The Escape
Archive: 10 posts
http://lbp.me/v/fej-c8 My first LBP2 level! Feel free to send me a message to report bugs and/or leave feedback. Enjoy! ![]() Saturn Corporation, the leading innovator in sackbot programming and manufacturing, has been exploring in a new type of manufacturing, the manufacturing of artificially grown sackboys! You are Subject 43, Saturn Corporation's best creation and its worst nightmare. Confused and not knowing who you are, you can only think of doing one thing, ESCAPING! Can you escape out of Saturn corporation alive? Thanks to comphermc for the fonts and logic help via LBPlanetorials on youtube. (Please report bugs.)417364173741738 http://lbp.me/v/fej-c8 | 2012-09-03 03:25:00 Author: XboxSmasher007 ![]() Posts: 22 |
got it queued. here's your level link http://lbp.me/v/fej-c8 | 2012-09-03 03:45:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Whoa! Biorogue, you seriosuly queue every single level posted in any LBP fansite forum, don't you? How many levels have you got in that queue of yours? Oh: and consider this queued XboxSmasher! | 2012-09-03 03:51:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
I have 3 queues. One in game under my regular PSN and it has around 120 in the queue. I have a spread sheet with a around 250 levels queue there and I have an alternate PSN with about 25 levels queued there. Yes, I have problems and need help | 2012-09-04 19:28:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Cool little platform nice details it has a star wars filling to it. I made it up to the bath room and had no clue what to do next lol.http://id.lbp.me/img/fl/2cd6dd8c69c4c8240c735ab5342ed0ae579d7ba6.jpg | 2012-09-04 20:00:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
Thanks Lbphart3! I really appreciate the feedback. The bathroom area was supposed to be a "secret" area. To progress through the level go to the right (where the big door closed in the cutscene) and a cutscene will start. | 2012-09-05 03:16:00 Author: XboxSmasher007 ![]() Posts: 22 |
Your very welcome![]() ![]() | 2012-09-05 03:45:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
I played this the other day and really enjoyed it. Nice story with some cool effects. The level is designed well and the gameplay is pretty solid. I had one moment that messed up for me and I can't exactly remember where. It was at the top of a platform and a robotic platform came down and you had to grab the sponge hanging on it and it would lift you up. Well, it lifted me up but the camera stayed put so I didn't know where I was or what to do. I just started running to the right and eventually popped myself which triggered the camera to center back on me. Still, fun level that deserves more plays. great job on it. | 2012-09-10 19:46:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
really nice level... i hate the electricity part, but nice one mate | 2012-09-12 01:20:00 Author: HellYeah1982 ![]() Posts: 192 |
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm glad you all enjoyed it. And Biorogue I really wish I could look into that camera problem, but as of now, my PS3 just got the YLOD ![]() | 2012-09-14 03:16:00 Author: XboxSmasher007 ![]() Posts: 22 |
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