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life like cars for little big planet two?

Archive: 2 posts

have you ever:
wanted more life like cars in little big planet2?
to feel more realistic.
to drive more authentic.

i made a highly advanced logic, i've made cars,trucks, and at the moment i'm working on moter bikes.
with a smart logic system, you can turn on and off the vehicle with X ( the ignition ) change gears like: Park,neutral,reverse and drive. and even manually or automatically shift up and down in gears!
~Full working head and tail lights
~Change layers
~Authentic sounds
~Easy or advanced use
~Understandable settings that follow the vehicle showing you whats going on
~openable hoods and trucks
~4x4 or AWD settings on most vehicles

you can shift up and down manually or automatically or even tilt the dual shock controller to shift!
( i call it tilt shiftin'! )
just tilt up while holding the clutch to up shift or tilt down while holding the clutch to down shift.

like i said there is a in level tutorial to show you the ropes!

i have about 5 made vehicles that i'm giving away at my dealership, look up super_whale15
or go to my little big planet page and check out my levels >> http://lbp.me/u/super_whale15 <<

This is just the beginning!
Many many more vehicles will be coming your way,

for the longest time i have been wanting to make moter bikes as well, you will be seeing more of those too!
recently i have made a amazing suspension system for moter bikes.

i love to recreate actual vehicles but i will make some random ones as well.
every vehicle will come with the tutorial sack bots just encase you forget how to do something.

i hope you all will love the vehicles! there will be more coming soon!
..its like my favorite thing to do in little big planet2 is to make cars so.. i will never stop making them ^_^

well happy trails!.
2012-08-24 18:53:00

Unknown User

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Since you have now posted this in the Level Showcase section and duplicate threads aren't allowed, I'm going to lock this one.
2012-08-25 02:22:00

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