Star Ocean the Last Hope
Archive: 5 posts
Ok so only like 10 minutes ago i found out a sequel to Star Ocean is being made! For those of you who dont know there was a star ocean game on PS2 that was so massive it was 2 disks long! It is an amazing RPG. And a sequel is coming to it. So is anyone else going to buy/rent it. and has anyone beaten the one on PS2. i have ![]() | 2009-01-11 07:06:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
no i want to see it now though, i watched previews and stuff pretty amazing, going to have to try the PS2 one out, let you know how it is. | 2009-01-12 02:09:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
Loved Star Ocean 3, but if I'm being perfectly honest, this one looks God awful from what I've seen and heard. Square-Enix have really lost all credit from me. | 2009-01-12 02:11:00 Author: UmJammerSully ![]() Posts: 1097 |
never heard of it | 2009-01-12 02:13:00 Author: Sonic5411 ![]() Posts: 712 |
Okay, I was getting Last Remnant and Star Ocean 4 mixed up for some reason (and I have Star Ocean 3 so that's shameful). Star Ocean 4, which I had not seen until now, is looking pretty **** good. As we all know though, characters are very important in RPG's and to me, the main characters are looking really...Meh. v=sgokmfdtxsE Cool theme. Glad to see Motoi is back. Wait, isn't this Xbox exclusive? I really hope not... | 2009-01-12 04:21:00 Author: UmJammerSully ![]() Posts: 1097 |
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