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T-Games NeXT - The most advanced portable MP4 console in all of LittleBigPlanet

Archive: 7 posts

Please note: Many of the pictures on this post have been outdated. However, the features that the pictures are presenting are still on the consoles, although it's likley that they may have be re-positioned or gained a new look.

The NeXT Generation has arrived...


This is the NeXT. The NeXT is a multimedia cartridge-based console. But what does that mean? Well, let me tell you.

Being a multimedia machine, it can play a wide range of media. Games, Photos, Music, Cutscenes and anything else.

Being cartridge based means that it runs all of this media off of cartridges. Cartridges, which the community make. We'll get into the making of cartridges later on in the post. For now I will talk about the console itself.

As you saw at the top of the post, this is the NeXT. As you can see, it has a number of microchips, and some microchips even have microchips inside of those microchips! I'll be going through what every single microchip does, so, lets start with the basics!

To turn a NeXT on, you activate the toggle located next to the microchip with the on/off symbol on it. As soon as it's turned on, it will display a customizable message, but at default it says "Welcome, User!", it will show the NeXT logo on the screen, and it will play an intro tune. This sequence takes 6 seconds to complete. Once the intro sequence has completed, it will ask very politely for a cartridge. Now, you can either place a cartridge in the cartridge slot, or you can turn off the console (which will make it display another customizable message that at default will say "Thankyou for using the T-Games NeXT!") , place the cartridge anywhere, then when it automatically goes into the slot, turn it on again. This is to prevent anything that should appear on the screen to not go flying off.

Once a cartridge has been inserted and the console has been turned on, the first file will instantly start to play. To flick through files in play mode, you activate then deactivate the toggles that are next to the next and previous symbols on either side of the screen. You can also shuffle files by activating then deactivating the toggle next to the microchip with the shuffle symbol on it. To enter preview mode, hole down L1, L2, R1 and R2 until you hear a 'ding'. It will say "Loading preview mode..." for three seconds. After that, the rim of the screen will start to fade in and out, and the lights around the cartridge slot will start to do a criss-cross pattern. This is a clear indication that you are in preview mode. Preview mode displays a preview of all the apps on the cartridge that has been inserted without the files actually playing. You can flick through the preview of the files by getting into the controllinator on the far left, and moving the left joystick (L3) left and right. If you see an app you like hold down L1, L2, R1 and R2 until another 'ding' can be heard, and 'Loading Play Mode...' will show for 3 seconds. Now you are in play mode. The rim of the screen will stop flashing, and the lights around the cartridge slot will light up according to how many players are inside the consoles controllinators. Remember, you can always go back into preview mode by holding down L1, L2, R1 and R2.

There are much more options in the options menu, which is the microchip with the spanner on it, that is located at the bottom of the left side bar of the console.

This is what the inside of that microchip looks like:
From left to right:

Reset application: This shuts down the app and stops all processes, then boots up the app and re-starts everything under 0.5 seconds, resetting the app that was running.

Volume: To toggle the volume of the console, toggle the counter underneath the microchip with the - and + symbols on it in the numbers of the 10 times table. The volume will adjust accordingly.

Memory card space detector: Check if an inserted memory card has data on it or not.

Memory card clearer: Completley wipe any memory from your memory card.

Wireless override: Once activated, you may notice that toggling the toggle next to the on/off microchip no longer works. This is because once activated the NeXT will only turn on when it is given a signal from a tag. This allows for gadgets to take advantage of the NeXT, and do some nifty things with it.

Trophies: If activated, and the app that is being activated in the cartridge in the slot of the same NeXT has trophies enabled, then it will activated them. We'll speak more about trophies in the cartridge section of the post.

Intro/outro message: Customize the intro/outro message that is displayed when the console is turned on and off.

The NeXT microchip we'll be looking at is the play styles one.
As you can see there is a selector that activates only one of the microchips on the board. Basiclly, when you have sequenced music in a music app, you are reccomended to add a tag that is supplied in the cartridge at the end of the sequencer. When that tag is activated at the end of a song, this menu decides what happens. The first option is play in order. When the song is ended, the NeXT automaticlly switches to the next song. The next option is shuffle. Whenever a song is finished, the NeXT automaticlly shuffles to the next song. The last option is loop. This makes it so that once a song is finished, it loops the song again.

The last microchip that is on the console is the one with the silouettes of two sackboys on it.
When opened, it looks like this:
This is basiclly the Nintendo DS Download play of NeXT. Although an app can support up to 4 players on one console, it can also support up to 4 players on 4 consoles. Whoever has the cartridge is player one, whoever activated the sackboy face with a 2 on it microchip on this menu is player two, whoever activates the sackboy with a 3 on it microchip on this menu is player three, and whoever activates the sackboy with a 4 on it microchip on this menu is player four. It doesn't matter where in the level the four consoles are, they will still connect to eachother. This allows four players to play a game with eachother, each sharing their own screen.


The NeXT Shadow is a NeXT without nearly all of the features besides the main ones and the most used ones. This creates a thermo-friendly NeXT which cuts down on considerable amount of thermo space, and is great for demonstration levels.


The NeXT MP3 is similar to a NeXT Shadow, apart from it can only play music files from the NeXT, and only has the features helpful for music. As a result, you get an oober-lightweight, thermo friendly music player!


The NeXT Ubique is a first in LBP2 consoles. It's a new category of gaming. If you're good with latin, you'll know that Ubique means everywhere, which is exactly what NeXT Ubique is. NeXT Ubique uses the whole level as it's screen. It has no limits, it's its own thing. It is... the NeXT Generation.


The NeXT mini is a first in LBPV consoles. It's the first ever Multi-Media machine ever to have been built and published on LBPV. It is not currently as advanced as the NeXT, but the main features are there and the console is being worked on.

To read more about the T-Games NeXT mini, click here. (http://www.littlebigplanetarium.com/topic/6976-t-games-next-mini-the-most-advanced-portable-mp4-console-in-all-of-littlebigplanet-vita/)

It may be weird to get used to at first, but once you get used to it it's very simple. The files for it are almost identical to the Development cartridges for the NeXT so it's even easier to use. To turn it on, get into controllinator 1. If you get in the controllinator and insert a cartridge, then the cartridge will play. If you then exit the Ubique, it will stay on until you remove the cartridge, so you can insert a music file, get in, out, then you can leave it playing away in the background, like a NeXT, NeXT MP3 or NeXT Shadow.

Now, I'm going to talk about creating a cartridge.
(The NeXT looks different in these demonstation pictures, that's because the pictures above this section were taken after the v1.4 update, which featured a big design change)

Creating a cartridge is really easy. To start off, place a NeXT and make sure it's off, then get out either 'Blank Folder [Original]' or a 'Blank Folder [Development]' and make sure it travels to the cartridge slot of the NeXT. Both of these folders have different techniques in cartridge creating, so I will go through the simpler one first, Original.

The original empty folder is blue. Open it up to reveal this menu:
The microchip with the red spanner isn't important. You should never go inside a microchip with a red spanner. However, microchips with a blue spanner contain very useful things. The blue spanner on this menu contains a microchip that needs to be placed on EVERYTHING that you emit on to the screen, so that when the NeXT is shut off, all the contents that are on the screen are cleared.

The middle-left microchip contains the subtitle that is shown when the cartridge boots up, and the sound that plays with it. The middle-right cartridge is where all the magic happens. This is the application management file, applications are what your cartridge runs off, and are the very things you edit to contain what you want. You will see that in this application management file, there is a selector, a red wire, and a microchip with 4 squares with 'A' on each one. This is the application palette. This contains all 5 types of applications: Game, Music, Photo, Cutscene and other.

This is a picture of the folder, application management and application palette microchips open:
Say, for example, you want it so when the next turns on you want it to play some music, you get the music application from the application palette, put it on the application management and wire the first port of the selector to it (that is, if you want multiple apps in one folder. If you ONLY wanted that music application on that folder, and no other apps, then wire the red wire above the selector up to the music file).

This is how to set up each application:

When you open any app, you'll be presented with something that looks like this:
This is the option to edit either the apps preview mode option or play mode options. You'll understand more when reading this:

Music Application

Music apps are really easy to set up. Just place the music app, wire it up to the main selector, open it, open up the 'edit preview mode options' and follow the instructions in there, then open up the 'play mode options' and place the music piece in the marked out area, wire it up to the marked out node, edit the subtitle, and if it's a music sequencer, add the 'change app' tag to the end of the music, and that's it. Now whenever the NeXT plays that app, the song will play and for 3 seconds it will display the name of the song via subtitles. Then, if you followed the instructions about it being a sequenced music piece, then it will either skip to the next track, shuffle songs or loop the song again, depending on what you set it to do in the 'play styles' microchip on the left of the console.

Picture Application

To set up a picture file, get your picture, put it on some hologram or sticker panel, make sure to put the self destruct chip on the picture, and emit it from the emitter in the picture files 'play mode options' microchip.. Now edit the subtitle in the 'preview mode options' and the 'play mode options' microchip, and you're done. Now whenever the NeXT plays that app, the picture will show until the next app has been selected, and will constantly show a subtitle for the duration of the picture being on the screen.

Software Application

To set up a software file, edit the subtitle in the preview mode options and the play mode options of the software app to the name of the custom microchip, and wire up your custom microchip to the node inside the software apps play mode options, and you're done.

Game Application

These apps are a little more complicated. Open it up and you can tweak a preview of the app in the preview mode options, but the real stuff is in the play mode options. In the play mode options for the game app you can see that you can emit your game in the emitter, but there are also a few more options. You can add trophies to your game, and if you have a memory card inserted, it automatically saves trophy progress for that app. There is also a custom save data for the game app, which you can also edit inside the apps play mode options microchip. The last option is download play. On the NeXT, one game app can be played across 4 machines. In here you emit a screen, attatch your game that you want to be on a certain players screen, then capture and emit that from the other emitter. You do this for all 4 screens (if you want, it doesn't have to be compatible for up to 4 screens. It can be up to 3, 2, or just one, like most games). That's it. If you want it to be a simple game, you just need to emit your game from the main emitter in the play mode options.

Cutscene Application

Cutscene apps are really easy to set up. Edit the options in the preview options, then just open up the play mode options, and edit the movie camera and the emitter, and maybe the subtitle, wire it up to the main selector, and you're done.

There can be up to 100 of any app in any order on one folder. Enabling you to have a playlist of your favourite music, photos, games and microchips all in one cartridge.

Here's an example of a collection of some apps in one folder:

Here's an example of what to do if you only want one app in a folder:

This is a picture of the NeXT memory card:

This is a picture of the NeXT remote controller:



As of update v1.5 for the NeXT, the NeXT is able to support 'Accessories'. Accessories are chips that have the potential to Modify the NeXT to do what the user wants it to do. The user can force the NeXT (that the accessory is inserted into) to stop/disable/delay etc processes and add processes. The user is given a supply of tags and tag sensors to add in any feature they want. Using these Accessories, they can make a NeXT have a menu system for example, or make it so that as soon as you turn on the NeXT, it skips the intro/outro screen and immediatley plays the cartridge. Accessories only work with the T-Games NeXT v1.5 and above and the T-Games NeXT Shadow v1.5 and above.

T-Games NeXT Console Updates

[Update v1.2 - Added ability to check if an inserted memory card has savedata on it or not. Now you can control application reset when wireless override is enabled. Changed most of the icons throughout the console and cartridge.]
[Update v1.3 - Added Snapshot mode, hold down x and R1 for 3secs to take a picture! T&C Chips added, Re-built preview mode - now only accessible by holding all shoulder buttons for 3 seconds, Removed quick update, changed download play icons, added 'wipe memory card', fixed next sound not working, added runtime error, fixed text timed wrong, fixed reset app not resetting, fixed backlight not working, added player follower for remote, changed pos. of shuffle & reset, fixed text saying 'Quadratum'.]
[Update v1.4 - Big design change. Changed intro/outro text, tune and screen. Made screen bigger so that it is even. Made screen more 3D by making the walls of the screen black and by sticking out the rim.]
[Update v1.4.1 - Added a 'loading' tune when waiting for a cartridge to be inserted and fixed a hole in the screens holographic border
[Update v1.5 - Added 'Accessories' (basically a modding API for the NeXT that allows the user to manipulate the NeXT's processes, add processes and even completley change the user interface, also changed credits that were wrongly credited]
[Update v1.6 - Added 7 more memory card compartments to the memory card (giving a total of 8), and added a switch to the console to cycle through the compartments. Removed 24 tags from the console. Changed Memory Card icon. Organised the 'Other Options' menu by added 'Accessory Options' and 'Memory Card Options'. Added ability to disable the inserted Accessory (only works with the v1.1 Accessories). Added full-screen mode to the console, so that it seems like the NeXT is playing through the TV (like a lower resolution Ubique). Added 'Play Styles' to the remote. Added Subtitles and Sounds to Play Styles. Delayed cartridge activation to prevent screen overlay. Changed the default Cartridge Boot-Up image. Removed all echo from start up and shut down tunes. Tweaked start up and shut down default messages. Changed 'Trophies' icon. Added 'Pause' and 'Tip's feature. Removed Development Destroyer. Shortened auto-shutdown time. Renamed 'Applications' to 'Files'. Changed all the 'Files' icons.]
[Update v1.6 r2 - Added 'Legal Notice' to consoles.]
[Update v1.6.1 - Added Controllinator 1 Direct-Control, Re-Organised On/Off Cartridge, Added On/Off Toggle Tag Conversion Point For Logic.]
[Update v1.6.2 - Fixed 'Previous' Direct-Control Function. Moved Preview/Play Mode into the Direct-Control Menu as the before method clashed with Direct-Control compatibility.]

[u]T-Games NeXT MP3 Updates

[Update v1.0.2 - Added iconic Blue circle to the cartridge slot.]
[Update v1.1 - Changed design to fit with the new NeXT v1.4 design.]
[Update v1.2 - Updated 'Shuffle' icon, re-added subtitles and sounds to 'Play Styles' (which were previously accidently removed in an update), added 'Console Updates' and 'Credits' to the console. Removed Development Destroyer. Replaced old volume logic with new logic that doesn't take up as much thermo.]

[u]T-Games NeXT Ubique Updates

[Update v1.1 - Added 'Dashboard', this hosts the slot for the new 'Ubique Accessories' and 'Ubique Memory Cards', as well as being where the 'Other Options' and 'Play Styles' menu is. 'Other Options' hosts the 'Next' 'Previous' 'Shuffle' 'Reset Application' 'Trophy Activation' and 'Volume' options, most of which were and still are accessible through Controllinator 1, but harder to access. Tidied up Ubique Cartridge. Added 'Console Updates' and 'Credits' to the console. Tweaked the Folder and the Console to prefer activating with Ubique Folders/Consoles to try and prevent people trying to play ordinary NeXT games on the NeXT Ubique, as they will not work. Removed Development Destroyer.]

[u]What do you get in the hub?
?T-Games NeXT Console v1.5
?T-Games NeXT Shadow Console v1.5
?T-Games NeXT Ubique v1.0.1
?T-Games NeXT MP3 v1.1
?T-Games NeXT Empty Folder [Original]
?T-Games NeXT Empty Folder [Development]
?T-Games NeXT Accessory Chip
?T-Games NeXT Ubique Empty Folder
?T-Games NeXT Remote Controller
?T-Games NeXT Memory Card
?LittleBigPlanet 2 Story Mode Soundtrack
?LittleBigPlanet Story Mode Soundtrack
?T-Games Game Collection
?How to use the NeXT v1.5
?How to use the NeXT Ubique v1.0.1

[u]Full list of features
?User Friendly - Everything is explained within the console, but if you don't understand it, you can get the 'How to use NeXT' object from the hub.
?Users can create their own media for the NeXT using 'Empty Folders'
?Users can create Mods for the NeXT using 'Empty Accessory Chips'
?Local - Unlike the GameExpo and Quadratum, the on/off tags, destroyer tags and next/previous tags are local, so that if you have two NeXT's out, both can play different applications seperatley, without any disruption.
?Download play - Not only can you play with up to four people on one console, but you can also play one game on up to four consoles, allowing for each player to have their own screen, whilst also playing together.
?Trophies - Games on the NeXT are able to have trophy support.
?Memory cards - Games can sava data onto memory cards.
?Memory card trophy savedata - Memory cards have a separate savadata to automatically save trophy data.
?Check if the inserted memory card has anything saved on it.
?Format (Completley Wipe) your memory card from the console.
?Decide how your music plays after a song - automatically skip track, shuffle or loop
?Change the volume
?Allow other accessories to control the NeXT when wireless override is on
?Preview mode - View the contents on your folder without playing the contents on it
?Custom intro message and outro message
?Reset switch - You can wipe the screen and reset the app that is playing in case of issues, or if you just want to reset the game.

Logic - Tardisbill
Design - Lionfish-swarm29 [i](with edits by Tardisbill)
Concept - ZeusinTraining & Tardisbill
Various stickers - Chunky104
Some memory card logic and some NeXT MP3 logic - Robbit10

NeXT & NeXT MP3 Beta testers: bagheadinc, lionfish-swarm29, iamgoofball, mariofan24, chunky104, multiscar, crusher1007, robbit10

The Ubique and Shadow did have a beta, but they were never given beta testers, sorry about that.

In the Ubique's beta, it was originally themed the same as the old NeXT's and NeXT MP3's, but, a few days before released, gained a big design change to look like it is now, so that it fits in with the NeXT, NeXT Shadow and NeXT MP3.

The T-Games NeXT and T-Games NeXT MP3 were both officially released to the public on the 21st of August 2012, at 9:32am.

The T-Games NeXT Ubique and T-Games NeXT Shadow were both officially released to the public on the 9th of November, 2012 at 3:51pm.

LBP.ME LINK: http://lbp.me/v/d0eegq

Under Development:

NeXT Dual (Under Development)
A NeXT for Cross-Controller compatibility. Comes in two parts, One: NeXT Touch Reciever (either going to be an accessory for the NeXT or a new console, if the latter then a re-name will take place) and Two: NeXT Touch Transmitter (re-name will take place if re-name takes place for the NeXT Touch Reciever). Basically the Touch Transmitter is on the ps vita, and it fills the whole screen of the vita. It senses if you've touched it, and where you've touched it. It then sends that signal to the NeXT Touch Reciever on the PS3, and places a 'Ghost Tag' (from the Tag Radar) to the corresponding place on the NeXT screen that the NeXT Touch Reciever is inserted into. This may sound very complicated, but basically: If you tap the top left of the screen on the vita, a tag will appear on the top left screen of the NeXT on the PS3, etc.
2012-08-27 21:46:00

Posts: 58

Deleted comment2012-11-09 19:44:00

Posts: 58

Added information about the latest updates!2012-12-03 20:56:00

Posts: 58

Yeah, the update log is quite big now... xD However, that just shows how much work and effort is being put into this console! 2013-07-12 08:06:00

Posts: 58

Wow guys, this is so outdated! Really sorry about that.
I'll attempt at re-writing it this weekend, as this was last updated when NeXT hit v1.6.2. That was almost a year ago, and NeXT is very different now. Infact, the v2.1 update is currently under development, and is the biggest update yet.
2014-02-27 21:14:00

Posts: 58

Yeah, ive been folllowing your work since planetarium!!2014-02-28 23:19:00

Posts: 611

Really?:o That's impressive! Why not post something on my profile?2014-07-24 12:34:00

Posts: 58

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