2 lvls that need feedback
Archive: 2 posts
hi, i've got 2 lvls that i would like feedback on, one is called lost in the house the main story theme is your sackboy has come out of lbp and he's lost in a big house and you need to get him back to the ps3. the 2nd lvl is called the templa treasure main story theme is your a treasure hunter looking for the biggest treasure known to sackboy, you have to follow the clues and dodge the traps to find it, i personally don't think the're amazing lvls as i'm still learning how to create things but i would like feedback on here or in game to know what i should be improving on, thanks in advanced to the people who try it. | 2009-01-11 04:41:00 Author: ash crew elite ![]() Posts: 13 |
Sorry dude! I did the wrong level ![]() Lost in the house You use some of the MM made objects well Music is nice in certain areas (good variety) Nice humour, I love the cat! You've made parts well, such as the wardrobe. Improvements Well, half the time I find myself running long distances getting bored rather than actually getting to a good obstacle - maybe make it a little smaller? Also there are areas that need more guidance, for instance when you jump down from the ledge, theres two pots of gas at the bottom, really frustrating when you cant see something like that, maybe adjust it so you can see them prior to jumping. Custom Custom Custom, make your own obstacles! I'm not saying there's anything wrong with using MM made items (There isnt!), but once in a while its nice to make your own devices with your own shapes ![]() Lighting - Too often in your level, it's like looking at the same thing over and over, why not adjust the scene lighting, and add more colours in, groove it up a little ![]() That's all I can say for now, ill add more later ![]() | 2009-01-11 13:20:00 Author: Aphroman ![]() Posts: 18 |
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