Playing with other players
Archive: 7 posts
Unlike lbp2, where I ALWAYS get the sign telling me that a request to join a particular party has been put in, lbp1 never does...or seldom...even if fifty plus people are playing, it just chucks me straight in on my own. I noticed that the 'manage players' sign when I look in settings, has a line through it. Is this anything to do with it? Why is there a line through that anyway...and how do I change it? FB | 2012-08-27 18:42:00 Author: futureboy ![]() Posts: 74 |
I believe there would be the line if you're not on-line with anyone and I might be wrong with the next one but if you're on-line with someone then it might be because you're following them? I think I'm right with at least the first suggestion! | 2012-08-30 02:54:00 Author: Chris---Kristy ![]() Posts: 83 |
I believe there would be the line if you're not on-line with anyone and I might be wrong with the next one but if you're on-line with someone then it might be because you're following them? I think I'm right with at least the first suggestion! Oh, Ive never really looked at that WHILST playing online because I've been too busy playing the game...but thats the problem....It never joins me with anyone anymore...or even asks them....I certainly dont get a sign that they ARE being asked...or even a refusal...I just get thrown in games on my own...even though I clicked the option to 'play online' (ie, NOT 'play on my own&apos ![]() | 2012-08-30 08:47:00 Author: futureboy ![]() Posts: 74 |
You might want to check you pause menu and make sure you don't have the option to play on-line by yourself checked off... | 2012-08-30 17:26:00 Author: Chris---Kristy ![]() Posts: 83 |
You might want to check you pause menu and make sure you don't have the option to play on-line by yourself checked off... Pause menu?? you gotta be kidding me? hang on...thats the start button isnt it? thats when I get the menu with the manage players title crossed out....no options to play by oneself that I can see. where do you mean exactly? I'm sure I would have seen something if it was that obvious. | 2012-08-30 23:41:00 Author: futureboy ![]() Posts: 74 |
Pause menu start menu same thing! So hit start and go to "setting" and in the "online play" the first option is "when I play a level that has others playing it" you have to the choice to "play on your own" "ask each time" or "join them" EDIT: Sorry the information was for LBP2... In LBP1 I get the same thing... Select "Play On-line" and never are joined with anyone just myself... If you hangout at the beginning of the level for a minute or two someone is usually joined in! | 2012-08-30 23:59:00 Author: Chris---Kristy ![]() Posts: 83 |
Pause menu start menu same thing! So hit start and go to "setting" and in the "online play" the first option is "when I play a level that has others playing it" you have to the choice to "play on your own" "ask each time" or "join them" EDIT: Sorry the information was for LBP2... In LBP1 I get the same thing... Select "Play On-line" and never are joined with anyone just myself... If you hangout at the beginning of the level for a minute or two someone is usually joined in! I was going to say!!! this is a posting on the lbp1 slot...I couldnt understand what you were saying, coz all i get in that menu is....music player/display settings/audio settings/profile settings/web privacy settings/re-read EULA and Credits.....no 'online play'....ah well....back to the drawing board. | 2012-09-01 10:02:00 Author: futureboy ![]() Posts: 74 |
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