same strategy as the Not-So-Safe Way for Part 2. However, you are twice as likely to hit the bottom of a TE since there are now 2 falling at the same time. That also means you are twice as likely to be hit by a TE since there are now 2 falling at the same time. You're timing needs to be pretty impeccable for this. Try waiting a split second before throwing it. Not only will destroying one of the TE's give you points, it will also make it so that there's one less TE to pick up and toss, giving you more time to prepare for the next IE. Wave 5 Holguin's arsenal: TE's IE's Missile's Wave structure: IE or TE, Missile, Missile Missiles are back, and with a vengeance. Two come in quick succession this time, both from the same side, though. You have little time to jump over both, so it is best to destroy one of them. If you're really good at jumping and don't want to try destroying the missiles, then try the jumping technique in Wave 3 for the first missile, but stay on the same platform for the second. There isn't enough time for a quick run up, and you want to stay in the middle so it's easier to catch the next IE or TE. If you don't think you can do this continually, then try the following: The Safe Way If you get a TE, don't try throwing it at the missile, as it could endanger you for the reasons listed in Wave 3. Just use the two missile jumping technique mentioned above. If you get an IE, you can destroy a missile with it, though, as now the level gives you enough time. With one destroyed, quickly go to the platform opposite the side where the missile came from (left missile, right platform, and vice versa), and jump over the missile with the technique in Wave 3. This should put you in the middle. The Not-So-Safe Way This is a cross between the Safe Way of this Wave and the Not-So-Safe Way of Wave 3. If you get an IE, destroy a missile with it, and jump over the remaining missile with the Wave 3 jump technique. If you get TE, then follow the steps from the Not-So-Safe Way of Wave 3. Specifically, "Try throwing TE's at missiles. If you hit a missile at a favorable angle, the TE will be blasted into the conveyor belt, giving you precious points. Try hitting the top or a corner. However, be warned. If the angle is wrong the TE could bounce into a platform and destroy it or you." Then, Wave 3 jump technique over the remaining missile. If you miss, use the two missile jump technique explained above. Wave 6 Holguin's arsenal: TE's IE's Missile's Wave structure: IE (I think) Missile x2, TE This is the very worst wave. It is awful. It is so hard it's practically unfair, and I though it was actually pretty cheap until I figured out some techniques. You may notice that is gives you 70 points per platform, even though the last gave you 50, and the pattern so far was to add by ten. Don't ask why. I don't know. Anyway... The level drops an IE on you. While you're wondering what to do with that, the level sends two missiles at you at the same time, from right and left. If you jump over 1, without destroying either, they collide in the middle of the level and destroy the middle platform. Therefore, if you value your middle platform, you have to destroy one of them. You can use your IE to do this, and chances are you destroy the one closest to you. But there's still one missile left, and this is where it gets a bit cheap. The game drops a TE onto a platform BEFORE THE MISSILES FINISH THEIR COURSE. That means that it's perfectly possible to have a missile crash into the TE and destroy the platform. You have an excruciatingly small amount of time to toss the TE because the missile is coming right at you, and that's if you have time at all (usually you are two far away). Even if you aren't, you don't even have time to toss the TE and you have to jump the missile holding the TE, which is very difficult because the TE weighs you down, and you have to stay on the same platform since the middle one is destroyed. So what do we do? What, oh what do we do? The Safe Way This way involves sacrificing one or two of your platforms, but you don't have to deal with TE troubles. When the IE comes, toss it (make sure it doesn't destroy a missile) and then stand on any platform but the middle. Jump over the missile coming towards you (don't change platforms, though), then let the missiles crash into each other. The middle platform gets destroyed, but so do both the missiles and when you get the TE you don't have to deal with one of them. Try hoping the TE will land on your platform so you can toss it and another platform won't get destroyed. Rinse and repeat. The Not-So-Safe Way I haven't found a better way than the safe way. Wave 7 Holguin's arsenal: ? TE's IE's Missile's ? Wave structure: ? IE, TE, Missile ? I don't know much about this one. The only time I reached it was when I had one platform left. All I can say is that there are missiles, IE's, and TE's. It starts of with an IE. All I can say is chuck it. A TE comes soon after. Destroy the missile with it, and gain some precious points. Or jump. Choice is yours. There could be other nasty surprises in this wave. I died soon in it, so I don't know. Oh, it gives you 100 points per platform. Huh. Please tell me if you find any typos or if you have any techniques to suggest. | 2012-09-20 04:48:00 Author: Kalawishis ![]() Posts: 928 |
You must be having fevered dreams by now! ![]() Nice but dense read, but may I suggest you further simplify the sections and make a bullet list at the top? It'll basically be repeating the information you've got laid out at the start of each section, but much briefer, like a table of contents for quick reference. This would be a good place to also pop in the glossary of terms like waves, "cooking", IE, TE, birds nest, etc. so this doesn't need to be included in the body text. For example, someone who has played the level 50 times might assume they're familiar with the level and skim down to Wave 5 because it's about the midway point of where they think they've survived to... so providing a clear little bullet list at the top will help them determine that's exactly where they need to be, without having to read into the first part. And then they also don't have to read the first part to get familiar with your abbreviations or descriptions, because their eyes already caught it in the table of contents. You know? ![]() | 2012-09-20 07:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Merged with existing thread | 2012-09-20 15:10:00 Author: Lady_Luck__777 ![]() Posts: 3458 |
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