Archive: 12 posts
Sorry for the double post noobnish, I failed on reading :kz: the F4F post and think its a really good idea. ![]() Instead of making a level I made a game this attempt. Just grab a plunk (or little sponge ball if ya wanna call it that) and hurl yourself down the game board while aiming for the high score. I'd love to hear any comments and/or suggestions and I will be surfing other F4F post. level: Sack-plunk By: Ozwald_the_cat | 2009-01-11 02:32:00 Author: Ozwald_the_cat ![]() Posts: 45 |
oh goody I love minigame type levels - I'll be sure to try it and post my review up tomorrow If you want to F4F you can do the one in my sig, but you dont have to - and especially before I review yours so..im gunna go try it | 2009-01-11 02:59:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
This was a fun little level, short, but fun. Not very hard to get the '25'. Also I got the Hi-Score. only person to play it too ![]() | 2009-01-11 03:11:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
Good little level, But it is a bit easy to get to the 25 mark - perhaps add more obstacles along the way? Especially things like moving Platforms or other things than cant be judges easily also twice the Plunk got caught on the flipper over the 25's and popped - stopping me get any score at all but with a little work this is an easily enjoyable level - keep it up! | 2009-01-11 15:17:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
Very good level. A great idea, especially with the small amount of user-generated minigames. It is a little too easy to get to (or near) the 25's, though. Maybe add a few more of the things that rotate and block the 25's. | 2009-01-11 16:30:00 Author: Sackdragon ![]() Posts: 427 |
Hey, I've just played your level! It's really well made ![]() ![]() | 2009-01-11 19:41:00 Author: Aphroman ![]() Posts: 18 |
Hey Aphroman, great idea about the darkness, I started playing around with it and will have a new Disco Sack-plunk version soon. So I have some feedback questions for anyone who has time to answer: Feedback questions: 1. Is it too easy to score big? I've done at least 50 games testing it and never got a perfect score, so if its too easy proved it with a nice high score ![]() 2. Is what to do explained enough? I figured most people don't read cut scenes so I tried to have as few as possible. 3. Does your plunk getting destroyed by the sweeper ok or suck too much? I left it as part of the risk/reward of going for the big points but I kinda feel ripped off when it happens to me and I made the silly thing! Thanks for any and all feedback Ozwald_the_cat | 2009-01-12 04:38:00 Author: Ozwald_the_cat ![]() Posts: 45 |
I published a working version of Disco sack-plunk so if anyone wants to throw me feedback on either or even better both and tell me which you like better that would be awesome. It takes less then 2 minutes to play either game-level so your getting good F4F value ![]() Ozwald_the_cat | 2009-01-12 06:16:00 Author: Ozwald_the_cat ![]() Posts: 45 |
Finally got around to playing your level! I have to say, for such a simple concept it carries a lot of entertainment value. Very addictive. I got close to topping your top score, but I stopped at 7100. No real cons, just simple fun. I look forward to seeing your future works. So I hearted you. <3 | 2009-01-12 08:55:00 Author: Robbie ![]() Posts: 41 |
Hey, I've played and hearted your new version and it's a massive improvement! One thing I would say is to improve the lighting in areas such as the big winch thing at the start, and when your going down to the point parts. | 2009-01-12 18:11:00 Author: Aphroman ![]() Posts: 18 |
Just played your level, which i really enjoyed. The only two things i noticed were that the sound effects for 25 and 1 are triggered at different points and was wondering why... I suppose it wouldn't really matter but the 1 point sections trigger at the top of the slot, the 25 at the bottom so hoping in the 25 slot triggers the crowd just steppin in, but the 1 slot you have to jump... small detail but it seems more efficient with the method of the 1 slot. The only other friendly recommendation is to shorten the reach of some of the lights at the top, you did a really great job on your disco ball but with so many and the reach so high it makes you a little sick... the concept, and game are great through, i hearted it myself and plan on playing it some more. Did you consider having the user collect his prizes all at once and possibly on the right side or do the bubbles have a time to live? Overall i truly enjoyed the level, hope my feedback helps. | 2009-01-12 21:07:00 Author: jamisonfitz ![]() Posts: 7 |
Hey all, Thanks for the feedback and the encouragment, keeps me wanting to tinker with it further. Apro "improve the lighting in areas such as the big winch thing at the start, and when your going down to the point parts." Good call, I published it before I was 100% happy with the lighting but couldn't put my finger on what I was missing. I'll work on those parts. JamisonFitz "i noticed were that the sound effects for 25 and 1 are triggered..." Yeah the sound effects need work, I kinda cut corners on the 25 and 1 cheers since they are just proximited driven sounds. I wanted them to go off when you scored but didn't know how when I was making it so just left them, I think I can figure it out with a little tinkering. JamisonFitz "really great job on your disco ball but with so many and the reach so high it makes you a little sick" Haha, yeah. I kinda screwed up my first disco ball try, then the 2nd I wasn't able the shrink small enough to get it to fit so when I had a working one I put it every where it would fit. I'll for sure look at them again when I have the other areas lit up. Jamisonfitz "Did you consider having the user collect his prizes all at once..." I put the prize in the way so first time people would understand whats happening and not just think its stupid after 1 jump and leave. But as you asked the points dont have a life span, I'm not telling ya exactly how but you could prolly get a higher mulitplier if you are tricky. Again, thanks for any and all feedback, keep it coming and now, back to tinkering, Oz | 2009-01-12 21:43:00 Author: Ozwald_the_cat ![]() Posts: 45 |
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