lvl creating problem
Archive: 3 posts
i've made a big elevator that i want to be activated by a switch and once it's activated i want the switch to disappear, i've seen this in a lvl already and on that lvl there was dissolve attached to a boat, when you grabbed the dissolve it disappeared and the boat activated, how was this done ? | 2009-01-11 04:07:00 Author: ash crew elite ![]() Posts: 13 |
Put a grab switch on the dissolve, and attach it to the dissolve. Put a magnetic key onto the dissolve. Put the matching switch nearby (not on the dissolve) ad set it to be "inverted" and attach it to whatever you want to run. If you are making an elevator you will want to make sure the mag switch it set to directional. Also note that winches and pistons extend by default when an attached switch is in the "on" position. So when the player grabs the dissolve it will disappear and so will the key, turning "on' the switch which will change the direction the elevator is traveling. | 2009-01-11 08:33:00 Author: Trader Sam ![]() Posts: 92 |
thanks for ur answer it really helped | 2009-01-12 00:02:00 Author: ash crew elite ![]() Posts: 13 |
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