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My Panzer III tank

Archive: 3 posts

Hey Guys i made another tank
its the PANZER 3 tank it's new though just published in SEPT,12, 2012 you can gain the tank by playing it the level is MY PANZER III (V.1.5), here are some reviews of it there all picture of it. the link are below in the pictures

Now here are some photos of it





now here is a here link for it and remember my PSN is SCHWITZER-1945 if you just wanna text search my level in LBP 2 http://lbp.me/v/feh69y/photos

Bye SCHWITZER-1945.... out
2012-09-06 10:56:00

Posts: 93

that tank looks pretty sweet! Nice work.2012-09-06 13:19:00

Posts: 8424

I will give this a try ASAP, it looks interesting.

EDIT: I really enjoy the tank. I'm not a big fan of the basic level templates but I'm assuming this is a tutorial for a larger piece? I just get that impression.

Edit x2: I forgot this was object showcase.
2012-09-09 04:19:00

Posts: 194

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