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My First Robots

Archive: 9 posts

I know they dont do much compared to other robots, but I think one looks cool and one has a pretty nice walking action with a tilt.
2012-09-02 10:14:00

Posts: 74

oooh, I like that yellow one! I looks Kick A! Are you doing like a Robot Rumble type level?2012-09-02 13:47:00

Posts: 8424

oooh, I like that yellow one! I looks Kick A! Are you doing like a Robot Rumble type level?
Thanks. Ive just improved on the others walk quite a bit..he talks too...and you can controllinate him as well. I may do a level where you shoot stuff, but once up against obstacles these lumbering things dont go far. I could tag em all up and do counters and have em explode after so many hits I guess. Anyway, go have a quick play, see what you think.
2012-09-02 23:30:00

Posts: 74

cool. May be a few days before I can. going to be a busy week for me. got it queued though.2012-09-03 01:23:00

Posts: 8424

It is a bit of a RUMBLE now....changed it....they can only destroy things that have been tagged up though.(each other at the moment) and they start far enough apart so you get to see the walking action of the tall one (the small one shuffles along really)2012-09-03 11:01:00

Posts: 74

They look cool. How are you handling the walk cycle? Can they walk over uneven terrain?2012-09-04 16:21:00

Posts: 2454

They look cool. How are you handling the walk cycle? Can they walk over uneven terrain?

These don't, no, but Ive just finished modifying the tall one so he/she/IT can walk upstairs and down again. I think it looks spooky..is this common? should I publish just that on its own?? I cant find anyone else thats done that so far...maybe I'm the first??
2012-09-04 17:03:00

Posts: 74

ooh, that is intriguing. It walks upstairs....in marvelous pairs everyone knows it's......sorry, the Slinky commercial popped into my head. No, but this sounds really cool and I do intend on checking them out. Just haven't gotten to them in my queue yet.2012-09-04 17:49:00

Posts: 8424

Queued there now. I like the look of the yellow one too.

Building robots is one of the things in lbp I could never quite get my head around.
2012-10-12 21:16:00

Posts: 258

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